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A member registered Dec 29, 2023

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Do whatever is best for you :D You've made some unique and fun games.

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LAGS! I'm happy to see you're working on this game again. Hailey is fun, but I also really like this one! good luck to you and I hope thing go smoothly

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Level 8. black screen when entering. no animation shop lady either, checked the appdata in locallow, level unlocked is 18

LAGS comments almost every day. Wtf are you smoking


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I think I would purchase it if the CGs were animated; I just can't get off with static CGs. This isn't to say the art is bad; it's fantastic. The gameplay is solid, and the pixel animations are also excellent!

Thanks for clarifying!

if you do wanna see the gallery, you can download the version that has the galllery

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Your games are really fun compared to others! Don't sell yourself short. this is great work, and you're really active within your community, too, which is a plus! <3

Is there somewhere to donate, friend? I'll chip in a bit <3

you're sure you rescued all of the girls in haileys?

These are the levels you can play, just those 3

Thunder girl scene is bugged . after starting the capture process, the character and ghost move off-screen as if the samurai girl used her special move, and then the game soft locks. As a compliment, though, the rest of the game has been totally bug-free for me. Great job!

goot point 😉❤️

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TBH, play the .6.3 version if you want the full experience. but .7 for the annie gameplay and you'll have a better time I think I like LAGS whole collection, lustful spirit hunt is fun too

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These are the Annie levels that are playable. You will get a black screen if you click the X'ed out levels. As LAGS stated, those levels aren't made yet. To unlock Annie's gameplay, you have to find the captured girls on levels 3, 8, 13, and 15. the girls are not visible until you complete level 11, so you'll need to backtrack. Once you save them all, Go to the main menu, then extras, and you'll see Annie's gameplay!

This is a copy of the map from the game!

Your English was decent enough, and this helped a lot. The only part I don't understand is  "for Annie you only need that the girl that is seen when you press the letter Q is not there".

level 3 buddy. jump while pressing against the left wall of the treasure chest. enjoy.

if you wanna watch the gallery, you can downgrade to the 0.6.3 version LAGS hasn't included it in the .7 version yet

LSH was so fun too, I hope he fixes thundergirl because I can't get her anim due to a bug :c

.7 came out a few days ago, PC only. it adds the sister's adventure after you find and rescue  the four hidden girls

Great work on this last update! I wanted a reason to return to HTA and now I have it! thanks!!!

the animation menu is gone for now until next update

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I love how all of his games are connected! Who would expect lore in a porn game, it's pretty great.

What are you talking about? At the time of your comment he had spoken about the outfit voting. Just 3 days prior. And is talking today.

I literally made an account just to make this comment: you're doing great! I've taken some time to play your catalogue and the thing that stands out is your games are actually fun to play. Thanks for your dedication to your craft. I wish you all the best in the new year 🥳😀💆‍♂️