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Report Bug Here... Sticky

A topic by Puipuipui123 created Dec 09, 2022 Views: 37,435 Replies: 353
Viewing posts 1 to 131
(2 edits) (+1)(-2)

When placed laser motion detector, sometimes the detector shows the laser-projected ghost figure is moving the opposite way the ghost is moving/facing towards.

If you look closely at this pic, the laser apparition and the ghost is facing/moving the opposite direction.

Developer (2 edits) (+1)(-1)

It's done on purpose. Other ghost are not visible when they interact with it so it doesn't look that odd. I wanna really appreciate your efforts for finding right audios for me. It was not scary before but with those sound effect it is now.

Not sure if this is a bug or not, but Bloody Mariam instakilled me despite not taking all my health.

Scenario was this: 

First time hunting Bloody Mariam, read through the entry but didn't take note that she was supposed to be taken out with the dagger and I thought it was the Dark Mirror instead. 

So I was running around to the mirrors trying to use the Dark Mirror, ran into her in the bathroom mirror and got grabbed, but then it caused me to instantly lose and i went into the failed contract screen (got greatly reduced cash rewards) after the animation finished even though it looked like I still had health left. 

I was carrying the Dark Mirror, Incense Stick, and the Audio Recorder. I wasn't able to switch to or use the Incense Stick to get out of the grab. 

She grabbed me right as I used the Dark Mirror to flash (I pressed F)

Health was full, but Fear was also max as well.

Difficulty was on Easy.

Really enjoying this so far, animations and gameplay is solid and its actually gotten me startled a few times 

Developer (1 edit)

Yes, you get failed mission for using wrong banishment tools on a ghost. Candles are exception to that as they are also part of a objective. Only Wendy can be hurt by multiple tools.

I just wanted to chime in and compliment you... I think this game is a great idea and it's great for this time of year. It's going to be awesome for Halloween 2023!! I think this is your most challenging. most rewarding one yet. ^_^ 
I still can't capture Kupper lol and I got lucky with Bloody Mariam. Wish we could get them while they are haunting as long as we have the proper ghost selected in the journal and the appropriate tool in hand...
Great game though. I already love it! We need more like it lol. Ghost girls are great! 😄This is done right. Thanks for putting your love into it. 


To capture both ghost's you must be in ghost room before hunt starts. As soon as, you see 'Hunting' or 'Fuck Time' text (depending on language) you have 5 secs to capture Kupper and 3 to capture Bloody Mariam before they go on a hunt. You will find them in a generic modela and will not move for that time.

In v.0.6, I have made it so that you can catch Kupper or Countlanak if you failed to catch them at initial stage. You will need a incense stick for the job. For Kupper, place two candle 2m (in game unit, characters height is 1.8m) apart and and lure a ghost there. Once it's near the first candle burn an incense by standing in between both candles. If done correctly it should be captured. For Countlanak, use incense when she is chasing you on a hunt. If used correctly she will stop for 2 seconds, where you can strike her with the dagger.

(1 edit)

Noticed a bug that hasn't been reported:

The speed slider will not work properly in the ghost animation gallery if using the mouse and pointer to change the speed. The animation speed will not increase using that method. 

When using W, or S to change the animation speed it works just fine though. 


Thank you for reporting it, will have it fixed in the upcoming update.

How can i cheat inside the game can you explain to me

Repeating Video Camera screen bug,

I own three video cameras in total, got all three of them placed in three different areas in the same hallway, but somehow the computer shows there are four operating video cameras. The first and the fourth are the same video camera screen.

Details: The ghost is Kountilanak, the ghost room is in the hallways, right outside of Lucy's room. No debugs are used. Placed three video cameras in the mentioned hallway.

Secret Camera 1 and Secret Camera 4 are repeated.


Thank you, for reporting this bug. Right now working on some animations for HTA. Will take a look soon and have it resolved before upload new version.

bug report for 0.0.6 first 4-5 emf, I can only get it when the hunt begins problem is you have to be on top of the ghost and you will just be caught mean on nightmare you just die, I never seen emf 4 ever before and after a hunt so its just plain hard to do and not worth the risk at the moment also all ghost can move objects both big and small and heavy and light so its impossible to tell what ghost you have and all ghost is turning on and off lights and can break the light bulbs.


The EMF and Audio Box bug seem to happen because you must have two of these in a contract. Resetting Item data from options menu(It will remove all your equipment) then see if you get same issue. I'm going to limit those items to only one so that these issues will not occur. There  are only two heavy objects right now in Luna's home. Dresser in the foyer and a box in Basement. All painting are classified and falling objects. All plants, shoes are small objects. All ghosts can turn light on and off. Shy only turn off the light and there is a chance that she will turn off the light switch as soon as you turn it on. Only Shy can break light bulb. If you turn on lights in a room but you see it's not working even thought power is on it's Shy's handy work.

(2 edits)

what i can tell its a display bug as both the emf reader and audio box does work its just not showing it working dropping them and picking them back up fix the no display for a bit but no matter what the display bug happens ever if i only buy one for that game save/file

(2 edits)

also i really love how the ghost are i have to say this i wish i was able to have more then one ghost on the map at one time, it maybe more fun of the ghost fights each to get to you for simple of a ghost catch you the other ghost can pull the other one off you and just start going for you her self and it can  ever happen when you are trying to capture them it can help make the game a bit harder., i done all 5 ghost on nightmare and i find it be a bit to easy to find out the ghost and the idea of them being this easy  is fine if there was more then just one ghost. but that just my hot take on this

also ghost are not doing everything they allow to do some ghost will not do ghost orbs when they can and its the same for other ghost with other thing they can do like shy sometimes for the whole map never do ghost orbs and bloody never doing audio box and powerghost never doing emf 4-5 and that the only way to tell this three a part so with them not doing it at all the whole time make it just annoy and it make me have to guest


Ghost orbs are spawn near ghost's spawn point during a hunt. For Audio box to work have only one in the inventory and stand path of ghost for it to work. I'm yet to add some more unique abilities to some ghost yet. Some ghosts displayed it during a hunt. Shy doesn't have sound during footstep, Countlanak no footsteps and Bloody Mariam uses ambush hunt.

10/10 game so far and i have a idea for the game what of the ghost for simple first ten minute of the map is being playful like slap ass and being teases and after 10 minute they try for foreplay and after 10 more minute they are trying to pull you in to there room to have there way with you aka 30 minute before the ghost turn from not deadly to deadly i think its a good idea of the other ghost had more personalty like powerghost lifting weights like walking around with a painting lifting it up and down and kuppa throw water at the player and asking for water and bloody can be breaking paints mirrors and throw stuff at the player

I couldn't play the 500g map it just freezes when my character drops in the map.

It's not implemented yet, and if you manage to load it its just an exact clone of the first level anyway. 

there a bug with EMF reader, if you own more than one . sometime you will have the beep of the emf but not the value on the emf reader. you need to throw it down and pick it back up for it to work


Yes, all items that have UI display are glitched right now and will be fixed in next update.

Not sure if this has been reported yet, but the 4th camera when placed night vision will not activate for me, cameras 1,2,3 night vision works, but not for camera 4.

i think we are missing the voice recorder in the last patch 

I've only played the game briefly, but I must say that it's quite nice so far. Phasmo in H-2D optics :D
However, the fullscreen seems not quite right, generally I wish a window mode here :O


Minor wording error - in the Ghostpedia, Countlanak has UV Prints as evidence, while in reality she gives ghost orbs instead.

the temperature on the second map is incorrect. i had a freezing temp for a powerghost . not freezing for countlanak and an other ghost i forgot with one where the the only temp different was 1 room at 8c . and it wasnt the ghost room 


Thank you very much for reporting them I will address some in right now and update the game.

In the Ghostpedia, the evidences for Countlanak and Kupper have overlapping texts in the latest update.

I tried using the dagger on the Kuntilanak and I can't seem to hit her while she's on the move. According to the book it's her weakness though.

This isn't a bug, in order to use the cursed dagger you must wait until a ghost hunt begins. If you are in the ghost room you should see the ghost pop up and be idle for about 5 seconds before moving to find you. While the ghost is idle you use the dagger as it doesn't work when the ghost is on the move.

Oh I see
Thanks a lot!

if you are too late you can also use a incense stick to stun the ghost during her hunt and stab her

More of a feature request -- would be great if Luna's conversation text didn't disappear until the player pressed the interact/use key, particularly in the tutorial.  I often can't read the whole text before it disappears.  Would also be good if pressing interact/use would complete the typewriter text.  

Thanks - another great game from LAGS!!


Well could do that but my intention here was player would be able to read the whole conversation while moving or doing something. Maybe assigning 'Run/Space button' would do the trick.

I mapped up/down etc to the arrow keys.  Even so, I still need to use W and S keys to go in upper and lower doors.


Will solve that in upcoming update.

Price for candles show as "35 c", but when I buy them it only takes 5 coins.  In this screenshot I started with 40 coins and bought 2 candles, leaving me with 30 coins. 


Thank you! Will make changes but they will be reflected in upcoming update.

There a bug but i think its easy to fix the garally  when you go up to the ghost the speed thing not fast it still f**ks normal to the ghost its just the speed limt thing thats all


This was sent 40 days before, hes planning for this update! Good spot though!

AnonymousMind40 days ago (1 edit)

Noticed a bug that hasn't been reported:

The speed slider will not work properly in the ghost animation gallery if using the mouse and pointer to change the speed. The animation speed will not increase using that method.  When using W, or S to change the animation speed it works just fine though. 


LAGSDeveloper40 days ago(+1)

Thank you for reporting it, will have it fixed in the upcoming update.

Found a odd bug, but nothing game breaking, if you are doing the "ritual" with Tess by a door you can leave the room while still being in the ritual. To fix it you just have to quit the scene so it doesn't harm anything but immersion.


That happens only when you up/down near door right? Will solved it and update the demo along with v0.1.

Yeah it only happens when you are by a door.


Thank you for confirming.

dev there must be a bug with the cum salt 

salt doesn't have anything it's weak to yet.  Only banishment tools that have a ghost right now is the dagger, mirror, candles, and the water.

not a bug, it’s just that no ghosts as of now use salt for banishment, it will most likely be utilized in the next update 

I am have recently faced an issue in game. So what happened was that I was speedrunning the game using the cheat codes to complete faith's quest. I captured Thundergirl in Left Hallway 2nd floor. I immediately went to the third floor's girl washroom to test the Old Legend, but after trying I returned to the  second floor to see Thundergirl fly towards me and vanish as soon as I pressed the E button. This has happened with me for the first time


That's her elder sister. Her quest isn't coded yet.

(3 edits)

small bug i dont know if it is only me but every time i open the game i need to remap the  next buttons for some reason every time i close  and reopen the game they stop working

How do I buy the lifetime pass to get to croyden street? Or is that not available yet? I can't see my coin stockpile so I'm not sure if doing the tutorial is accumulating anything or not


It's available for 500 coins. Right now the only way to see your coins is while buying equipment. You only get money by playing Luna's Home level. Tutorial doesn't give you any money because it is kind of from Ted's memory.


Controls are completely broken for me. When I start the game and go right through the door, I can neither move nor interact with anything. When I start the game and move in either direction for a couple of steps, the character doesn't stop, no matter what, and I can't interact with anything, either. Changing the key configuration isn't helping. Any suggestions?


Do you see EnglishV2 or Japanese as secondary language? If yes, try moving game to another drive or C drive.

(1 edit)

I see Japanese as the secondary language and the game already is on C. I don't have another drive to move it to.
EDIT: Nevermind, moved the folder around on C and for some reason that fixed it. Thanks for the help ;-)

Don't know if you know about this but I'll send it any ways. The spirit box does not work when you pass an interaction when its in your inventory, It seems  to only work with when the assistant is holding it.


It seem to turn off when you are holding it and pass by your assistant.

Yes. Thank you for your time!

(1 edit)

I broke a Power Ghost by hitting it with the cummed water right before the hunt ended. The Ghost Room has crying audio, but the ghost cannot hunt by any means. Not even cheats.


People will rarely hit her near the end but will take a look into it.

Thanks, it was probably a 1 in a million I was panicking when it happened.

Hi, so there is a bug where you can get stuck after failing to use the cursed knife on the ghost, like i hit her but then at the same time i hit her she got me and even after the animation, the game over screen is still not showing or the game is just stuck on the end of the animation. Had to restart to fix it.

i think using other items aswell that can stun or knock out the ghost can recreate this bug

(4 edits)

Bloody Mariam gave me a false emf 4. I don't know how or why but it did. Then it gave me fingerprints so. I'm just confused? (I died so no photo unless I encounter another. Cause I was doodoo head and forgot to screenshot)


That's impossible.  I have hard coded this value for each ghost.


new update can in demo?

(1 edit)

Anyone else having an issue with Ghost Orbs in Walk through Stage? I got the camera in the Room, i'm in the truck watching the camera with Night vision on and they won't pop.  What am i doing wrong?

**UPDATE** Its in the first room, not the actual ghost room people!! it worked

I thought i bought the game already. Do i have to buy it again? 


No. You should see it in your collection or the email sent to you by

So I've been playing the poker minigame and when reached Rose she seems broken, way too dificult to beat and I have found an error while playing. She didnt had the Joker card and no good hand, and still she managed to win against a flush, how is this possible?


It sometimes not able to fetch player's hand value and reverts it to zero. I will have this fixed in next update when one more Girl is added.

(1 edit)

Got EMF level 4-5 with Weseen multiple times. Might have something to do with the picture dropping. I think someone else mentioned Bloody Mariam giving EMF level 4, so this might be related.


Yes, I accidently used Countlanaks EMF values for Weseen. It was same for Bloody Mariam. Thank you helping me to correct it. I will be uploading a new version in moment.

Lags what is going on with ROSE?  Every time i get a good hand, she folds, Every time she has something i definitely don't and makes me lose.  She never bets.....what are we supposed to do click 1000 times get to her?  lol help shes too cautions with her cards hehe


I mean I don't think you will win against someone knows what cards you have. Well until she is nerfed it's going to be difficult to beat her.

LMAO okay

The Smudge sticks provoke hunt instead of preventing. I used a smudge to catch a bansheep. It hunted seconds after using the smudge

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for reporting it. Right now working on some other thing of the game but will check once it's done. Let me know if you find any other issues. (Except Gloria flying in air after you donated elixir)

I figured after she T-posed on me really scared the hell out of me!


Yes, that would surprise you if the lights in truck were off.

is there any way to reset all of my data? I accidentally spent all of my coins on consumables and now I can't purchase any of the equipment to capture the spirit

Yea, on the Main Menu under options it allows you to select which stuff you wanna delete so you don't have to completely reset.

I tried that but when I'm in the first mission i still have no coins and no capture items


Do side objectives such as getting an EMF reading or KTE with Luna. It's not necessary to capture a ghost to exit the level.

(1 edit)

Honey is gone with the food on the table. I have no idea where it goes, but when i reset the game it's there.  Also found out re-buying gets them to spawn.


I was not able to replicate it. Let me know if you find out how to reproduce it.

I didn't do much differently. Just consistently loading levels 1 after another at some point the game just says no. I play on nightmare It could be the reason but I have no clue.

I also encountered the bug.  If you buy honey and/or the bento box and afterwards end the investigation without consuming one of it, the entire item stack won't appear during the next loading of the map. If you don't own 4/4 yet, you can buy another copy of the item, afterwards the stack is displayed correctly. If you already own 4/4 you have to go into the SavaData.txt and make it less such that you can buy another copy.

I'm not sure if it can be replicated like that because it seemed to start to happen to me after a certain point in time, not sure though.


I will look into this but I think I was going for it. Those items should be disappear on next contract as it will help player to get that secret animation.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)


The issue regarding lunch box, honey milk and smudge stick causing hunt is addressed and will be reflected in upcoming update. Thank you reporting these bugs.


I couldn't get screenshots of a lot of bugs in the poker game since the screenshot keys move the dialogue forward, but I caught this one. We're both tied with king high, but I should have won this hand because my second highest is jack, and hers is only 6. Something like this has happened several times before, not just with Rose, where hands that initially tie give the victory to the girl even though I should have won the tiebreaker


It's not a bug. It's made in favor of girls so any time you have same high card or hand she wins. There is no tie.

Shouldn't it rather use the poker rules, thus taking the second-highest card?


I know. It was difficult for me to add this mini game. As it's not an important part of the game I haven't spent much time on doing complete poker rules.

(4 edits)

This is probably the weirdest bug report but if you have interacted with the letter outside to make Sabrina appear in Lunas room and then don’t talk to her to recruit her, then go to the mansion and get Lunas Tablet to make Mac appear in Lunas room, you can see Sabrina in the room aswell.


Wait, how do you enter Luna's room with Mac being in there? I thought that's not possible?

(4 edits) (+1)

you can’t but you can set up a camera in her room before you capture the ghost so that you can check the camera later.


small bug but spamming e and then leaving the conversation with test makes her sprite still appear on the right side

of course you could just interact with her and just stop talking to make it go away

During poker; I had pair of 8's King high, which lost to pair of 8's 10 high.

The hobo girl ROSE always wins with same cards.  There is no high card. Rose can literally see your cards too, hard to beat, got to dime her all day


(^_^) Do not sell me bad poker play for good game mechanics. (^_^)

It is a small issue.  Just a mini game.

The main game should be the focus. (^_^)b

(^_^)/ Thank you for the reply.


Hey lags idk if it's just me but every time i attempt to talk with "fox girl" it won't say anything and just let me continue. I've tried resetting but still seems to be the same scenario

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Use English instead of Spoilish. It's dialogs were left to be written by me.

Got it now thx

There is no animation when caught by the tall lady.  Every character disappear from the screen and you only have the ghost fucking sound. Happened in the alley in 0.1.1 and in the asylum in 0.1.0.


Does it happened when you are going to another part of the map?

I'll keep watch on this. For the alley, I think it happened by being caught while going in / returning from another zone. But I'm pretty sure that it was not the case in the asylum (v0.1.0)

(First of all, please understand that I use a translator)

I've run into a very strange bug, where if I put only the 'Demonic Lust Outfit' on 'Luna' it lowers the pitch of all her voices by one level. When she puts on a different outfit, she returns to normal. Is this only happening to me?

Bcs its a demon i think


Yes, it's implying that she is possessed.

(2 edits) (+1)

Oh, that's why! THX for answering :) 

P.S. I'm sorry to those who hate these things, but among the games I've seen recently, the NTR directing of 'Luna' was a really fantastic scene that made me buy this game. Personally, I wish there were more NTR scenes and an NTR opportunity where 'Ted' can also be punched in front of 'Mac'.  However, just as I bought your games, I have no doubt that you will make games and scenes that are much better than I thought in your way. You are the best LAGS!

Personally i like the NTR content too but i don’t think we will see anything as extreme as Mac being violent towards Ted.

Yes, I also don't want any 'physical' revenge scenes too. I just wanted to say that i want to see the Mac's girls being NTR by Ted like the scene Luna did to Ted at her house. I apologize if there were any misunderstandings due to my use of a translation tool.


Finally someone with a translator like me XD, I still share your idea, I would like the protagonist to torture Luna sexually for being with Mac and so she stops the NTR him, or else the protagonist has sexual relations with the girls from Mac, I don't know if that happens but a man can dream =,)

Two bug reports

  1. The “Hillford Ayslum Best Nurses” board is misspelled, it should be “Hillford Asylum Best Nurses”.
  2. Is Jennifers surname change intentional? it was “Knott” at first but now it’s “Foster”.

Thanks for reporting that. Jennifer's surname was Foster in previous version. Then I realized she is her surname shouldn't be same as Tess so changed it to Knott. The sprite above mannequin's head is not edited according but will.


Ghost stuck in animation.  Guessed shy but twas wrong didn't see her cumming!


Does it happen frequently?  It may have happened because it interrupting her teleportation animation. Anyway, I will remove mirror from showers. They will be only available in toilets.


Have dealt with this bug and fix will be reflected in upcoming version.

(1 edit)

I've encountered a strange bug on the Sunflower City Streets map 2 different times where the ghost just stops doing everything. No hunts, no quirks, and not a single interaction with anything.

The first time it was with a Power Ghost and I had scene transitioned into it during a hunt (maybe near the end of the hunt duration). It's Ghost Room was the Poll Booth.

The second time was a Weseen and the last thing it did was blow out a candle while I was running back to the van to get more candles. It's Ghost Room was the alley with the garage, Back Alley 3 I think, and the garage had already been opened.

on  Sunflower City Streets , you dont have Gloria 


Yes, I have solved this issue but changes will reflect in upcoming update.

Tried using the right tool on Countlanak and it is not working


You should try to plunge it into her while she is not moving at the start of the hunt.

Can you bring an android version pls??


I will try once PC version is 100% complete.

Thank you very much!

Gloria thermo buff dont work with willy-wisp


Thank you for reporting it.

Sometimes when I complete the contract I don't get the points for ghost identification even if I have correct evidence. I check mark the right ones and cross out the wrong ones (evidence), after that I select the right ghost.

Am I missing something?

it happen if you dont select the ghost on the evidence page. you dont get the point if you dont select it BEFORE banishing 

if you have the delivery girl in your truck and you capture a ghost . you will have progress bar


I don't get it? What progress bar? Does delivery girls also begin animation?

here i redo it just for you :P while capturing the ghost. a delivery girl si waiting in the van

if you press E 


Thank you! The fix will be reflected in upcoming version.

Ghost Orb is gone, can't complete First Encounter.

Can't find ghost orbs with Countlanak either.


Hello, do you mean tutorial? I have checked and Countlanak is creating a ghost orb. They are visible only in night vision mode if light is off.

Also in the first encounter, the rooms are reversed sometimes, put the Camera in the other room of which you have the ghost temp drop in.  It worked for me and yes still light off and night vision on. So if ghost activity in room A then go to room B and try camera.

I want to cheat, but I don't know where to search. Can you send us a picture of a place where we can cheat from?

I remember the cheat code is somewhere in the readme?

Do you know what the code is sex room please

(1 edit)

Isn't the sex room hasn't complete it's development yet? 😨

Why people are talking about opening the sex room as if it can be opened?

yes it can be, use the posts code above in another comment

Can you write it to me please

door code is 316981

What is the code for the room that is on the third floor in Evergreen University


I'm doing everything but I don't know how to identify a ghost

(1 edit)

How do you identify a ghost?

Press "Esc", click "Conclusion"

Then click the ghost whom you think it is. It only counts if you click it before you capture or get fucked by ghost.

Have fun playing Lustful Spirit Hunt!

Where can I find Luna's clothes for any stage?

Demonic Lust Outfit (100%)

There's a demon-possessed mannequin in Sunflower City, perform exorcism on the demon-possessed mannequin, then only you can collect the last piece of Demonic Lust Outfit.

What is the code for the sex room in one stage hillford asylum

Hinata at Asylum tells you that if you unlocked the devil suit, you will be able to see the asisatant in 10 differents positions, buy even after unlocking the full suit, you cannot enter un the room anyways to see Mac animation at Luna's home

put a camera inside

(1 edit)

I know but Hinata says "You will be able to enter the room, it will not be locked anymore"



Well you seem to be in spoilerish mod so that's probably going to be in future update

Oh i see, thx 


It will no longer be in the game. When Luna wears the suit she is possessed by Lust. Mac and Lust are not suppose to meet for future game plot that I can't explain here.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

LAGS. In Evergreen University, Shy and Willy wisp doesn't appear to hunt even fear meter is max or try to enrage with cheat. I've waiting so long and they don't appear. Did i miss something?


I realized after reading your comment that some areas are not accessible as they are locked. A ghost can't reach those point resulting in not able to complete it's moving cycle. Let me fix that along with few more bugs I noticed and I will be uploading fixed version in a few minutes.

Trigger the 3rd animation of Bansheeps and cum it gets stuck in the scene and can't get out.


Check out Tess's Ghostpedia, it's all there.


Thank you. I completely forgot about this glitch. It's been resolve but I will update a game after some time.


When i click Lust to DOWN,it be stretch


Thank you I have corrected it but waiting for few more bugs to be reported or found by me before uploading fixed version.

In butt poker 3 of a kind beats flush, in poker flush beats 3 of a kind. And the difficult of this mini is so high can you make it easier?


I will have a look into hands. Rose will be difficult as she give you access to a special item. But in a future update player will be able to nerf her if they find a patch to this game.

Can't watch the animation of the delivery girl, is it a bug or something?

Not a big issue but the photo of Evergreen University on the contract board  says Sunflower City Streets.

Hi, i bought the game but it won't finish the installation, it would always say "network error" even if my network is perfectly working, i tried to download other games to see if it is my network, but it works perfectly with other downloading but not for LSH, could you please send me a MEGA link or another way to download it plz ? because i think there is an issue with the website.

In the Ghost Room, the Conjurer is created by overlapping the other ghost seat. It works normally on page 3, but there is a problem that the names "You-Rei?" and "Conjurer" are marked as Bansheep

And I don't remember exactly how I triggered it. While being attacked by Ghost, after being helped by Irene, there was one issue where she was pushed aside and unable to move.


I have fixed this issue but it will reflect after update is uploaded in next 24 hours.

If you find anymore bugs please report in v.0.1.2 devlogs. Bug reported maybe missed by me if posted here.


When the haunted sex doll fucks sabrina, you dont unlock that scene in the "sex video maker"

i realize this was the same named location but on the right side of the name is fine just a little bug

This card game is just a piece of shit, why don't you make it simpler

(1 edit)

There's a way to beat Rose, just try all the tricks you can.

Think outside the box, just like how older games were played back then


Far left of the gallery is glitched with the newest version. Doing an animation will cause the sprites to constantly overlap over each other.

first off, the new update was really good, i almost got to explore everything the update had to offer, but then my pc crashed and all my data was lost. I tried opening old versions of the game there too all the progress was lost. sad moment

Your data is most likely corrupted in Itchio cloud storage.

Were you playing this game on itchio app?


So the save data was corrupted along with the PC crash...🤔

idk man never had any issues, just now. My pc does shut down randomly some times, idk what happend

So, the you rei? ghost. I tried burning the stick in front of her face and it worked. But then i tried to stub her with the dagger and ended being hunted by her😢

You Rei is very tricky to banish, look at the colour of her ghost flame.

Nvm, figgured that out. She`s one of those ghosts you need to knock when they appear AND before they start movin

Is Sabrina bug? She not show after completed the puzzle, i always delete data and nothing happen

Iirc, Sabrina only appears if you interact with Sabrina's message at Ted's house door entrance.

The Puzzle unlocks the moving mannequin, not Sabrina.

After finishing the puzzle i back to Ted front door and no message.

I already unlock the Mannequin before delete data

Have you interacted with every note and painting in Luna's house?

Because Sabrina is Luna's sister, she has nothing to do with the mannequins

(4 edits)

Poker seems really messed up. 

I've had my flush beaten by Rose's two pair and three of a kind. 
An Ace-low straight was beaten by Rose's pair of tens. 
My AKQ73 was beaten by her A9753 "high card". 

I'm repeatedly having the game erroneously telling me I've lost despite having the blatantly better hand, and every time it favours the AI.

What's worse I've gotten a full house four times only for her to have the instant-win card with a bunch of rags every single time! In fact, Rose in general seems completely clairvoyant. I've played a fair bit of poker in my time and she very consistently hero-folds every single time I improve after my change. If I go to showdown with a premium hand, she has the instant-win card 100% of the time. Conversely, if I'm dealt an instant-win card, she immediately mucks 100% of the time. 

 Sample size is limited of course, but all evidence points to her being able to see your cards face-up. 

If you notice her opening dialogue,

You will know Rose is using her ghost ability to cheat. So you can only win by making her folding.

(1 edit)

There's a way to beat her cheats, all you need to do is click repeatedly on a certain area.

You will know what to do when you discover it.

If you noticed it, you will know Rose never change her cards.

(1 edit)

So, there 3 phases of that game^

1. You see first 3 cards

2. You see other 2

3. You change cards you dont like

If she`s not folding after 1 phase, that means she already have better hand. It doesn`t mean you should quit, cause u still have chance. Skip second phase and go straight to changing cards. Now, this is tricky, and require a lot of thinking at first. If you have pair, you should keep it, and change other 3 cards. So goes triple cards. If you dont have any combinations, change all your cards. Same, if you have no combs, but have ace or king, keep one of them. You have a chance getting second ace or king. Or even better, you can get winning card after change.

The whole game require a lot of patience, so buckle yourself up, it`ll be a long trip

AND, do not raise money, never do that. Keep it minimum all the time. Forget that button exists, while playing against Rose

(1 edit)

Yes, with your cards being face-up quite literally the only way to win is to get money in the pot and then pray you improve. 

Turns out all you have to do is cheat right back, I guess. Still, the hand rankings are all kinds of messed up.

tall red lady, I can't remember her name and using a phone right now, but after discovering who it was and weakness said cursed dagger, using it had no effect at all, don't know if it was just a glitch, map was on the streets so probably the newest one, figured you should know in case it happens to others

Use dagger on her when she's idle, not when she's chasing Ted.

As far as I know, you should use stick first, then dagger

yeah shes too fast and teleports, you need her spawn or stop her from moving

(1 edit)

Not sure if this is a bug, but a chinese player is claiming Luna disappeared after using the story item on Wendy. Causing him unable to finish the KTA task. 


That objective text will be change if you have Wendy and doing it with her completes that objective.

So apparently you can get launched into the stratosphere in Luna's house. Fresh save, was hiding in the closet in the hallway during a hunt. Had a candle in hand, and the ghost was a Kupper.  When it finished its hunt, I was launched out of the closet upwards. Could I have counted as an "object" while in the closet, and thus was able to be pushed by the Kupper?


You happened to hide in same room as ghost room?

Yes, I believe so.

Is Gloria bug? I don't se her in Ted front door after completed the puzzle


After completing puzzle you have interact with it one more time where you get a message that your neighbor call you.

You should get a message like this after completing the mannequin puzzle.

Have you received a dialogue like this?

Deleted 1 year ago

ces quoi le puzzle ,je le trouve ou comprend pas

Le comité du personnel infirmier est la clé

Du service le plus court au service le plus long.

(1 edit)

Faut mettre les mannequins dans la bonne position ?

Non, les mannequins s'allumeront lors de l'interaction si la séquence est correcte.

Les mannequins ont été déplacés à cause de l'activité des fantômes.

faut interagit dans l'ordre des photo dans l'un des étages si j'ai compris ?

(1 edit)

Non, il faut interagir en fonction du temps passé par les infirmières dans le service.

De la durée la plus courte à la plus longue.

Quelle est l'infirmière qui a passé le moins de temps dans le service ?

on le voit ou sa stp 

Au premier étage, à gauche avant les toilettes, il y a un tableau d'affichage rempli de photos représentant des infirmières.

if your having sex with tess robot and tess leave to have sex with the other guy in asylum. you will be hard lock and cant do anything after. need to altf4

What is the code for the room that is on the third floor in Evergreen University


Rose will tell you the code after winning the poker game. it change after each reboot. 

if you already won use the poker gallery


Game is updated with this issue addressed.

What is the code for the sex room in one stage hillford asylum 

Evergreen University, Tall Lady (I think, also not sure if ghost type matters), ghost stuck trying to get into a room with talismans (the one with Tess, first time there) because I was in there when a hunt started and I stayed in there until it ended.

Same happened to me I think with Powerghost. The door was unlocked and I talked with Tess to recruit and after the ghost wouldn't haunt. Had to turn in the job without banishing.

weseen if your knock  her out with candles and dont capture her . she will be immune after

Hey! Nice game, I had some really annoying case in poker game girl 4 where she just folded every time i had good cards and she knew my cards every time so the only way for me to win against her was hoping rng god is with me and just keep playing for her to fold. It took me 1 hours to get past her. 

(1 edit)

She said she can see your cards from the beginning. So she's cheating.

You only can beat her by using cheat to fight cheat. If you repeatedly click a certain place long enough, you will know what do when you discover it.

Okay nevermind, kinda deserve for not reading shit ;D

When conjurer teleports player in locked room you can`t open it from inside and stays here forever. Or i am blind and there are way to open but i have been teleported with Tess-bot and probably it somehow affects. 

Yeah that happened to me a couple times i got placed in a locked room. I just left lol

Also when you caught Conjurer she still can teleport  you after.

Hi Lags I found a bug where Tess doesn't join you when you interect with here, she doesn't appear in the truck or anything. I don't know if she is related to any other quest lines like mariko(blonde girl mb if i messed the name) or faith. I don't know how to progress from here. Can you help please?


Do you mean when you meet her in Class 1 2? If yes then you have to go back home.

Yeah, but in another topic people say the same, and that Tess doesn't appear afterwards. I personally have no problem with that, but i found tess in previous update. I think that actually might be a bug in this update

Yeah so after I met her she just keeps saying "I am safe, you can go home" . I've pretty much gotten everything this update had and she is the only animation left. I've tried it on a fresh game and Tess worked first time but in my normal save where I almost have everything she doesn't appear or do anything she just says the same thing over and over again. Im fairly certain it is a bug.

Heys LAGS, I don't know you tried to fix Tess in the recent update because she is still bugged.


I did an she appears for me every time after I exhaust her dialogues, go back home and select another contract.

Hmm it still doesn't work, her dialogues are still just "I am safe, you can go home", There was nothing before or after. I did what you said but she still doesn't get recruited. Is there anyway to fix this without losing my progress?


Make a copy of your save and change "RecruitTess":0 to "RecruitTess":10

Bonjour, une fois que l’on a Wendy on n’a plus accès au luna ? 

luna s'en vas que tu a wendy 

De façon définitive ?

oui si tu veux la ravoir va falloir editer le save file

"soulOrb":0 va enlever wendy et remetre luna


excusé moi, mais lorsque j’ai voulu avoir la scène de sex avec la blonde fantome je me suis dédoublé pour baisé robot tess et maintenant


Currently working on some level on HTA but will fix this soon.

Hey, a friend of mine restarted because of a bug, but now he has no money and can't buy any equipment. Is that supposed to happen?

What kind of bug your friend has encountered? Can you provide explanation and screenshot for insight?

Sabrina wouldn't spawn, though from what I've been reading I'm not sure it was a bug and was instead us going about it the wrong way. Either way, he used the reset data option in the options menu, but when he started this time he had no money, thus he couldn't buy any equipment.


When you reset game from main menu, money is reset to 0. Some basic equipment always spawned so you can at least identify ghost and earn money.

I talked to Faith X Boy 1 & Faith X Boy 2 but it doesn't show up in my records.


It is bugged at the moment. I will fix it in upcoming update but if you want you can make some changes to your save file to unlock them. Find "npcSecretAnimation3" value and change the 3rd and 4th digit after 9, from 0 to 1. If you don't have any urban legend unlocked it should look like this 910110000 or if you do then like this 911110000.

Thank you very much.

When will be v2 released 


I'm not sure until HTA update is done.

I don't know if it's intentional but Bansheep's secret animation only unlocks on the computer and not in the gallery room

Thank you for reporting, I am not working on this game right now but this will be fixed in upcoming update. 

Not sure if it's a bug or not, but the replays on the computer seem really small for some reason. Is there anyway to zoom in for the computer replayer?


You might not have latest version then. There size is made 25% more bigger in it. Also, there is a button on the right side that toggles fullscreen.

(1 edit)

Good day. I've managed to get softlocked in the game and I want to describe steps for reproducing this bug(feature?) So, If you get Wendy incarnated into body via the soul orb, then go to the same map, where you found her respective body (for example, to the Asylum if we're talking about Tall Wendy) and go to the room with body, you will be able to collect soul orb back. If you go back to the truck, Wendy will be there, unconscious. If you press "E" near her - that will give the soul orb back to her and she will get back to her normal state. But, If you end the investigation WITHOUT giving soul orb to her - she will disappear from your assistant position and re-appear as a ghost in the basement. But Luna doesn't appear as your ASSistant after that. If you go on the hunt in this state, both Luna and Wendy will be missing from the truck. This leads you to the situation when you can't buy any equipment, and If you don't have, for example, a dagger for Tall Lady - you can't banish her and finish the contract. Nor you can do K.T.E. - due to your wife and ASSistant absence. The only way to finish the task in this case - is by ending the investigation prematurely and going to a level, where you can incarnate Wendy (Sunflower city, University, or Asulym). There you should banish the ghost (if you have needed equipment, if not - no luck, roll ghosts until you can banish it), and transfer knowledge soul orb into Wendy. Then she will appear back in the truck, and then everything will go back to normal. The main problem, which can happen here, is when you have no equipment to banish any ghost. Then it's truly softlock, and you are left with only two choices - start a new game or mess with a savefile.


Yeah, I did face that problem myself so from next update there will not be a need to capture ghost before using soul orb.

Hello, I only just started playing and I'm not sure if this was a bug or it was intent but after I finished the tutorial, I went to the first mission "Luna's house" and I walked around for a bit until I went in Luna's room and found Sabrina, I only just start talking to her but the ghost spawn and kill me during the dialogue, and she never appears after that, so I completely miss whatever she was saying,  it bothers me so much, so I'm asking is there any way to restart everything from the beginning?


Yes, it seem it happens if you play Luna's house right after playing tutorial level. I will resolve it in next update.

I don't know if this is a bug, but after walking through the rooms on the 3rd floor of "Evergreen University", I got teleported into Empty Room, unable to leave.
I don't know what the ghost was, but I assume Conjurer since it's the only thing capable of teleporting player to random rooms to my knowledge (also please nerf conjurer teleport ability).


Look like this one was left out of non teleportable room. Anyway, thank you for reporting I will resolve it in upcoming update.

(1 edit)

The AI in the 4th round of poker dose not consider card values correctly, I  had a diamond flush and she had a pair of kings and she won, that makes literally no sense.


Poker game will be replaced in upcoming update.

So far when i guess the correct ghost. it still tells me i didnt guess right and doesnt give me credit or money


Does is happen on specific difficulty or on specific ghost?

nvm. i realized that it only happens if i get caught by the ghost before i guess

I am not able to see faith with two guys after I missed the first time visit


They will not appear after you begin her quest. After this update, players will be able to reset all quest for recruits including her.

When will be the update. I am so hyped for new things in it 💀

I don't know if it's a bug or what, but after I deleted the quest data and recruits the application to see the sex animations on the computer no longer appears. 


Yes, they are linked to that data.

Deleted 359 days ago

Thank uu!!!

you can have sex with tess and the ghost at the same time 

thats even better :P

(2 edits)

Any Idea what might cause the text on the notes to not appear? *Note: I'm on a super janky Linux setup so 90% chance it's just something I screwed up, but I'm yet to find a fix so I thought I'd share it. My  guess rn is a missing font, I seem to recall these notes being in a different font than other text, if you know what the font is I could pretty easily check to see if I just failed to add something or if there's something else causing a problem.


Hello, try putting your game is a different drive or like 'E:\Lustful Spirit Hunt\'. There is also a change of this happening if any of the CSV files in streaming assets are opened for editing. 

Would love to try putting it in a different drive, but as I'm running it using Wine it's just stored on the disk and my computer is pretending like it's in a drive. I've already tried changing the folder, both location and depth but no success there. I may just have to find the text in the csv's when I want to read them.

Hi Con_way, are you playing on v0.2.0.1? Can you give me some tips on how you got your game to run?
The Demo worked fine for me but the latest beta version doesn't work on my Linux steam deck, but works fine on my windows 11 PC.
Any help would be appreciated. 
Thank you,

Just as an update, if I move the game file to my SD card on the Deck, I see the issue I reported. But if I move the game file on the Deck it runs. 
So my issue could have something to do with the pathing, or me burying something. Going to play around with it some more.
Thank you,

I'm not sure how much I can help you, but I'll explain my setup. I'm running Debian 11 Bullseye on a chromebook with Wine 7.0. I'm not particularly familiar with linux so it's poorly setup and I've done a lot of bugfixing by googling what's going wrong and just doing what the internet says.

If you're running games via steam, I've heard good things about using Proton, but I barely have the processing power to run the game rn, much less run it through steam.

Yes same here, I meant to learn more about linux but decided learning C++ and Java was better. At the end of the day I never even used what I leaned. 

Proton is good but it's plug and play on the Deck, not like any real coding. But we do what we can right.

(1 edit)

she still move around after been captured

I suppose you`re about to find a secret about thundergirl )))

Little tip. Change to "spoilerish" and look through ghostpedia ;)

Hi! I reset the game to start from the beginning but now I don't have Luna tablet. Is it a bug or I have to find somewhere and just forgot about that part?


You will find it in Asylum level.

Deleted 354 days ago
Deleted 354 days ago

every time i get the conjuror on the university map, i get teleported into a room that i cant leave. one of the ones that you have to unlock with the key. but it wont let me unlock it from the inside


I have addressed this issue but made one mistake that still caused player to be teleported at such locations. I will update the game once confirming issue with item buy menu.

in the second mode of text. she as the wrong description. that the conjurer . i check and it repeted for the conjurer.


Thank you it will be fixed soon after looking into the item buy screen.

my total of camera video or picture is always 1 at the start of a match. even if i bought 4 earlier


After the update I have messed up causing Video Camera, Notebooks and Laser projector reset to 1. I'm want to replicate the issue reported by the user below before I upload a hotfix.

After getting wendy My shop is bugged I cant buy all of the item


What exactly you are not able to buy? It shouldn't happen because it's not linked to assistants.

it would not let me switch tabs and switched it with a scroll bar that does not work. 

After dieng to the sucka-ass bee, my stamina is permanently halved and I can no longer catch ghosts as I run out of time too quickly

I think you`ve got sickness, which now can be cured by secret doctor

Paranoia - (WIP) Lustful Spirit Hunt (18+) community -

Check this out


Find Dr. Blight in the asylum map. She can sell you cure for 3000 coins.

I can't seem to unlock Lust. I know how to get her, it's just I can't anymore. I used the "Quests and Assistants" data wipe to do Faith's quest and now I can't seem to unlock her no matter how many times I try.

(1 edit)

ill try to say this without spoiling but when i was at the school messing around with the runes, i accidently spawned a certain  someone and in
that same mission i unlocked said safe and now im missing some story. that has gotten force skipped i guess, like what the hell happend to ****
or is it normal that a certain someone got replaced im confused

Developer (1 edit)

In current update there are three bodies you can choose for the ghost in basement. One is not accessible but other two are. Once you get her a body she will be your new assistant.

Having a bug where I cannot get Lust/Gloria to pop up despite doing the puzzle correctly. I reset all my progress for the game as I wanted to unlock everything again and I cannot acquire her despite doing the puzzle correctly multiple times.

Maybe look here

Can't get mannequin nurse puzzle to work? - (WIP) Lustful Spirit Hunt (18+) community -

Thanks I appreciate it

Great game, love the concept, scenes are hot, side quest stuff and unlockables are a very nice touch. But I'm not sure if I ran into a bug or not. I found 2 evidences that left me with 3 options, Countlanak being one of them. Confirmed it was a countlanak by guessing and used the dagger, banished it, but it said I guessed wrong anyway, i double checked i chose the right option in the journal too


You have to select correct ghost before trying to capture it or it captures you. Only then game will award you money.

I see, thank you

storage unit in Sunflower city streets.  Where i can fund this

This has happened a few times where ill banish the ghost and it'll count as getting caught and i wont get the money for it. Do i need to check off which ghost it is first before i banish it?

Yes, in general it’s better to immediately find out what kind of ghost this is without catching it and before it catches you.

I came back to the game after a while to check out the newest update and noticed a lot of bugs related to ghosts that should be looked in. Here's just a few I've noticed in, maybe, the 6 attempts I've made but I'm speculating there to be a lot more and I'll report them once I encounter them. If needed, it's not a problem for me to record my games if that may potentially help in figuring out what causes these bugs. Here's the list of what I found so far:

1. It's very common for the game to not recognise you've selected a ghost and to not award you the ghost identification cash prize. It doesn't seem to matter if I find all the evidence beforehand, get caught by it or guess it based on its behaviour, out of all the games, only one awarded me the identification bonus, despite successfully banishing the ghost in all of the cases.
2. Willy-Wisp (which should technically be called Willy-o'-wisp) having walking sounds, and the loudest possible kind too, despite it clearly stating in her bio she does not have them. Also, when she approached my hiding spot, she started zooming through the room faster than any other ghost I've ever encountered, including the Tall Lady, instead of slowing down.
3. Conjurer procured NO evidence of its type, only fake ones, but then also did not do any of its tricks. I spent maybe 20 minutes in that game trying to figure out what ghost I'm dealing with just to give up and get caught on purpose. At no point have I been teleported or have I walked into a different room than I was supposed to. I have placed cameras in the WHOLE house and did not see an orb at any point too.
4. Talking about orbs, I noticed that they sometimes take time to appear and I'm not sure what that's tied to. What I mean is that I could be staring at a camera for a whole minute or two and not see anything and then the orb just appears in the middle of the screen, out of blue.
5. Another thing about cameras... why do they default to night vision being off whenever I leave the monitor screen and return to it?
6. Back to the ghosts, I've encountered Shy twice and in both cases not only were they really active, they completely ignored lit candles, not wanting to extinguish them pretty much at all (the first one did immediately start hunting once I lit it though). I had the candle placed next to the motion camera and it took a photo like 6 or 7 times before the candle went off. Also, not a one bulb was destroyed in the combined 15-20 minutes I've spent with those two ghosts.
7. A lot of linguistic mistakes. If you want, I can made a doc underlining them and provide suggestions as to how they may be fixed... or I can just work the StreamingAssets files as I assume that's where all the text is, at least it looks like it. I could even throw in a Polish translation there with that, I'm an ENG-PL translator by education and trade after all. Perhaps even for free, because I quite like the game and I've been following it for a while, I kind of want to see it reach its full potential too. :V

Anyway, like I mentioned at the beginning, I will continue to report any and all issues I notice as I play the game. If there's anything I can do to be more of assistance, let me know and we can talk things out.



I'm currently working on other project so these bugs will not be corrected for sometime but I will add them bug fix list to work on them.

1.It doesn't matter if you select correct evidences. You have select the correct ghost from the list. Selected ghost will appear on top right of the same page(instead of 'Unidentified'). And as you may have known it must be done before using any tool on ghost or getting caught by it.

2.It's all parody names for ghosts. Well, she is not working as expected. I accidently added walking sound to her. Her abilities text must be updated because she will not teleport to player as it's unfair. She is faster if not close to player. The range is quite less to notice it. She is also suppose to hunt if she extinguish a lit candle. (New bug I discovered is if you hid it also candle extinguishes.) 

3.Conjurer worked for me as intended except one thing she is giving emf 1 in some places which cancel outs her evidence. Orbs are little difficult on larger rooms. You have to place camera near ghost spawning point and have room lights turned off to see them.

4.They spawn every time ghost is back to it's room during wandering phase. I'm planning to make separate script for it so it will spawn  regardless of ghost's location.

5.There settings is not saved and once you exit the computer it's deleted. I will do something about it in the future update.

6.Shy is also working as intended for me. It extinguished candle every time it pass by it. Ghosts have 10 second cool down if they interact with anything. Shy has 10% chance of interacting with a motion camera and 65% with the candle so it has more possibility of extinguishing candle than taking a photo. Yes, she only destroyed a single light bulb. Her abilities are quite similar to Weseen so it's an easy give away to know it's a shy.

7.Don't work on translation right now. Many dialogues will be changed to fit future projects.

1. Yes, I am aware. But like I said, numerous times have I selected the ghost type before being caught or banishing it and it still didn't count for me. At this point I'm curious if perhaps switching the ghost type somehow bugs it out, like it locks the first one you've selected or selects all of them and that causes the reward to not be payed out, as if I'm stuck between two or more ghost types I sometimes end up clicking between them as I ponder which it actually is. I'll try to play with it a bit during future sessions too.
4. Okay, that explains it, I was unaware there's a condition like this. I was expecting it to work more like Phasmophobia and Ghost Exile, where the orb is just there.
6. Guess I could just be very unlucky or the candle was just far away from the camera that the ghosts prioritised taking selfies. Or they were quite daring Shies.
7. I know, just threw it in there as a suggestion along the way.


I think I should tick that objective as soon as players use tools on the ghost. That will definitely solve the problem.

I think flour doesn't work as intended. When I needed to understand who was I hunting for You-Rei or Willy-Wisp I scattered flour on the floor. I saw how the ghost was walking on flour piles during hunt and in wandering state too by the laser projector but there were no traces of the ghost on them so I thought that I was facing You-Rei but it turned out to be Willy-Wisp


Both don't interact with flour. You have turn on the projector by pressing F while holding it.

Yeah, I know how to turn on laser projector. Thank you anyway. Is there a reason why Willy-Wisp doesn't interact with flour? Did I miss something in her bio?

Thunder girl scene is bugged . after starting the capture process, the character and ghost move off-screen as if the samurai girl used her special move, and then the game soft locks. As a compliment, though, the rest of the game has been totally bug-free for me. Great job!

I don't know why, but suddenly this gray bar appeared on the fear meter and it doesn't go away with anything. I already deleted the files twice, but it's still there


It happens after having sex with some ghosts. You must have a note at Ted's house hinting how to get rid of the curse.

I don't know if this was already solved or not but I can't seem to erase my save data even though I clicked on the "all data" option


Hello, I will look into that but the update is not going to appear soon.

I searched for it and couldn't find it


Go to Asylum map. Find the mannequin with Harleen written over it's head. Try pressing 'W' on nearby walls to find the secret door.

What is the code for the third floor room at Evergreen University? I played butt sex jenken and you did not give me the code. What should I do?


Go to gallery in Janken app. Talk to Rose by clicking on screen. At some point she gives you a code. It changes every time you close the main game.

Ghost Bug

I got the evidences: Freezing temps, laser apparition and emf lvl 5. It was a Bansheep but when I wanted to banish the ghost it turned out it was a you rei. Idk how is it possible i think its just a bug that needs to be fixed. (You Rei and Bansheep dont have the same evidences)

tengo un ligero problema de que el juego me borro la data completa y ahora debo hacer todo desde el principio... la tortura de los maniqui no...

at the start the fear system was good but now it is stuck at a certain position and dosent go lower it is a grey colour whenever i satrt hunting it starts from the end of the grey bar 

This is normal, Its a fear disease caused by certain ghosts. it goes away very slowly on its own or you can talk to a secret doctor in the asylum to have it healed

Not sure if its a bug but more of a question. How do i unlock all ghosts in the ghostpedia right now all i can see is up too suck-ass-bee. But in "conclusion" there are many more ghost such ass talk-talk, cookiesaki lady, umbrella etc. How do i get the rest?


They are yet to be added in game.

I caught a ghost, but the ghost didn't appear in the haunted house.


You have cycle through them using the button.

i am unable to open my ghostpedia and press any options in there in lsh ringman  


They are not coded yet for that game. I've only uploaded a prototype.

hi ! i got some issue here. after trying different resolution in order to get a proper one,  the game end up like this.  i can't click on anything except the the config in the middle  . how to reset the resolution? 


There is not way to reset resolution in game but you can try editing registry.

  1. In search bar type regedit.exe. That will open Registry Editor.
  2. Now navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/LAGS/Lustful Spirit Hunt.
  3. You should see some values on right side. Look for a value looking like this 'Screenmanager Resolution Height_h2627697771' and 'Screenmanager Resolution Width_h182942802'. Delete those values and close the window. Your resolution should be back to default one.

!! it worked !! Thanks a lot!!