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A member registered Jan 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much <3 Your support is amazing and I cannot express how much this means yo me! Thank you <3

I unfortunately don't understand your question. The Fluffy Edition has been updated and is available via the Game page.

Click on Download - Early Access V.14 - Follow the External Link

Currently on itch as direct download only V.13 is available.

I appreciate that. But I would wait until the game is at a more advanced stage. Translation now would require a lot of keeping up with every update. 

I would love to offer Translations, but I would need someone who translates it for me. I'm open to the idea 

Benefits for all Tiers are open to the Public. If you are a member of the relevent Tier, you have access to a direct download link, which has been posted on Patreon. Please always make sure, what benefit you receive before becoming a member.

I'm sorry about the grammar. With the new version coming out at the end of this month improvements have been made to the overall sentences (Structure, Logic, Grammar). I look forward to seeing your opinion on the coming update.

Currently there are no scenes available, for those features, as they coming soon. 

Very true, a VPN can work in this case.

But due to an unfortunate Backlash of multiple 1 Star Reviews, my game has received for simply offering Mega, I have decided to change from Mega to GDrive.

Reviews should reflect the Game and the content inside of it. I hope that those Players will chance their reviews now, since their only issue with me, has been solved.

Yeah no I understand. But don't worry. Since it is the free version I can offer you a separate link, for Google or any other Service available to me, to download the game :) I would never leave anyone stranded. You just need to ask <3

Unfortunately I cannot I'm sorry.

Currently, I'm working on one project, but once that one is finished, I have plans on getting back, yes.

hey :) thank you for your interest. The upcoming update will be available on Patreon or Subscribestar. You can follow me for free to be always up to date or Support me on any Tier that is comfortable for you. The newest update will be available for the Public after the Play test phase.

(1 edit)

Hey :) I can understand your Frustration. Mega's 5GB Free Download limit can be very tight. Especially if you download multiple Files. The reason I use Mega is because my game is under 5GB, so everyone can download it for free and as well, Mega does not limit your Speed, even as a Free user. Regarding your mention on double pay. The Payed version of Mothers Devotion is not accessible on Mega and can only be downloaded directly from No one has to double pay for my Game.

Thank you for reporting this issue. Yes the Esperanza Quest is a known bug, but that it happens with the other Occupant's of the Office that is a new report. Thank you for reporting this issue. A fix will be included in the upcoming update.

Hey. Unfortunately I couldn't understand your comment. The game has been completely reworked. Regarding the Error you are facing, could you please if able describe the issue by answering these Questions: When is the error happening? (Is it when trying to enter a Room or maybe when starting a quest?
Also please be aware, that any saves before V0.12 will not work with the new version.

Thank you for reporting this Issue. A fix is being provided with the next update.

Unfortunately, those contents have not been implemented yet, as explained when the player starts the game. 

To be always up to date on the Development process, I invite you to follow me for free on any of my Sites of your choosing:

I am sorry to hear that. Change is completely normal especially in the beginning. I just had started when I first uploaded Mothers Devotion. Now I am more experienced and understand what I want as a Dev. The Game is on a forward projection now :) With a clear goal in mind. 

This is for an Old version and does not represent the current new version coming out soon.

Hey there. Yes the Download has been removed for the time being, as a new version is in the works. Keep your eyes peeled for this new version is soon coming out :) 

As of now, the current version is only available to supporters. The Public version will soon be available.

Just let me know how and specifics an then let me worry about the rest.

Hey Bruno,

İt is entirely possible, to play a Lesbian only playtrough. The Player is at no point forced, to sleep with any Character. İt is free for the player to decide, which Quest to follow and which Characters to date.

Renpy has the Active Voice feature to help blind players. If you need any help, I would love to be able to improve the Game to make it more inclusive.

Since it has become a complete new Game, yes unfortunately. Everything has been reworked and changed. Same Characters, but a new story and better Graphics and it has become now an actual game and not a comic book.

Nice to see you again :) The Link is not public yet. The new Version is available for Patreon's only currently. With the next update, the new version will be available to the Public. Which should be soon.

Hey there :) No it has not been abandoned. Due to Life being a bitch that does not care, I wasn't able to work on the Game, but I have not abondanded it. I am sorry for the delay.

But Thank you. I don't hear often anyone saying they are a fan of my Game 

These are all really great Ideas, thank you. I am actually gonna write a few of the ones you gave me down :) Might be Interesting to see how I could implement those.

You are raising a good Question.

I am planning on releasing more updates. Those will add the gallery and Challenges. 

It is very possible to add a mode in the future, where the monster hunting you, is actually the Goddess :)

Goddess Gaze

Goddess Game: Monster Maze

A short synapses:

Introducing Amina, the latest addition to the Fluffy Studio Character Library, who embarks on an extraordinary journey. She's thrust into an intriguing game orchestrated by a bored Goddess, one that ensnares her within the labyrinthine corridors of a perplexing mind maze. Now, Amina faces the daunting task of navigating this intricate mental puzzle, seeking the elusive "correct" exit to liberate herself. But she's not alone in this realm; a formidable Monster lurks in the shadows, relentlessly pursuing her. Can you guide Amina to freedom, breaking free from this metaphysical prison created by the Goddess, or will you fall victim to her cunning little game?

The Gameplay:

  • The Game has two levels. Each level comes with a different Maze and a different Monster, to haunt you.
  • While traveling trough the Maze, the Goddess will be visible watching you.
  • At every dead end, the Monster will come near and if you find to many dead ends, it will catch you.
  • The Game will come with Animation's when caught... if you know what I mean ;)

What I have done currently:

  • All Mazes have been Rendered!
  • Character Scenes when finding a Dead End, all Rendered!
  • Monsters have been Designed and created! 
  • The Story has been written and all Characters have been created and Designed!
  • Main Menu Animation
  • Store Page ( created

What I still have to do:

  • Intro sequence
  • Sequences when finding an Exit
  • Sequence when finishing level
  • End of the Game
  • Monster scenes, when finding dead ends
  • Animations when caught ( ;D The Naughty ones )
  • Finishing the Store Page
  • Coding it all! (Started Coding, 10% done)

The Game will be for sale, but will be available for Supporter's for free!

I am looking forward to finish this Project and start a new Chapter in the Fluffy Studio journey. More to that beginning of November!

Changes are coming! Winter is Coming!

Well, I will have some stuff to show on Thursday and then next Monday, I will hopefully have done most of what still has to be done.

Until then,

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy,

with all my love,


Thank you for letting me know. If possible, could you send me the Error Messages?

Bro really did. Crazy!

Jokes aside <3 Amazing DEV and Amazing Game! If you see this comment, try out the game. It's worth it

Its not that images are missings, its that my Butter fingers, input Grammatical Error's, which is why the Engine cannot find the Specific Image requested in that scene. Thank you so much, for reporting these, you have been such a great help.

At the end of the Mall scene. Ok, thank you. I will add to the Sprint.

You click on the Map looking thing and then choose a Room you would like to move to.

Thank you for reporting this Issue.

(1 edit)

Now, this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the slut of a town called Bel-Air

In West Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool
And all sucking' some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fuck and my mom got scared
She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air"

I begged and pleaded with her day after day
But she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way
She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket
I put my Dildo on and said, "I might as well fuck it"

First class, yo this is bad
Drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass
Is this what the people of Bel-Air living like?
Hmm, this might be alright

But wait, I hear they're prissy, bourgeois, all that
Is this the type of place that they just send this cool cat?
I don't think so
I'll see when I get there
I hope they're prepared for the slut of Bel-Air

Well, the plane landed and when I came out
There was a dude who looked like a cop standing there with my name out
I ain't trying to get fucked yet, I just got here
I sprang with the quickness like lightning, disappeared

I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said, "Fresh" and it had dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought "Nah, forget it, yo, holmes to Bel Air"

I pulled up to the house about seven or eight
And I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo holmes, suck ya later"
I looked at my kingdom
I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the slut of Bel-Air

thank you for reporting this issue. I will investigate this further. If there any other issues, please, report them. This is a great help and also thank you so much for the screenshot. It does help me allot. Thank you.

Hey. Could you please elaborate on this please. What exactly is the Issue?