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A member registered Mar 16, 2024

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thanks brother my mates and I had a jolly old time from your game 

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there should be autosaves click them but at this point I’m guessing you’re on a new save

use the thing that lets you stay hard for two hours, put your sensitivity up and manually slam into her pussy keep doing this and you’ll make like 30k a day at like day 26

don’t talk to the bot or walk just eat bread 

I want a module that makes them like the start of the game I want to fuck a doll again!!!


I’m pretty sure they said they might add voices to the characters but it’s near the bottom of their list I think I know they spoke about it on the discord 

I’m pretty sure there’s a mod on the discord for that (though it might be out of date)

I agree I now have 16 save slots because I’m so paranoid now I feel like my sanity is at zero and I’m in a room full of rats and rats make me crazy 

the game ends pretty quickly so at that day you’ve probably finished the game but if you tell me what part you’re on I can try my best to say if you’ve finished the game 

you have to walk at night or at 2 am so just keep walking and you will find him 

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If you tell the priest bot the truth you don’t lose your bot. But after that the story just ends you can fuck your bot and stuff but nothing more happens. (I think)

If you chose the tell the truth to the priest bot then the ending won’t happen and correct me if I’m wrong but the storyline stops there if you do 

just tell the priest bot the truth then your. It will be ok, but after that I don’t think the story continues so at that point I think the games pretty much over 

so i restarted the game ti get to this part again but this time I told ecclesiasticot about the conversation I had with shanice since if you don’t you know my girl gets grabbed so I did all this so she wouldn’t and I told them about big daddy hurt but nothings happening now. Is there anything else to do or is it the end for now?

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also I did all this but now my bot isn’t getting kidnapped, and instead big daddy hurt is ignoring me but then again I did tell the church about him so that may have changed it.

I think you need the churches good ending for it