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Flytrap Studios

A member registered Jul 10, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hi ! Thanks for playing the game.

The original iircade version should crash if you try to access the leaderboards.
The new version (available here) fixes this problem.

If it crashes somewhere else, I'm not sure what could be causing the problem...
Unfortunately I don't have an iircade cabinet to test this.

If there is a way to fix the original iircade release, I'm not aware of it...

Thank you ! I've sent you a friend request on Discord, my handle there is matthieulegallic

Hi !
I've built a new APK for the game, however I don't have an iircade cabinet to test it on.

It works in Bluestacks but I'd like to be sure it works on the actual machine before I release it.

Would you be willing to test the APK on your iircade cabinet ?
(If you have one, of course)

Hi !
I've tested the game, and it freezes when you try and access the leaderboards screen...

It's easy to fix, but I'll have to rebuild a new APK, which will take some time since I don't have the original development environment on hand anymore.

I'll rebuild the APK and upload it when I have some free time, I'll let you know when it's done ! :)

Hi, thanks for getting in touch !
That sounds great, I'm OK with releasing the original APK.
I'm not sure iiRcade would approve of this, but they're no longer in business anyway, so I doubt there will be any objections.

That being said, I'd like to test the APK on an emulator before I upload it here.
I want to make sure the game doesn't crash if it doesn't find the leaderboards.

When I'm done I'll upload the APK on here, I'll let you know when it's ready.

Hi !
Easy mode is normal mode with a few spikes and obstacles removed.
I think the most noticable difference is in the volcano area.
I don't remember all of the changes honestly, but indeed it's not very different from normal. Only slightly easier. ^^

The game was updated, there is a score system now

Hi, thanks for the feedback ! 

I'm working on an update which will add a score system :)

Hi !
If you are having performance issues you can try to play the game on the Lexaloffle website here :

I will put up an executable version if the game still runs slowly there.

I also updated the game to version 1.1
It now has an "easy" option, hopefully making the game less frustrating.