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A member registered Mar 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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I'm sorry you didn't get this uploaded in time. You made a great game! The UI is gorgeous, I like your twist on the usual kind of click the enemies game, going back to the tree to restore mana is a really nice touch.

One thing I think would take this to the next level is some powerups that scale the player out of control so you're just slaughtering enemies and exploding them in AOE.

Amazing game! I'm sure you would have placed really well had you been able to submit on time.

Here's my rating:

Theme Implementation ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Special Object Implementation ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Fun Factor ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Gameplay ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Audio ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Visuals ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Really cool game! The problems with the frame rate were really distracting which is unfortunate because I really loved everything else about the game, you even got a "hell yeah" out of me when I picked up the first wand. Great job!

I was terrible at this game 😂 Love what you did with the music and the mechanics feel great. Nice work!

Extremely impressive game for such a short jam! Everything about it feels great when you're playing.

Extremely impressive game for such a short jam! Everything about it feels great when you're playing.

Cool monsters, great audio, game works flawlessly and is fun to play, great job!

Fun game, super cute, really polished product for such a short period of time. Great submission!

Fantastic submission, such a complete experience! Loved the puzzles, the look and the humour. Amazing work!

Great submission! Very complete game for such a short jam. Loved the audio, and had a tonne of fun kiting around, blasting zombies. Did have a couple of framerate problems with a big horde and the handgun but overall I really enjoyed playing this one, good work!

Love the story, the aesthetics, the soundtrack and just the vibe in general but I couldn't manage to kill any enemies, when I hit them with the decay and then the fireball they didn't take any damage and it wouldn't let me cast the decay again. 😢

The movement was really fun to play around with but the projectile speed was so slow even after being fully upgraded. Love the soundtrack, awesome jam submission, great job!

Warning: After completing this game you will be able to see the future.

Fun to play, great audio. Great job!

Awesome game! Love the way the pattern of the spells lines up with the action - makes them a lot easier to remember. Great job!

Really enjoyed the mechanics, the art style is super cute, and the levels were pretty challenging! Great job!

Great concept, super cute, ultra satisfying gameplay. No notes, great job!

Really fun to play! Great job!

I skipped level 9 by accident. 😭 Love the aesthetic, great work! The floor was kinda freaking out on me though:

Thanks for the feedback! I added a limit to the maximum amount you can charge the light. 😊

Really polished game! Great job!