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A member registered Apr 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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Good job on the design, procgen and graphics. I like the simplicity of the game and it's an interesting concept!

The path, or lack of, feels a bit weird IMO. I didn't know at first if I had to drive inside the trench and kept falling off. The boundaries are really unforgiving. In the end, I found it's almost impossible to drive in continuous stretches. I had to tap forward and even adjust the car by backing up.


Awesome job overall! The ProcGen, the upgrades, multiple characters, impressive amount of systems in there. Well done on that! The graphics have their charm too!

I wish there was more diversity in the music, it was driving me crazy after a few minutes. The game is also hard. Maybe adding more lives or some regen system would help. I find this type of action games pretty hard with the AWSD/Mouse combo. I 100% game on consoles so I might not have any skills left with keyboards. I would have liked the bomb to hit harder and/or be faster to explode or thrown further. Really hard to time the throw. When enemy start moving towards you, they just pass by the bomb and don't get hit. I liked the boomerang though and I cried inside when I picked up the bombs again :D

Made it to the 1st boss once with only one heart left. Fight didn't last long :D


Cool concept, good job! I like it when games try to bring awareness to real life struggles and their impact.

I found a dead zone  in the game (not the same as the one mentioned in another comment) which I will notch to including meditation in my daily routine :)


Thanks again for your comments and no offense was taken whatsoever by what you said! And sorry if it came out as defensive on my part, not my intention either. Just trying to express our thought process during the jam. Maybe I should start writing devlogs :D

Thanks for mentioning the camera work and animations. I had a bit of "playing around" experience with rigging but finding ways to sync animations/camera work with dialogs and some player choices was a challenge in such short time. I'm really happy it worked out in the end and that people are acknowledging the work!

Thanks again with all the feedback, good or less good, that's how you learn as I like to say!


Wow, thank you so much for trying out the game and taking the time to write this lengthy feedback!

I wanted to take the time to touch on some of the points you brought up, hopefully ease your mind a bit.

  • The game itself was always supposed to be a Visual Novel style game. We really struggled to find something to do with the theme and we ended up crafting something around the twist at the end (don't want to spoil it, hopefully you made it to the end to understand how our game links to the theme).
  • We really wanted to focus on having an engaging story and reveal the twist. It's really hard to write a mystery story that is humoristic and coherent. As you pointed out, the dialog choices might seem "meaningless" but considering it's a VN game, it goes without saying that these choices add interactivity to the dialogs. The dialog scenes are not cutscenes but the actual game. Given more time, we could have made choices be more meaningful and lead to different story branches but that makes it even more complex to write.
  • We understand that a Visual Novel game is pretty niche and might be boring for a lot of people. This is why we wanted to implement an open world sandbox where you could drive around and investigate different locations in any order. We also wanted to add more to the sandbox, a car chase for example. All of these plans had to be scrapped due to time. We decided to leave the driving in, even in its linear state, because it gave the players some break from all the reading/dialog.
  • It's funny and eye opening, reading all the comments, how a lot of people love the driving, some hate it and some find it's fun as a break in the story.
  • For the graphics, we heavily relied on asset packs we had licences for. If we didn't have these assets, we would never have been able to deliver a game of that scope. We also used tools to help us, like INK for the dialog system (freely available) . In the end, making a game is about assembling pieces together to create something. You don't have write everything from scratch, you mostly never do in any industry. Even AAA companies buy assets if it saves time.
  • Believe it or not, this was our very first game jam but most of us have a lots of experience making art/music/code. Being a team of 4, we could share the workload, one full time writer, one music composer, one graphics lead and one gameplay lead. We put tons of time working on this, a lot more than we should probably have but we were all having fun and wanted to create something great.

With all that said, hopefully you can see that you should not feel insecure. And for the record, I feel insecure too sometimes. I tried around 70 games and a lot of them are gems, much better than our game, IMO. The way you see game jams isn't wrong. I also think it's good to look for innovations. For this first jam, we tried something and once committed, we went all in trying to craft the best game we could. 

You have to see that just the fact you released a game is already a win (I'll try yours soon). You do the best you can with what you have and try to have fun doing it.

We honestly don't know where this will lead. The goal was not to make a demo or go commercial. The positive feedback we received does makes us consider making the next chapter and fixing/improving all the aspects you brought up. We'll see!


Nice little game! Simple but appreciate the depth of the recipes.  Now I know what being a barista is like :D

Great job!

Thanks for the feedback! You got it all right. One of the initial concept was to be able to go to the different locations in any order, gathering the clues. We also had a second location we wanted to link to the city. We had to scrap all of it due to deadline. We ultimately left the driving in to change the pace of all the VN dialog but yeah, it's totally linear. I still just drive around way too much while testing stuff. I guess part of me just likes aimlessly driving/drifting around :D

All the good feedback is definitely an incentive to make chapter 2 where we can fix all of that for sure!


Amazing and really polished submission! Love the art style! Good controls and action with nice little touches the lights and PA System. Great job on dog petting, every game has to have petting!

Great job!

Thanks for playing! Wait till we add helicopters with tanks like some other unnamed sandbox game :D

Fun action game. Like the style and pace. Great job!

The game idea had potential, could have been fun but the shooting is erratic/not working as I expected.


Well implemented with good diversity in fake currencies. Good job!

Was there something planned with the gun ;) 

I don't really understand the part where people just show up and leave. Are they just there to get free money? :D  Maybe take that out, not sure it adds anything.


Damn, 19h! Good job! :D

Interesting idea! I like the upbeat music, fits very well. Good balance in the difficulty.

 Wished the bed handled better but I guess this is as good as bed would handle :D


Fun and imaginative concept. Simple but effective game! Great job !

Love the creativity and art style. Fun little game, amazing job!

I love the car! Wish there was a bit of an invincibility after it because the car sometimes disappear next to obstacles and just ends the run.


I like the different mechanics, lots of possibilities there. Very good overall polish to the game with the level selection and star ratings.

Great job!

Cute game! Love the art style and the French clichés :D

Great job!

Fun concept! The music really adds to the intensity of beating the timer.

Little nitpick, maybe make the dropping of the finished item consistent with the other interactions (use Q instead of dropping with E).

Good job!

Really well crafted game, amazing job! I like the simplicity of the colour palette and overall style. 

My first reaction was "Ohh, monument valley clone". Maybe give the player character a different style altogether. Not sure if there's something of a lore with the bird and M.C. Escher but making everything possible to differentiate from monument valley would play in your favour.

I also wished the interaction prompts were more prominent/easy to use. I couldn't see the water wheel prompt. Felt like you had to be pixel perfect positioned for it to appear.


Really nice and simple! I enjoyed it, great job!


Cute game and lots of potential with the physics system! I could not get really far but with some polish on the controls, this could be a really cool game!

Good job! 

Lots of potential, good job! I liked the ambience and style.

I didn't like the controls, just felt so unintuitive to me. Maybe I'm just used to the other scheme of "I'm walking forward and I rotate my heading with left/right".

I wish you could have had a little transition to what was being activated. I reached the section where I assumed I needed to bring all 4 blocks but didn't know what each switch did and couldn't figure out how to bring the last 2 from the start without lots of trial and error.


Thank you so much for the rating/comment! Glad you enjoyed the game and the camera work!

Lots of potential here! Like the art style. Wish it was a bit more developed.

Keep at it! Cheers!

I love the style! This is pretty addictive! :D Everything is super polished, I like the little humour scrolling text and the fan sound buying GPU is really satisfying!

Great job team!

Thanks for trying it out and the positive review! Much appreciated!


oops, I got confused by the big credits section on your game page. Kudos to YOU then! Great job!


Impressive work to recreate the computer and the feel of windows 95! I like the integration of "real" Google into the puzzles, this is a clever concept but might be double edged. Thinking back, the puzzles all made sense but I totally had to rely on the walkthrough to go through it. It was still fun though. More like a "Ohhh yeah, makes sense, wish I saw that".

Some feedback:

  • Especially when dealing with that type of subject matter, having players click on suspicious links might not be the best. I wonder, did you actually create those websites yourself for the game (very computer, etc.)?
  • Searching for the post in google didn't work very well. Even using the walkthrough, I had to force the search to not default to windows 95 until I eventually found the link. Honestly, if I wasn't following the walkthrough, I probably wouldn't have even glanced at the website or even find it in the first place.
  • I wish there could be a full screen option on the webgl version. I couldn't make out the * (was it to indicate space, or was it a #) on the postit. Actually never occurred to me that it was a * ... The bot game was also so small that didn't really pick out the clue there.

Good submission though. Different than most of the jam games. Good job!

Well done team! Gameplay is simple yet effective. Cute pixel art and all the little details make this game fun.


Good effort and I like your attitude! Gamejams are definitely a good opportunity to learn, have fun and challenges you to deliver something in a limited time frame. The fact that you made a game and published it for all to see is already a win. You beat a lot of people who didn't even submit anything!

Keep at it! Cheers!

Thank you for your comment! Cheers!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!

Very beautiful art! The VisualNovel is of high quality and polish. Great job!

Constructive feedback:

  • The music is really beautiful but it would have been nice to have different songs
  • Extra images for main story events would have enhanced the experience (like when Alex opens the door)
  • I got stuck at this part of the story. I clicked continue, heard the sound but the story didn't progress.

Cool concept, should totally be used to teach people not to text and drive!

I feel like the attack should be a bit faster to be fun. Not sure if I totally suck at 28 points but those 1k-2k achievements are crazy!

Good job!

I came for the gore and I was well served! Good job on that! The mechanic of block reveal with is a good feature.

Apart from little glitches like the sound stuttering when you die until the scene reloads, there's a good base here to make a good game. I wished I could have gone further. It's pretty hard to play with a trackpad but that's on me :D

Good job!

I like the dad's stance, sets the mood right away. Not sure if I'm missing something, are there more than the 2 bedrooms and just picking up items? 

Good luck finishing the story!

Wow, awesome game! The song is amazing and the concept is really well done. Super polished game. 

Kudos the team, really great submission!

And we're so glad you liked it! We debatable if people would play to the end and find it's a good use of the theme. Comment like yours made it all worthwhile!


Thank you so much for the in-depth comment! We really appreciate it!