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Foxy Boyfriend

A member registered Jun 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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I'm glad things are going well for you and you're supported by so many people. I hope real life isn't tough on you over these coming months. Have a good and productive Summer!

Head of Security is a security guard wearing a white peaked cap.

The janitor is a rat girl with a paint brush.

You can cum inflate some people who're bent over, if you count that.

(1 edit)

The CV animation is pretty great with regards to the engine, and the gameplay revolving around the size of your balls and sneaking around through places you can still fit was pretty entertaining! Nearly completed every single objective, all in all a fun, entertaining, horny game. It's quite a treat! Also, fun Space Station 13 reference.

I hope this receives an update in the future with a sandbox, perhaps with a spawning system? Still, fun game regardless.

I missed the update while I was sick, but just today I've recently touched on it and I'm quite impressed with what I've seen so far!  You do some really great work, try not to stress over the holiday season!

Glad to see the release of GutterTrash seems to have gone smoothly for you! Thank you for the time you've spent creating this, it's been delightful and the writing is a real treat. I appreciate the amount of interaction during the fights, and all the information in Scratch's computer! Will we see more of Scratch and Midnight City in the future?