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It would be best if you went with a better graphed game lol. I've just started and I'm a newbie. It may not reach your deadline so please have a backup! I may have to abandon the thought of translation because my set-up will not allow me to copy a scene. I tried copying many times but I don't think I could figure it out. If this bothers with your assignment, I apologize! I expected for the process to be different and I wish you luck! I don't collaborate through e-mail, which is my main reason for backing out... best of luck and I hope this isn't annoying for you!
I'm making my games free without tips, but now this is in the open, I'm scared I'll get hacked! I'm making my first game and it's going very well so far! Any tips on how to avoid hacking?? I might not get hacked... but you know! My game is just a weird game with easter eggs and +2 secret endings other than the 3 said. Don't think people will play or hack, "WHAT IN THE RECEIPT?!", but I still would like some tips in case I do get hacked or something- Thanks!!