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A member registered Feb 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hi Samthefireball, I really appreciate the feedback! 

I agree with you on many of your criticisms of the art. I'm continuously improving it, but I can assure you it's only been one artist (me!) working on this game. When first beginning to create assets for this game, I had few conventions set in stone, and often experimented a little to find the right style. Now that I have done so, it's going to take some time to update some of those earlier made assets.

As per your camera suggestion, I have noted it and will keep an eye out for similar feedback. Camera zoom is one thing that is subjective. I've had feedback that it's not zoomed in enough as well! If I have time, maybe I will make it a settings configuration :D

Thanks again for the helpful feedback!

Hello! Please let me know if you have any feedback about the game. I would love to know the painpoints and any suggestions you might have!

I currently do not! Don't go into game development for riches :)

And not that many views and downloads. I am not a great marketer!

(1 edit)

Ah SkyCharger, my arch nemesis. You have fallen directly into my meticulously planned trap. I have succeeded.... and no.

Yay!! 250 Browser plays partayyy!!!
