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A member registered Aug 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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That's a good idea, thanks for the feedback!

Thank you!

You've betrayed us...

(1 edit)

Thanks for letting me know!!! I've reverted to the download only version. :)

Thanks Helper Duck for the feedback! Agreed, sometimes there are issues grabbing boxes among other things

Thank you! I spent a decent chunk of time in Aseprite designing the ghost girl / arm so I'm happy to hear this

Thanks a bunch! I agree. It doesn't follow the mouse perfectly and that can be improved. Thanks for commenting!

Thank you! For sure, I can agree with you, it can be a bit floaty at times (especially when falling) and the turning from left to right can be a bit jarring. Appreciate the feedback!

Thank you so much for the feedback! Yes the arm can be a bit unruly at times XD

Thank you for the encouragement! Your game and the other games in this jam have been very inspiring. I have a lot to learn but I am excited for the journey and I'm having a lot of fun on the way!

I do enjoy Japanese games! I think you are right that I will like FF7, I've been recommended FF a lot but still have yet to try.  I'll add it to my list of games to play!

Congrats on your game and I'll keep an eye out for updates!

This was a fun game to play. It had a large world to explore and on top of that you incorporated an inventory and combat. I had fun interacting with all sorts of objects; plants, enemies, weapons, etc. 

It's not quite intuitive that the light reveals hidden traps. Instead of having a trap next to the light, it may make more sense to have the sign next to the light? Also the radius of the light is too small to stop myself from stepping on traps. Perhaps consider increasing the radius?

The theme is there, there is an adventure to be had, and I haven't come across any bugs, congrats! All in all it felt like a complete game with a lot of depth!

Awesome job for persevering and submitting a game! It looks amazing and I am always blown away when someone makes their own 3D assets, let alone ones this detailed! The theme is there, the music is fitting, and the gameplay is very interactive.  It's an absolutely beautiful world and I'm left wanting more!

As a frequent goer to escape rooms, I really enjoyed playing this game! I think the puzzles were challenging, but not impossible - I managed to complete the game :) I also really liked the style choices; the music, voice acting, sound effects, and environment all work together harmoniously to give off an eerie vibe. The voice acting is done very nicely, the theme is present, and I appreciate the English translation (also well done). I think it's incredible that you made all the assets yourself! As someone who has never made anything in 3D I think that it's amazing you designed all the objects in this house!

The puzzles were unique and well done. I did get stuck on the one that unlocks the staircase for a bit. It's a tiny bit confusing because the globes are used twice and I was fixated on finding the "four electrical links" at first. But turns out that is the next step! The images that appear above the planets disappear quite fast too.

It was a very fun game and I felt like I was in a real-life escape room! Thank you for the experience!

Thanks everyone for the feedback! Since there is an extension I thought I would try to update the game with your suggestions. Here are the new updates:

  • Health indicator bars for the player and Pokemon
  • Instructions to let players know they can use arrow keys and WASD for movement
  • The player now disappears after death to make the Game Over more clear
  • After dying the player can continue from the start of the dungeon instead of having to replay the intro
  • And music!

I wish I noticed this sooner but arrow keys work in the game :D I've updated the game instructions to let players know they aren't limited to WASD

Holy cow, this is a huge world! And those cutscenes! How did you do all of this in 3 weeks, that's incredible! This was a very fun world to explore and I like how it had multiple games in one. The music was very catchy too.

I haven't played Final Fantasy 7, but after watching some clips of it I can see similarities. I think you did amazing! If I absolutely had to pick something to comment on I would say that I had a hard time spotting the arrow symbol, but maybe I will see more of it as I continue to play! I think maybe there is so much to explore and have fun with, I forget to look for it :D

As some of the other comments have mentioned, I couldn't figure out how to start the game. But luckily the link works great. I see that you used the arrow symbol in the game, but I'm not sure what game you based it on yet! Also It would be helpful to know which direction I last came from (I kept running in circles :D). You also have a cool feature where you can travel to a location just by typing its name. I couldn't remember the locations word for word though! Maybe a list on the side somewhere could help?

All in all I thought it was a cool experience! I think the storytelling and art style worked well together and it had an aura of mystery. It reminds me of "A Dark Room" but you also have a nifty feature at the bottom of the screen. Text based games seem to give players only a few options, usually in the form of buttons, but instead your game has a search bar type feature and it lets players have more freedom

Thank you for your feedback! There is no HP indicator yet and I can see why that would be very frustrating!

Yes different pokemon drop different attacks and you can even use them in a strategic combo! I'm not sure why the Pokemon aren't dying, I hope it's not a bug and will look into it! Slowpoke may appear impossible to beat. It can heal itself, so if it isn't beaten fast enough, he will keep regenerating health! Another good reason for me to add an HP indicator!! 

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts!

(1 edit)

I am so sorry, I've never thought about different types of keyboards before!  I will keep this in mind in all my future games :D and thank you for playing the game despite how difficult that must've been!

I'm glad it was still a fun experience! Yes it can get very tough when you are surrounded by many Pokemon! I tried to recreate the "Monster House" experience in PMD where you're surrounded! When that happens to me I use the attack "Yawn" to make an escape. Different Pokemon drop different attacks, and I will add that to the description of the game! Thanks again for informing me of arrow keys and for sharing your thoughts!

Thanks for the feedback! I agree that the gameplay is different! I intentionally made it more interactive instead of turn-based, like the source. I felt that this would be a better way to use the strategy found in competitive Pokemon. For instance, you can use a combo of Yawn and Perish Song to beat several Pokemon at once.


Lol what is an inventory limit