Fun game, kind of addicting. Playing while eating... snot so much.
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Thank you for being a part of the alpha builds of HABIT!
The first alpha build will be available soon. This is very early alpha 0.1 and is only meant to test game mechanics and playability as well as range of hardware. Graphics, audio, level design, etc. is subject to change as well as features may be added or taken away in future builds. (Please report your findings on the appropriate channel available to you on Discord- #Alpha-Test-Team. )
Yeah I slapped most of the game together in just the last few hours of the Jam, 1 of those things being the controls unfortunately, I did plan on having a rotation to the torso and aim point that would follow the mouse but I had like 10 minutes left to finish the game. The goal is actually in the description on the game page, I didn't account for the Jam page not showing that... sorry about that. Thanks for playing! :)
I like this one, always enjoy a platformer. My one suggestion for future platformer builds though, replace the (Space=jump) with (W=Jump) unless you are building it that way to up the difficulty it is much easier on the hands to have all your 2D movement in the smallest space possible, it also makes the playability much smoother.