Ok thanks
Recent community posts
Had to redownload it but here, I looked at the images files and they were all renamed to something it can't find even find, some of the folders you put them in are even renamed, there is more than just the beginning too, by skipping to the end I found alot of the images it thinks it's missing cause you renamed all the files without changing there path in the game files and filenames
Was wondering why the builds were so big and found out it was because you used 4k videos for the endings, do you think you can change the videos down to 1080p? Or just put the credits in the game and not by video, it's kinda a ridiculous amount of data used for something that doesn't need to be a video
I'm talking about The character sprites they are kinda too low res especially for small details, immor as a example I didn't even know he had pupils on his eyes until I actually looked at the character sprite, honestly character sprites should be double what they are,
and if you are worried about the size of the files just separate the parts of the sprites that are different from the base model and overlay them on top of the base sprite, a lot of vns use this trick, you will essentially reduce the file sizes by more than half and can have a higher resolution sprites in general
I agree with 90% of your points, I do get extremely tired of the
victim/depressed/idiot/whining-demanding to their captives that could kill them
sticking there nose where it doesn't belong/curiosity killed the cat character syndrome/whiny baby/everyone for some reason loves the mc after not even a day of knowing them
can't be left alone for 1 second or else they will have a panic attack or do something incredibly stupid/extremely weak body/tripping over their feet so someone can save them/save the princess syndrome/can't do simple tasks
incompetent/inferiority complex/for no reason every character likes them even know the mc has been whining-demanding things in a situation that would likely get anyone killed in this situation/door knob personality tropes thats in 90% of vns
RodaBlackfang I Don't have a twitter to ask this but I saw that you posted holiday wallpapers for the cast and I was wondering if you could post higher quality versions (maybe with and without the text and white lines?!) Twitter seemed to destroy the quality of them especially joesphs :(.
I really enjoy your guys work and am always looking forward to new updates!
just a shame that twitter destroys artwork by converting to jpg and giving it heavy compression artifacts
Wish the sprites were bigger they are kind hard to see, also can't tell if he did it to show size difference or not it's hard to tell how big some characters are that aren't in cgs some characters look extremely small then in there cg there three times bigger than the mc
Maybe make a size chart ingame or show how big someone is in there bio