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Fun Cream

A member registered Feb 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yes. I am still working on this game. There are updates to the game over on Patreon every few weeks. I am planning on releasing an updated public version in the near future once I am happy with the progress.

Thank you for the suggestions. I believe the volume bug is only present in this build and should be fixed in the newer versions available on Patreon. Eventually the public version will be updated and the bug wont be present.

As for the dialogue select sound effect, I will look into changing the noise to a less harsh sound as I have had a few complaints regarding it.

Thank you for trying out my game.

This fetish is not in the current build of the game. It may be added in the future if there is enough interest. 

Thanks for playing! I have just released a bug fix update on my Patreon for $3 that contains a prototype map with interactable points of interest if that is of any interest to you.

Unfortunately there are no immediate plans to bring the game to android while the game is still in development. 

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll look at adding a map that shows points of interest and the players current location in a future update. 

When you load into the game there should be an info box that gives you basic instructions. You cannot move your character until that box closes. It should only take about 30 seconds to give all the information and then you should be able to move. Does the issue persist after this?

If anyone has any questions I will do my best to answer them here or on Patreon:

or by email: