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A member registered Nov 17, 2018

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hi floppystack!  really impressive work here on hard stuck!  I'm a hobbyist 3d artist and have dabbled a bit with unity but wanna start working with godot.  I like your approach to character design I think you've struck a really nice balance of detail vs economic and efficient models, but I was wondering how you might approach fur if you were to take it a step further?  Have you any interest in pushing hard stuck on that front in the future or do you think higher fidelity fur would break the visual cohesion of the game?  As I understand a lot of times fur is done in the game engine, I was curious if you've found godot has any tools for this?

I've been trying to find an approach to fur that would fit a style similar to hard stuck for quite sometime and its been kinda tough finding a satisfying solution.

I think potionomics is a great game to draw visual inspiration from for a 3D VN!  Since a good chunk of a VN tends to be dialogue I think these sort of scenes work really well where you have a background, characters and then the text in the foreground.  I would only say that it would probably be nice to break things up with the occasional cutscene when something exciting is happening.  It seems sort of like a waste of 3D's inherent strengths if you don't do any fully cinematic scenes where you take advantage of dynamic camera angles, lighting, etc.  This would be akin to how classic 2D VNs will occasionally have full illustrations for important scenes.  Course I dunno if that would ruin your plans of doing everything in Blender :C

Anyway I wish you all the luck with development, this looks fantastic so far :D

thank you for posting this I was so lost xD

*Spoilers for Build 0.2*

Man I'm already so endeared to Ranzkai after that last chapter, maybe we got this demon thing all wrong right?

great job guys :D

Thanks for this lovely new VN!  Great story so far looking forward to seeing where things go!

I enjoyed the artwork so much I'm in the middle of doing some Ranzkai fanart and I noticed a minor discrepancy in his sprites.  He loses the lighter coloration of his hands/forearms when he crosses his arms.  Obviously not super important I wouldn't have even noticed if I wasn't using them as reference.  Just thought I'd let you know in case it went under the radar xD

could I ask what engine this game runs on?  I was just so impressed at how smoothly the 3D overworld ran on my brick of a laptop.  I really hope for the best for you and this project.  Definitely something I will be checking back on for updates :D

might sound like a very silly question but beastkin wear footwear and have plantigrade posture in this setting?  im asking for fanart purposes :3

im entirely going off of one description of the sound of Rod's footfalls as heavy boots so im not absolutely sure.

is there anywhere you've made the full sprites of the main characters public feets and all? xD

for what its worth I always thought the original simplified look was cute in its own way but I do like these new designs more.  I like design 1 the most here :D

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I tried out your multiplayer mode!  still a bit unstable like you said, but very cool.  Good job!  :D

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Maybe its a Dodoro ending?  Or like a Whellcum poly ending, or some kind of joke ending...  Maybe a return to the underworld ending or a dark knight ending?  I dunno I havent been able to find anything so all I have are guesses...  an infernal trio ending?  Underwear thief ending?  🤔

oh thank you, sorry i should have updated before reporting 😅

There seems to be a problem with Valdo's minigame.  When I finish reconstruction on the pier im taken to his minigame and softlocked there because I can't abort the scenario and no fish or obstacles are coming down the stream.  I'm using the android version for reference.

I tried to play this on my android phone but most of the game view is cut off because it doesnt fit the aspect ratio of my phone.  Dunno if its something that can be addressed in unity but I tried to find some setting to get it to work on my phone but wasnt able to figure anything out :(

you traumatized me xD

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*spoiler warning*

Wow Ranok so much for the human being your path huh xD  imagine the emotional whiplash of being told youre a slave and can't leave even if you wanted to then next thing you know you are forced to leave whether you like it or not.

I kinda hope we get a chance to see Vul call Ranok out on this being more of his self-centered bs cus really if he was okay with things ending this way he very much set the human up with false expectations, but I think Vul would be more just relieved this whole thing might be over.  Vul definitely likes the human more than he did in the beginning but I think he still very much wishes this whole thing never happened.

I just don't really buy it that this is all for the human's safety.  Even if the townspeople are more accepting of outsiders the human has been pretty inept at surviving in this world on his own so far.  No offense he just doesn't really have survival skills for the world hes been thrown into, and im sure Ranok realizes there's gonna be bad actors in the town just like there is back with his own people.   Feels more like he's just giving up than the way hes painting it as a selfless sacrifice for the good of them both. 

Haha oh and I guess Varok will be paying Aldris that wager afterall.  I'm actually surprised how readily he was willing to up the bargain if the plan was to leave the human behind but I guess thats the point of bluffing.  Maybe he has no intention of honouring the wager to begin with.

ooooh okay ya that makes sense, i cant be a patron atm but thanks for answering my questions and i'll check out the next public build :3

No problem glad to help out with a simple bug report where i can.  So is the current build contained to just the tavern?  The npcs in the inn are hinting that i should go places and from the other comments there seems to be much more content in the game but i cant seem to get the option to leave the tavern.  Have you made it so the less recent content isnt accessible in this build because they arent ready for how you've reworked the game?  Or is it a bug and i somehow keep softlocking myself in the inn xD

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Ya im experiencing this bug and also I cant seem to leave the tavern all i can do is sleep wake up talk to the 3 npcs and sleep again.  One other thing the "check open door" and "talk to patron" options stay on the menu even after you've made your introductions to reynold and bjorn which seems odd.

Edit:  also some text is getting cut off during interactions.  Definitely are ones during the fight drunkard scenario and when you drink with bjorn.  I tried to work around it by looking at what is said in the history but the text in the history is like overlapping the same place where text is getting cut off in the dialogue window.  I'm using the android version if its relevant

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Sorry if this is a stupid request but can someone give me some advice on downloading the android version?  I'm trying to start from the beginning but it keeps saying the file is corrupted.  The ch.7 and ch.8 files seem to work fine though

Edit: wouldn't you know it, as soon as i asked for help i figured out what i was doing wrong haha

Oooooooh of course!  rawr looking forward to seeing this giant!  XD

Just since you seem open to creative suggestions I have an idea X) so maybe there's an especially dangerous prisoner in solitary confinement that you might happen upon.  The guardians only check his cell once a week so depending on when you carelessly venture into his confinement you might have spent several days trapped with him before the guardians find you.  Just an idea I had XD

Wow I just found the trio of guardian and prisoners memory not gonna spoil anything but that was so unexpected!  :O super excited to see your next update! <3

I've never seen your work before so let me just start by saying wow you are super talented!  I'm trying to unlock every memory and I just thought maybe a helpful quality of life thing would be if you gave us a hint when we moused over a memory we are missing.  Not sure if that makes it too easy for us players to find them or not but just something I was thinking, thanks for reading :)

Oh no apologies necessary sir!  I was just trying it out and couldn't tell if I was accidentally loading v1.6 or if I was doing something else wrong or what have you X)

Hey Grizzly!

Is there any new content in this update  (v1.7)? 

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Enjoying the game very much so far!  Just wanted to say my two cents on the "similar character designs", I very much like your character designs the way they are!