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A member registered Mar 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Welcome back! 

Thanks a lot for the nice words! This was one of the weirder jams for me haha, thanks for stopping by <3

25 min. Loved it!

Remembered on 3-2 that the game had bullet time... fantastic work! A great sequel to parcel punisher :)

The master strikes again! Took me two small sittings and a combined time of 35 minutes, ~40 deaths. :D Thanks for sharing!

Loved this! Good luck with development!

What a time!! This game is just fantastic! I'm just at one ending achieved, and hoping to update this message once I gather the rest. The music track for the plant/sewer area blew my mind, I just love it so so much. Thank you!

This is shaping up wonderfully! Loving the new stuff! Also,  NoEye-Soft defeated!

Thanks for the heads up! Logo stuff is under maintenance; I'll consider a toggle for the smooth movement!

After setting my own resolution to this, I was able to code a fix! Hopefully, the v3 works for you :)

Hi! This is definitely an error, sorry! Could you tell me what the resolution of your monitor is? You can resize the game screen with Ctrl + R, if that helps - the full release will include a proper settings menu for this.

Fantastic game! I've really been enjoying the challenge so far. I'm only ten levels deep and I think my poor wrist is begging for a break.. :D

Gosh darn. You got me! :D
I really liked this, great work!

It's so good! I'm absolutely looking into season 2!!!

Great, great, liked this a lot! Writing's on point, music is soo nice (as always!) Cheers!

(Bugs weren't numerous or problematic since the undo function is there. :)

Wow! This was beautiful! I... want more? :D <3

Short and sweet! I dig the idea and execution. The web build lags like crazy (something my pc does for any game of the sort) so I guess slow-mo made it very easy to beat. Curious to see what you do next! Cheers :)

Another banger. Your recent entries have been amazing to me, thank you!!!

Hough! Hough! Hough! Gaah! Gaah! :^)

Even with the settings that let you adjust it?

Not really a hint, but both final levels (sides A and B) can be cleared just by messing around and eventually finding a solution that works - I really didn't form a strategy for them until halfway through goofing about :) You got this!

A and B sides cleared! "Double trouble" and "Changes" got me thinking the longest I believe. Clocked about a total of an hour fifteen :D Lovely work!

You're right! During the jam I thought it would take too much time to implement... but I added that yesterday in 5 minutes :p (for a potential future version)

Waiter! Waiter! More Sirmilkman games please!!! :D

 oh what to play...

Incredible work! Send my regards to hairy, I didn't know they were working on this! Cheers!

I remember seeing & playing this back during the jam! Is anything new with it?

Really good! Here's to hoping you'll continue creating things! :)

Waoh! Very cool experience! + found the purple fuzzy creature :)

Thank you for making this

You did it so much! This is still the jam build, with its hacky text reward. Also, the game will sometimes generate an unbeatable world, I'm glad you were spared. 'Til the full game comes out... Thanks for playing! 

Good stuff! Diggin the vibes :)

I am loving all of this!!! Keep it up, please!

Cheers so much :)

(1 edit)

Still playing this! So very close to those last 2 endings... I think! I got things to happen on an old save that I have not been able to replicate sadly... but once I do...

Edit: Inheritance (A) achieved! Only (B) remains... 

Thanks for sharing!

I like the art quite a bit, those saturated tiles hit the spot.
Found all landmarks in the reverse order, and only by chance found the terminal by randomly walking on its specific tile, I couldn't make it out from the environment. If there was an auto-walk feature, I missed it, so I was forced to pace myself playing because of my poor wrists :')


thank you for sharing :)

(1 edit)

...and now, "Cycle's End" ending. Surprised I didn't get annihilation yet! :D

edit: nevermind! got it too


As a first ending, I got "release". There are so many things I could possibly have done, that I'll be coming back for the other ones. Please never stop making games, this is easily one of the best I've ever played.
As for how I even found this... through the OST, that happened to be newly uploaded to bandcamp when I browsed out of boredom :

Phew! I got through the demo. This took me a few hours, mostly because of the maze level. I spent most of my time getting lost and running in circles, when I did find the end boss I was over-leveled for it (also took 2-3 hours before finding my first ADDI server) :) 
In a full release, I would be hoping for two things: having a system to mark tiles you've been to, like dropping a marker or bread crumbs, and extra decoration to help players distinguish where they are better.
I'm very much looking forward to the full game, I had a lovely time. Cheers.