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thanks for the rating!  I really liked making the music,  although I feel like the day song could have used more of a less modern sound.  It was my first time doing sound design for a game jam so the SFX took a lot of time.    

This is the best eerie cave vibe i've hear so far.  Very interesting listen.  

Thank you!  I really appreciate the feedback.  I will be trying to stick close to the theme next time!

It definitely could've stuck to theme better.  I feel like I started something a little different and got carried away into a more "light" song.  I really appreciate the feedback!

Thanks! I was really trying to make something different.  I might've taken it too far as it doesn't sound a whole lot like something" underground"

Loved listening to the track.  the counterpoint was very cool.  I could definitely see myself playing a cave themed level with this.  

Thank you!