Not gonna lie, I wasn't expecting much from it but it was quite nice game to play :3 story is really good here, I loved that Glitter didn't overstay its welcome, it's written tightly, gets to the point without overlooking the details here and there, characters also were presented in very quality way. And illustrations were god-like, aesthetics here are just gorgoeus, both when it comes to character design and backgrounds! Music also really fits the atmosphere of the story, although I found the lack of sound effects at first quite bizarre, but it's not anything that would make my impression of the game worse. Definitely awaiting for upcoming projects :3
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I must say, I'm very impressed by what was presented here! First of all - Kyanite Wings has Style in capital S, visuals have very distinct comic book feel to them, however it would mean nothing if the game was clear as mud. I'm happy to say it's not the case - graphics are comprehensible and I had no problem with distinguishing physical objects and enemies. Enemy design also is creative, fun and most of all - it's pleasure to fight them, they are not hard to beat by any means, however they can be threatening if you're not careful. Also level design was easy, but enjoyable most of the time, but that also would be nothing if the movement wasn't satisfying. Glad to say it is, it's propably my favourite element of the entire game. There are not many options of moving, however combining jump and gliding can be more than enough if done properly and they were done exactly like that. I felt true pleasure just by simple walking, jumping and gliding through the map and the slight weight that our character has was also the major part of the experience. Everything felt responsive for me,
However, there are some downsides to the project - I said level design was enjoyable most of the time. Well, there were instances where I just couldn't get to some heals cause they were hidden under the unapproachable platform and while I had more hp than enough, it wasn't the most satisfying thing (lemme get to those!). Also there were some minor bugs, like unwanted clenching to some platforms, however they didn't ruin the gameplay and the only thing I had to do is to slightly move the mech, so really no big deal.
In conclusion - I'm fascinated and glad I was able to play this! Style, movement feel, music, level design - these are the major advantages and I'm waiting for more projects and possibly expanding this one. Loved it!