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A member registered Sep 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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Looks like a cool game, but i couldn'really play it cause the sensitivity is extremely high even at its minimum. Also didn't really strike me as very coffee-themed nor spooky-themed, but might be because i haven't seen enough of it.

Short. but i like it. Also you need to explain i can shoot, it took me like 5 tries to understand how to play (thanks to FoolPhilosopher's comment).

Nice game! Much more chill than other games i tried. Though i have to ask, why can't you maximize the window?

The graphics are very nice and actually feel like they are made in an engine as powerful as UE, though the controls and camera were a bit awkward. I kept getting stuck in places because there is no backwards key and the camera often gets stuck in walls/zooms in and out because of them. The rigid body cups are a nice touch though.

Nice to see someone else is starting out with this game jam too! I can see a few main areas of improvement:

- The enemies and the lights both appear in an awkward way. Enemies could benefit from an appearing animation (animations are something you should add more in general), while it isn't much clear to me why all the lights aren't turned on from the start;

- The face sure is a jumpscare the first time you see it, but later on they start appearing too soon and it makes the game much more memorization than reaction, as others have said too. It could also have a sound effect play on spawn to make it scarier, if you manage to find or create one;

-  Jumping is very slow and makes some things hard to time;

- This might just be me, but i swear it seems like the 3rd magic-wand looking thing has a bigger hitbox. I died 4 times there and it didn't even seem like i touched it;

- Some english, mostly double letters.

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Thanks for playing! When the monster (the pac-man-chain-chomp-looking thing) starts following you, you must race backwards so it destroys the brick wall at the start.

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Wow, 30 minutes is a long time! By the way, is the bomb room level 2, 3 or 4? If it's level 2, you should try to start running early so you have more speed when you actually pass the bomb and jump at the end.

Never heard I Wanna Be The Guy, but seeing some screenshots, it seems exactly what i was aiming for!

Thanks! I will look into this bug after the jam ends. Do the other sounds work? (like bombs exploding or the monster chomping?)

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Thanks for the feedback! I'm already thinking on upgrading the platformer controller for future games. When i started developing this game i always thought the game wasn't hard enough, so i made the levels harder to the point i found them hard too. I won't update this game since i want to keep it just like i submitted it (apart from a bugfix and likely Mac OS release?), but i will make my next games more fair and add optional hard levels where possible.

Hi, thanks for playing my game! Godot does support 3D and i heard it's nice, but i never really touched it as i'm pretty new to game dev. I'd give it a look, since it's much more lightweight than UE and it could be a better choice for a quick game.