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A member registered Jan 25, 2017

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Hey how am I able to reload my saved game ?

Hey so i was thinking with the timer i noticed that you particually get about the same amount of gold for each item every time well if per say you ran the timer down to 10 seconds and you made them a one handed hammer they would give maybe 15 gold instead of so but if you were to hand them the same hammer to them at the 100 second mark they would give you 40 or 50 gold instead of 30 ? Just a neat little idea also you know how rust has a graphics settting adjuster before you start up the game maybe try doing something like that to make computer with bad specs perform better with a lowered graphic preset and pc's with higher specs perform better with a higher yet stable graphic preset. Also simple voice acting for the customers instead of the speach bubble sound everytime thrown in a grrr or a hufff every now and then for immersion. Also maybe it being possible to have a customer que (sorry dont know how to spell that) and have them wait with a emotion meter showing that a fast a well built order with correct parts would make them happy but a poor build wrong parted weapon make them angry or sad this could also influence the amount of coins you can recieve making the game harder or easier depending on how you look at it. Also enviroment noises sounds etc. to add slight immersion its the little thing that people like lol. One last thing maybe an inventory like on your person or a seperate room for storage would be nice to hold more things obvioulsy and maybe a more advanced crafting book with more weapon recipies and maybe backpacks or a place to upgrade your shop. Seriously very last thing maybe a very small story line or something to get you outside the shop and could potentially help get you more rare ingots or items to make the item more valuable and by the way if your looking for anything to due with voice acting I coulp help out and do it for free im not the best but its whatever just something to keep in mind. Great game Dasius keep on rocking see ya and have a good day! ( Sorry for gramatical errors or spelling errors)

Chekout the video I did on your game will be up on 2/13/17:

Windows 10 Pro (64 Bit)

Intel i7 7700

16 GB of DDR4 Ram

Nvidia GTX 1060 (6 GB Version)

I get around 70 to 80 fully maxed out in 1080p