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A member registered Oct 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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You can join in to my discord to see any updates on my end. Right now there's a pregnancy game jam going that I just started coming up with an entry for.


"Why did I get pinged for an update?"
Squashed a couple bugs regarding Olivia's sex scene and the interact menu. If those bugs bother you, you can redownload. If not, there's no need, but the bug for Olivia's sex scenes will softlock you if you try to view her size 6 sex scenes again.

No, not at all! Valerie is 3/11

Oh. Shit. I forgot to include that bit of code. Oops. Let me get an update taken care of for that.

I've made a couple bugfix updates since uploading the game. Redownload and see if anything changes.

yeah if you downloaded the game immediately after the update came out yesterday then the conditions are a little broken. Milk Rachel up to 15 jugs of milk and see if that does it.

Rachel and Isabelle do not have level 7 yet.

Really? Can you tell me what it says?

Odd. I thought I squished this bug. I'll have to take another look at it.

Yeah, I decided to move into the next update immediately after the last one and then this happened.

Thank you for bringing that to my attention. Unlock icon is now colored green, will be in next update.

So you talked to them and there was nothing to talk about? If the status screen is lighting up to talk to the others, then it should be working if you head back to the interact menu after summoning a girl.

If they're naked they need to be clothed, otherwise you should just be able to talk to them and say that they can continue the experiment.

Sage 7 is not in the game yet. Whenever the next update comes out she will have her stage 7 then.

Check the status screen. Someone should have something important to talk about...

You can't? There should be directions for what to do next in the status screen.

just built a proper android version

Yeah, that's a known thing. Not much I can do about that, unfortunately. I have no idea why it happens or what I can do to fix it.

Wow, I don't know what to say, really! Thank you! You really put into words something that I was talking to others recently about as one of the things I try really hard to accomplish, and that's making my characters feel like characters and not just like fetish objects. Your comment really validates that I am achieving the goal I set out to accomplish, and I really appreciate that you took the time to write this out. Thank you.

Whatever antivirus you're using is flagging it as a false positive. You'll have to go in and let the download through. If you're concerned about the file actually being a virus (it's not but I can see how I might be an untrustworthy source) you can upload the zip file to virustotal and it will scan and tell you whether it's truly harmful.

Right now, expect nothing. I have no future plans for M-00. That may change if inspiration strikes, but for now this is where it stops.

I've successfully gotten it to work on JoiPlay, so give that a shot!

It could be that your antivirus is blocking the game. You'll have to make an exception for it before you can unzip it, I think. That or check your antivirus's quarantine for any files related to the game and let them pass.

I plan to slow down or maybe even stop from here. I've been going so long without giving myself much of a break I'm probably going to be taking a long rest.

You can unlock a new girl after Eva Level 5. Check the Status menu again.

Yeah, I noticed that myself. I broke my own fully unlocked save and then forgot to create a fix for it. A fully unlocked save for demo 3 without first having gone through demo 4 when it was out will be broken.

Nicely put together! I ran through all those solutions and it's very well explained!

Oh hey! Didn't expect to see you here! I'm Skai!

1) That's a good question... It sounds a little tricky to implement given the state of the code, but I can take a look.

2) Unlocking shuffle as an upgrade is a good idea. It's planned to be free use, so that would balance it. As far as stage time, the earliest versions of the demo had timer increases, but I don't want to go that route because I'm trying to shy away from any upgrades that make the game go on longer.

3) I'm aware. She's gotten a rework where she gets a lil plumper. ;D

As much as I would love to do that (indeed, I have TRIED to do that before to great failure), I can't, or at least, it would be very hard compared to other solutions. Power ups would be a fantastic addition, but the extra code that it would add to the minigame would be a monumental undertaking that would take a lot of time just for one. I have added a difficulty switch that will halve all point and color requirements that will be in the next build.

I just (like 2 minutes ago) put the finishing touches on a difficulty switch that will halve all the requirement of the levels, color and points both included. This should be much more manageable. I'm sorry about the difficulty. I am... not a good tester. lol

Ooh, very helpful information! Thank you!

(1 edit)

Not for Mila... but not everybody is going to end up as small as Mila.

I've added highlights when you click a piece that hopefully helps indicate that you need click two pieces rather than dragging. It will be in the next build.

Highlight - Implemented. Will be in the next build, whenever that is.

Timer - I'm trying not to make the game take forever, so 30 seconds is all you get for anyone. The idea is to use the power boosts to increase your total point gain instead of having to go for more time.

T Matches - I have to hard code every T and L match into the game. It's possible something slipped through the cracks, but without knowing exactly where each piece was when it didn't match, it's very difficult to fix.

It's on the left

Hint: You're making a T match and the solution becomes immediately obvious after one move.

That's odd. Your saves should transfer. If you find out why, it should be fine to do so. At worst there will be some things that are mysteriously locked but it wouldn't be anything that going back through the game shouldn't fix.

Not at all. Lots of people are struggling with arcade mode. It's a real issue. I'm working on balance for it but it's hard because its current state felt balanced to me so all attempts at making it easier make it feel too easy. I'm truly considering throwing balance to the wind and just making it easy.

Strawberry - Most weight goes into the breasts

Apple - Most weight goes into the belly

Pear - Most weight goes into the butt