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A member registered Oct 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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thanks so much for the feedback


Yeah. That is what I was going for. And I was afraid that dying would take away from the story. Thanks for playing

well I had to play it... then finish it after watching the stream on twitch, it just looked that fun. Plus I am a sucker for puzzles

Had a clipping problem and got stuck, but other than that. Good work

I liked the game, for some reason I didn't have sound.  I would say make the fire automatic or a button so you can toggle it on and off.  The art was good, animation timing seemed a bit fast to me.  Overall great job.

I like the art, the controls were a bit confusing for me, but once I got used to them, my only problem was the ramp in difficulty seemed a bit fast.  Overall good job.

Played the whole thing, it was a simple concept with a brutal final puzzle. I did finally get it.  Well done

I enjoyed solving the puzzle. I did run into a possible real bug in that every so often even if it was turned on, jump became disabled.


I was going to break it into a story and challenge mode, but ran out of time to add in a properly balanced combat system. So as it stands you can not die.

if you guys do, let me know I would love to play it.

(1 edit)

Thanks. I wanted to move the chat box location for the boss fight but didn't have time to recode the whole text engine.

Only mean it with kindness and support. I really like the concept.

Loved the sound effects and art.  I could totally see the brush swinging as a cool mechanic for analog stick, or a motion control.  The difficulty curve was pretty fair. The only thing that felt strange to me was that i wanted to left click to make the brush stab and extend my reach a bit, it seemed like I should be able to after having used the right click to dash.  I like the idea of hiding power-ups as well as health pick-ups to make looking for secret areas motivational, it's always a great feeling when you hear that a-ha   sound in a game.  So satisfying I think it releases endorphins.  I can tell that you have been practicing making games something that I commend you for.  Well thought out, good job.

Buggy, but you knew that already. Cute aesthetic beautiful art and animation.  I have a feeling that art is your favorite part of game making.  The concept seems like it would be fun, just had a hard time playing and figuring out what to do to wake him up. Good job.

A good game.  I like the concept.  I would say match the enemy colors or shapes to the gun colors/shapes. also a telegraph would be nice before each wave, even if it was something simple like a countdown.  The only other thing I would add would be a sound so I can receive confirmation that I actually hit the enemy.

I enjoyed the game. It was a bit frustrating not knowing where to click... then I just approached it like on of the old point and click adventure games... scan the screen w/ the mouse looking for clues.  Great humor, I did actually laugh enough that my wife wanted to see what I was playing.

I liked the game. The fire rate could be increased. I understand the mouse decision, but would have liked to see some tactile(i.e. keyboard keys) for movement and a health bar.

Good Job

NOT what I was expecting.  I liked it, the sound was a bit repetitive but I understand why you did it.  I enjoyed the content. Though for some you might want the explicit content warning. It definitely carried across the emotion of stress and sanity loss that a game maker has to deal with.

Good job. I would add a longer attack animation, sometimes I couldn't tell if i was attacking or not witht the coder. Also my Hp bar bugged and showed me at full health even though i died one hit later.

Cute, Humorous, and good work. 

Beautiful game. Good music. Not my favorite style of game to play but I like the concept. You all did great.

Not a problem. Thanks for making a fun game with cute old school sprite.

Fun, a bit on the difficult side, but I think that it works. from the 2nd platform you inform the player that the game will be brutal. The only two improvements I could recommend would be to add telegraphs for the player to learn from.  For example an animation on the unformed platforms that flash if they have spikes.  The treadmill sections on some of the platforms need some sort of indicator that they are there. That way they can learn to play with the mechanics.