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Game Overtures

A member registered Oct 24, 2015 · View creator page →

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Oh, it's not showing an option to go else where?

Thanks for reporting!

Sorry to hear that, what was it that happened in the basement?

Thanks for saying so, I appreciate it!

The fix has been published!

Thanks again for your patience!

Sorry you had to run into this bug!

I've recreated it and I'll be able to put out a new patch sometime tonight. Thank you for bringing it to my attention and for your patience.

I appreciate it, and I'm glad you got through!

Honestly, I'm just so flattered anybody wanted to run through it enough times to get all the endings. You've made my day!

I do like text adventures, I may work on some more at some point.

Check the fridge one more time. Everything else is right.

I'll check your game out tonight, and I'm glad you shared it here. :)

Oh geez, thanks for letting me know, I'll check into those bugs as well. It can be a bit difficult to account for all the things that might happen, sorry about that.

As for the other good ending;

Don't obey orders. 

It's dangerous to go alone so take weapons, and maybe don't go alone?

Maybe check the fridge a bit? If you have to venture outside it's best not to do so on an empty stomach.

The bug fixes are out!

Thanks again for reporting!

I've just uploaded a new version, fixes implemented and all!

After going over your description, I'll just say that you were absolutely on the right track for a good ending, just follow the instructions from the opening prompt TO THE LETTER.

Yeah, so most options do kill you, that's true.

I'm just trying to recover the source code so I can fix what's broken at the moment, but I'm a bit worried I'll need to just remake it from scratch and fix the bugs.

There are only 2 ways to survive, and I can tell you how to get them if you like, or I can give more cryptic hints. :P

Thanks for reporting this!

I'll try to get a patch in ASAP and let you know.

There are 2 ways to get out alive. Pay attention to the instructions at the beginning for one. For the other try a few runs through the house, look for changes in the text, and don't follow advice.

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So I was able to equip a knife and run around, and then got a bunch of guys chasing me, and then the game crashed.

Not sure what it has to do with space.

This is really great. Love the classic arcade-y feel.

Thanks everyone who tried Ceilings! Special thanks to everyone who rated it!

I got the good ending first try!

This is really well done, I like the descriptive prose.

I like the alternate endings and path variety. Really solid submission.

I finally wrote up my post-mortem on my blog:

In summary: great learning experience, both in terms of learning the basics and features of the engine and for reinforcing important lessons about planning, design, and best practices in programming in general.

Please give it a read if you have the time.

Submission has been made to the jam. Sometime over the course of voting I'm going to write a comprehensive post mortem of development. I'm happy with the amount I learned about libGDX and will be using it in future, but I'm not particularly pleased with how I didn't come into development with a strong design plan in mind. The result has been a mess of code that became more and more difficult to expand and modify as the jam enter "crunch time". I did however get to make a lot of assets using new tool I acquired over December and I'm very pleased with how my skills have developed.

All told, great learning experience and I'm happy to be getting a new tool to use for development. Maybe I'll be lucky and get a T-shirt. :)

Added Motion Controls using the accelerometer for the Android version, defined and implemented some interfaces, and created the Shot object for non special weapons firing. I'll be tweeting screenshots and possibly the soundtrack from soundcloud if it's far enough along this weekend so I'll be sure to link those here.

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I'm also a bit confused as to how this is space related.

Today I added new game functionality as well the ability to save and load the gamedata using preferences and Json objects. Tomorrow is finishing and testing level one.

After neglecting my dev log a bit, here's a big update:

Asset creation has taken up the majority of the time developing the game thusfar. I have several chiptune songs composed for the game and a number of assets drawn up including some spaceships and widget skins.

In code I have menus and some interfaces to define behaviour of the various game objects.

Over the next two days I intend to program in the templates for how the actual playable levels will work along with success and fail states.

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Day One: Mostly just making some chiptune music for a vague idea at the moment. Brainstorming continues.

It's a saturday but I have no screenshot :(

UPDATE: Created a Github repo and project. Making some menus happen now.

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Currently wrestling with making Gradle behave itself in Android Studio and brainstorming what I'm going to make.

Gradle is working properly now. :D

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Hi, I'm Adam, I'm an indie developer and this will be my third jam on

Previously I've only posted text adventure games and I'm very much looking forward to completing something more ambitious this time around. You can find me on twitter @AdamBoyce4

Best of luck to everyone!

Was this cancelled?

I can't find a page for it on Game Jolt either.