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A member registered Jan 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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It might make it more interesting if the ai dosent get items and instead will steal one of yours at random. This would probobly also make the discard more important to the gameplay 

Just finished playing was fun. I loved the art and the sound. Here is the feedback i have, 1. i never saw the opponent use a utility (I saw you comment on another person that this was because of lack of time) 2. It would be cool if there was another card that spread the fire randomly because being able to chose where the fire spreads makes the game feel slow and i would feel more under threat if there was a fire by the tower that could randomly burn it down at any time or just more variance in general 3. why would i ever need to get rid of items with the green button it just confused me at first. Other than that i thought it was fun and stressful and loved that you could see the fire spread as cards were turned. 

Good game i had fun playing it this is the feedback i have for it.

 1. the ai seem to just stand closest to the ball they can get on their side (I only played agist the easy ai btw) this is problematic because it makes kicking kind of useless and the best strategy is to just grab the ball and throw it over the ai's head which gets boring. 

2. the arena is a little deep so if the ball gets kicked over to you side you just have to run all the way to the end to get it back. Mabey it could be shorter so people have to thing about what direction they kick the ball so it doesn't come bouncing back to their side. 

(this is smth i thought would be cool to add) some pillars or smth to each side that bounce the ball so that you could do some cool things like kick it to a pillar then catch the ball and throw it somewhere to make it more interactive.

