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A member registered Jun 11, 2021

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All I read was "Werewolf".  1.

Okay fine, I read it fully.  Still 1.

Enjoy your vacation!!!  You certainly more than overly earned it!!!  :D

Nah, I read a few stories by AI and they are devoid of anything great that a human author can produce...  (Talking about feels/emotions!  And others).  So you are right.  :)

Games are nice and fun, but the world still needs good stories!

I'll check it out.  Looks good!

Yes.  Just yes.

Wah!  What a beautifully dark story!

It was certainly different from what one might expect and you can feel the pain through the pages as the travelers continue their adventure.

I wish there was more of the romance aspect, but...!  It's completely fine for this story.

It has an >interesting< (I don't want to spoil it) ending which makes you sigh as you close the book.

A good or bad sigh?  That's up to you to find out.  Heh heh.

Thank you S. Jean!  Your stories keep me entertained through the gloom and doom of reality.

I wish you the best in your future endeavors and I look forward to more GOOD STUFF!  <3

Surprisingly good for a short game!  Must have more!

Count me in for the Full Game.  :D

A lot of reading for a really good value!

Happy Birthday with many more wonderful birthdays/things to come!!!  :D

Very good, meow.


What an unexpected and beautiful short story...

I am not a fan of horror, but since you wrote it...  I actually read it.  XD

And...  I am glad I didn't skip out on it!

It was fun/interesting, spooky and completely didn't end like I thought it would.  Kudos!

The twists too.  You got me.  ^^"

They are well deserved.  :D

Another well written story that kept your interest until the very end!

So far -> This is one of the lighter ones I had read and...  It was worth it.

I really adore the couple and Eryn as well!

With your stories, I always want to know what happened to the characters afterwards lol.  You make it fun to wonder...

Now onto the next one!

I like this one too!  :D

Although short, you already feel the connection between the two and maybe, just maybe that in itself made me want to re-read the short story once more.  ^.^

That or perhaps it's your way with words.  Especially while describing something/someone.  :)

Thank you!

All the best to ya then.  :)

Yessssssssss!!!  That sounds awesome!!!

I completely understand.  Good things are worth the wait!  ^^

Good read time!

(1 edit)

The first time I found this website's Book section...  Your books were the ones that called out to me the most anddddd...

It was the right way to go!  The book is really well written and although it isn't happy/light...  I still enjoyed the hell out of it!

It also ends in a way where you can either interpret your own "next course of action" or a second book could follow.

Really good and I look forward to reading the other three!  Keep up the good work and thank you!

Woohoo to mysteries!  Would love to try it out!

Anything you put out is fine!  Keep up the good work!  :D

Sigh...  If only.

Thank you.  <3

I love it!  ^-^

Congratulations on your first project!

Would like to see more as I enjoy the kind of stuff you offer.  :D

YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!  Wishlisted and can't (can) wait!!!  Your novels are so good!!!  ^-^

I love these!  The Christmas one and now Valentine's!

They are so cute, soft and cozy and I read it to feel the warmth.

I still haven't found a magical cat boi, but perhaps this short VN will spread its magic wherever it goes.  The magic of love and good feelings.

This one had more CGs and cat images too!

How can you not love or enjoy it?

Keep up the good work!  :)

This is a rather short, yet cute game.  So why not?

Especially if you recognize those names.  ^^

This is a short game with a very sweet story.  (I only did the heartwarming choices, so...  Who can even click "other" choices when a CAT IS INVOLVED?!  Lol.)

Now I want to find my own stray morph.  It's hard to tell between them and a real cat however...  So I have much work to do.

Thank you for the sweet message and I look forward to your next game.

Enjoy your Holidays as well!  ^-^

Your stories/VNs are insane, but I read them with a smile on my face.

So thank you again.  ^.^

I couldn't stop staring at the guy's starry robe...  Now I want one...  XD

Darn...  The future is bright however.  Never know.  ^^"

YEAH!  Because of your words I couldn't stop thinking about WANTING to see what was in the game!  XD

Very worth it.  ;)

Sounds like a good time.  But I will.  :3

Ohh!  Then it's a must read.  Thank you!  :p

Funny.  XD

First I actually got a good looking guy...  Until he opened his mouth and called me "mother".  >.>

Then a crying grandpa came by...  I wasn't sure what he was doing here.  ^^"

Third was the most...  It had cats in the background.  That made it all better.  However...  Wouldn't mind playing the game where this Boss is at.  :3

(Good fun was had.  Thank ya. Will play more. ^^)

Woo!  I found another one of your VNs.  ^-^  This one had a different feel from the others...  But still good nonetheless.  I have to say this though...  Every crime prediction I had for 4/5 people (since Naima isn't really there for that reason)...  I got wrong.  My guess for Naima was wrong as well lol.

I think I set their crimes WAY too high...  I thought Izzy was in the mafia and Luis was running a Ponzi Scheme...  While Ruby was an art thief.  Sigh.  And yes, I do realize that those are serious crimes...  But it was rather funny how off I was.

Regardless, this was worth a play.  There are definitely lessons in here and the MC is not a mute (as in those characters that just stand there and do nothing) that just waits for things to happen (thank goodness!)  Other characters all got their own thing going and you do feel bad for them...  As well as seeing how they cope and their actions that follow.

Once more, everything was enjoyable...  I did like some things I found in the background too...  Those pictures of that cat and that drinking (station?) was glowing!

Let's face it, my favorite things were Kenji's/MC's CG (heh heh) and the werewolf books!!!  I super agree.  *nod nod*

I truly don't have a character that stood out the most to me this time, only because I feel like the MC came to each one of them via different timelines and helped them out...  As they helped her.  So I guess in that sense...  They all shine in their own way.  Mysteries of what they all did were good too.  Makes you want to keep reading.

Thank you once more and as per usual...  I'll be around.~ ^.^

Yay!  Then more kudos to ya as I can't (can) wait for more of your novels/intriguing storytelling!  :D

This is certainly not what one would expect.  On one hand it LOOKS like you know what you are getting into and then...  TWISTS.  Then again, I should've known it would happen...  Thanks to playing Queen of Hearts.  ^.^

I like the characters you create, as they are not only memorable, they also have their own personalities and you actually WANT to read/learn about them.

The MC too.  Like in QOH...  She isn't a bore and she actually stands up for herself and I just like her.  Her best friend also fulfills her role really well too.

The choices are fun to pick too...  As they are pretty straightforward and don't make your head hurt.

I liked everything in the game. (Backgrounds/CGs, etc.)

But the twist...  Heh...  Heh...  No seriously...  It goes far deeper than that, doesn't it?  It feels like it's a loop...  Without knowing where the beginning or end is...  Or am I thinking too deeply about it...?

The cat?  Best character...  Wait...  How did he get into the game as well?!  The cat might be behind all of this...  They always know more than they are letting on...

But really, great game, fun read and was really enjoyable!

(And as for the favorites...  Which isn't easy...  The cat.  Joel.  Caspian's looks and Dane's fun vibes.  Hah!)

Yesss!!!  This was pretty darn good!  It was relatable, fun, interesting and it was amusing to see Wyatt's shirts change. XD

I like all the characters and will most likely remember them for a while, including their personalities.

The story is heartwarming and the lesson is really good.  I may have guessed the twist, but that didn't matter...  Because it was just good nonetheless.

Oh and also the choices being pretty straightforward?  Hell yes!

And the relationships?  No brutal drama.  No one being petty.  With the confessions being sweet and lovely.

Love it.  Deserves the praise.  Kudos!

Game look good!  Game get!  Game enjoyed!

(I own this game on Steam, not here just yet, so I spent my efforts there, but I will leave a comment here regardless...  Because it's well deserved and people already should know what to expect.  XD)

I am talking about the charming STORY.  The adorable CHARACTERS and that one CREATURE (I know what he is, I am not spoiling it) and HOURS OF FUN figuring stuff out.

Thank you...  Just...  Thank you.

Well worth it and that's one hell of a hot vampire.  *-*

That was FUN!!!  I liked it!  And the game even has a walkthrough attached to it too...  If you don't feel like thinking.  :p

Everyone has their own personality and quirks and hmm...  I just liked everyone (almost) with ears.  (Tomoe and Finn *cough*)  Dmitri was funny in his own way (even though I don't get all the words he used...) andddddd Arien.  Have to have demons too.  Especially incubi.  ^-^

The CGs for good ends are adorable!  I would say which one is my favorite, but then anyone who reads this will read too much into it.  So hah!