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A member registered Nov 15, 2018 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

This game makes me think Satisfactory and Subnautica had a baby!

Can't wait to see what happens~ Blis

I tried my best



Undying Flower - GRANDPA IS A JERK

Thank you so much for watching it. It was my pleasure to play your creation and the elements of the story allure me.

No One Likes a racist AI

Second Earth - Early Access Review

I don't know about your profile provide a link

Just wanted to say thanks, your game has brought so many such good times. I am kinda addicted and I can't wait to see the next installment.

Thanks so much



Littlewood - New Kickstarter campaign

Creo God Simulator - Version 0.1.3 - Major Faith and Fear Update - Part 1

Alpha Released 1

Thank You Bento !

Wow 20 dollars is a lot for just beta access. Would love to play it, but that's too much money

Would like to see a campaign :)

All Of ZHEM! - Zombies want to talk to me!

I apologize I didn't get back to you sooner. Been having alot of requests and I do have discord and what kind of project would you be interested in?

I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. Been having a lot of requests and the holidays. Will try to get to your games as soon as possible. I really appreciate you replying. I will be doing all the lets plays on letsplaysblis on youtube. Have a great day

Thanks so much for your reply. AS you can see I am getting a lot of requests and will try to get to your game as soon as possible.

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Been really busy with the holidays. Your game looks quite interesting , I love zombie games. Trying to get to all the requests as fast as I can.

Quick update for all my requests, there have been a lot of them and I really appreciate your input on helping me find great games  to do a lets play. of As you know I just started and I'm trying to get comfortable with organizing everything. So I am splitting my channel into two different areas. One will be GamingWithBlis and have edited clips, reviews and gaming tutorials on how to play. While the second channel will be LetsPlayBlis, and will have unedited lets plays, uncut pod-casts in the future hopefully. Keep your requests coming and I will do my best to make videos of all the games I can. See you guys soon, and if you like knockout the subscribe button.

Sherlock Holmes whewww

Hopefully you liked my first walk-through part of it


Just got done playing the first part of your game. I must say, I a really like the story and driven narrative. I was wondering as I played, close to my heart is the movie Bicentennial Man with Robin Williams. I loved that movie as a little kid, and this story makes me feel as if this mite be in the same Universe as that one. I don't know why, but I first thought of that when playing this. I have the first part of my letsplay done, I will be uploading one edited version with highlights on my main channel GamingWithBlis and will have the unedited version on LetsPlayBlis In the future when you release the game, I will be starting my third and final channel for reviews. I would love to review this game, as it reminds me of that special movie Bicentennial Man. R>I>P Robin Williams

Thanks so much for making the game. It made my heart beat so fast at certain points, and in the beginning when it bashes in the door. I really did not see that coming at all. 

Looks very interesting, thanks so much for your reply. Currently I have got a lot of requests and I'm checking each and every game page. Can't wait to see what this game is about.

I really appreciate that you subscribed. Thank you so much for your response, I am currently viewing all of the submissions to my post.

Thanks so much for replying to my post. I have gotten quite a few responses and will look over the games. Thanks again so much.

Thanks so much for replying to my post. I have gotten quite a few responses and will look over the games. Thanks again so much.

Thank you for your response. I was really looking for a comment section. The discussion board is hard for your video to get noticed, considering they have to click on the title of discussion in order to know that you have a video.  

Creo God Simulator - | HOW TO PLAY ? |

Hi, my name is Blis. I just created a Youtube channel, I'm new and I WANT TO PLAY YOUR GAME. If your interested in me making a video of your game, contact me on Youtube or  Thanks so much! I love Also if you like my content, subscribe here If you want me to help you build your game by giving you advice contact me. If you want me to help get your game notice or any other public way of getting the word out. I'm your guy, have a great day.

(3 edits)

Hi, my name is Blis. I just created a Youtube channel, I'm new and I WANT TO PLAY YOUR GAME. If your interested in me making a video of your game, contact me on Youtube or  Thanks so much! I love Also if you like my content, subscribe here If you want me to help you build your game by giving you advice contact me. If you want me to help get your game notice or any other public way of getting the word out. I'm your guy, have a great day.

UPDATE 11/27/2018

Quick update for all my requests, there have been a lot of them and I really appreciate your input on helping me find great games  to do a lets play of. As you know I just started and I'm trying to get comfortable with organizing everything. So I am splitting my channel into two different areas. One will be GamingWithBlis and have edited clips, reviews and gaming tutorials on how to play. While the second channel will be LetsPlayBlis, and will have unedited lets plays, uncut pod-casts in the future hopefully. Keep your requests coming and I will do my best to make videos of all the games I can. See you guys soon, and if you like knockout the subscribe button.

(1 edit)

No on the game page Coalfire, that's what I"m asking.  This a community post section, not a game page comment section

I would really like to do a video on your game, but I don't see a comment section for people to be able to see it. Would you mind opening up a comment section so we can post our let's plays?