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Just got done playing the first part of your game. I must say, I a really like the story and driven narrative. I was wondering as I played, close to my heart is the movie Bicentennial Man with Robin Williams. I loved that movie as a little kid, and this story makes me feel as if this mite be in the same Universe as that one. I don't know why, but I first thought of that when playing this. I have the first part of my letsplay done, I will be uploading one edited version with highlights on my main channel GamingWithBlis and will have the unedited version on LetsPlayBlis In the future when you release the game, I will be starting my third and final channel for reviews. I would love to review this game, as it reminds me of that special movie Bicentennial Man. R>I>P Robin Williams

Hey Blis,

First of all thank you, I really appreciate you playing the demo, leaving your feedback and creating content for others to enjoy!

I'm really happy the story has connected with you so strongly. There will be plenty more story to uncover when I release the final game and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the full  experience when its ready. I will send round updates here on Itch and on my Twitter channel so I'm sure you won't miss it.

I'll keep an eye out for the videos you will be posting and happy to share on Twitter too.
