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A member registered Feb 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hope you're feeling better now!, and tbh most of the games are this short anyway.

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Its really fun, and the graphics are really nice, but i was able to get behind the person chasing me (I did it on accident in level 2) Also, its quite short, but it was made in two weeks so what do you expect? Nice overall.

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I'll build onto that xD. It was fun, and it felt nice, but I am sick so can't play local to test that out. The graphics are really nice too!

Other people mentioned it, but a flashing color and a health bar would be nice, for players and blocks if possible. Also, the camera felt a little too zoomed in, and I think it could be a little smoother, give it a soft zone if that is a thing in or code one manually if you want to work on it that much (seems like a lot but it could be rly useful in future things probably). 

Overall, rly fun! 


thanks for the advice! When I work on this controller, I'll definitely add that

Simple, but really fun, and the RNG makes it a lot more interesting! It would have been cool if fruits could spawn in other places, if not just switch which fruit goes where

Simple, but enjoyable!

very cute and fun, I really enjoyed it!

All the art is really nice, and though it's a simple idea, the added mechanics and slight complexity makes it really fun.

Thanks for the advice! I added coyote time but it looks like I should make it longer ig.

Really cute art style, and a bit of a twist, but it feels slow to play, with the turning mechanism taking too much time to do anything, and it is buggy.

o shoot I forgot to mention there is a double jump if that changes anything