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A member registered Dec 30, 2022

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Well you are using a 2D sprite for the character in 2.5D, if you are doing a platformer it's quite easy, you just need the rolling jump animation for your character and you can use an animation player and maybe an animation tree to build up a finit state machine. I'm assuming you use a spritesheet, if you use bones animation I think you wouldn't have ask that

Hi Eugenio, I'm Davide, I have 13 years of experience in team management, teaching and in the world of eSports. I'm gaining experience as a developer with Godot. I am currently developing a Visual Novel, for which I have already build part of the engine and commissioned the initial sprites, psychological horror/investigative style. If you are interested we can talk, in any case if you would like to participate in some gems together I am happy to gain experience in the field. I don't have any kind of artistic ability but I can integrate almost any mechanic and I prefer 2D games of any genre.

If you want to talk my discord is lifecoachgavaz

Well, I'm Davide, a 31-year-old Italian-based web designer with over 13 years of experience in marketing and the eSports industry. Recently, I've taken up Godot as a hobby, and although I'm still mastering best practices for cleaning my code (which I'm quite obsessed with), I have virtually no experience in coding software within a team setting. However, I do have some experience in web development, so I'm fairly quick at learning.

I can "spaghetti code" any feature, and currently, I'm working on a Visual Novel project primarily to create a simple dialogue manager and refine my coding skills as much as possible.

I lack any artistic skills, and I'm a perfectionist by nature...

My greatest strength is my unwavering commitment once I've begun a project. Perhaps mentoring would be easier with someone who can rapidly learn coding and best practices rather than finding someone skilled in coding but lacking in teamwork abilities.

Or maybe just sharing a Discord server and opinions on the ongoing project should be fine, my discord is lifecoachgavaz

I know you have closed the recruit but... I like your art and I'm starting a Visual Novel project, I'm very committed to my goal. Maybe you are at least open to talk about commissions for my project. I tried to add you on discord, my name is lifecoachgavaz


I'm Davide, 31 years old, a digital entrepreneur and a programmer (data analyst) for the past 13 years. In the last year and a half, I've delved into game development, which has always been my passion, and lately, I've been getting into Visual Novel development.

I primarily develop in Godot and GDScript, but as a Data Analyst who works daily in Python, I've approached game development in Pygame, and therefore Ren'Py shouldn't pose any problems (although I still prefer using a generic engine like Godot to more easily integrate any kind of needed mechanics).

As an investor, I'm happy to fund projects of this kind, but there are some poorly worded clauses in your request.

If you're asking for a programmer, without decision making power, who isn't paid, that's not something feasible, and in that case, I'm not interested.

If you're looking for a publisher to handle marketing and distribution, you won't find one for free. They may not necessarily insist on changing design choices, but they usually take at least a 30% cut. However, I am not a publisher and do not operate as one.

What I do is assimilate projects in Revenue Sharing, where I acquire the project, and profits are divided based on the work ratio of the parties involved. I may also be willing to accept clauses like not interfering with artistic direction. Naturally, this is provided that I like the graphics and the story. However, remember that game design, as ugly as it may sound, rarely exceeds 30% of the project's value.

Obviously, in case you were looking for a partner, with whom to co-divide the project, the situation would change, but no partner would dedicate months of work without having decision-making power

In any case, I am more than willing to evaluate your idea, if necessary, after signing an NDA, and then discuss the terms further.

Best regards, 
