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A member registered Jul 04, 2023

Recent community posts

who is the naga and where can i find him?

it automatically deletes your saves when the game updates on the browser version

when will the next update come out?

when is the next update?

alright thank you!!

if i may ask. when will the next update be? do you do them once every month or like when you feel like it?

alright thank you for responding

how do you get the code for in the shop?

sharkfurryman. i was wondering could you also make a way for us to give multiple cookies or mangos at once to customers?

there are different solutions for everyone 1. updating your laptop. 2. use SFC and DISM scans. 3. a third party tool like win rar (this is the one that worked for me) 4. try a insider version of windows

IT FINALLY WORKED WOOOHOOOO!!!! took some time but it worked

i cant find a map called that

i  tried that already and i tried deleting every map from ineedaroom nothing works

i dont know why but i cant play the new version. i download the game i try to extract the folder and then a error orccurs

nah youre so real for those.... they're hot asf

im so stuck in this game i got the quest home is not a training ground and time for some training and i have no idea what to do with them

i said "think" but since a bunch of games on here stop out of nowhere i maybe thought that he quit aswell

why are you so hostile i said thought key word THOUGHT i could be wrong. 

idk a lot of creators leave their game unfinished because either they dont feel like making it anymore or something comes in between and since there hasnt been an update in 2 months i thought he quit making the updates

i dont think the owner of the game will make anymore updates on this game

thank you

how do i get shards of metal?

how do i get a ram's inquiry? or bugging your betters?

does anyone know who kanat is? i cant seem to find him and i need to do a rams inquiry

im trying to do the to horny to sleep event but for that i need to deliver a lust potion to alden but i am not allowed to give him 1 it doesnt put it between the options does anyone know how to fix it?

is there a way to remove the phone from screen cuz it just gets stuck and i want it gone

this game was really fun to read i forgot about time while reading it i cant wait for the next update

i found out that it only happens with games that put the dowload of linux and windows together the ones where windows and linux are seperate work perfectly fine for me

i tried downloading it to play it but once i download it i need to extract the file and i did that but when its done i get the extracted file and it completely empty i tried a lot of things and nothing seems to work can someone help me?

ohh alright i thought you posted your game there sorry i didnt know thanks anyways

ohh no worries but i found the game also on a diff site where you can play on the site itself its callled porngameshub and i can play it on there but the saves dont work on that site any way to fix that?

the first method is how i always do it and the 2nd method has the same result it just crashes again without any error code or smt

1. yes i launched macos
2. no error message appears it just shuts the game down nothing appears on my screen when it happens the game just disapears

hi im trying to play the game but everytime i open the game it just shuts it off again and it doesnt let me play im playing on a macbook pro 2023


alright thanks for replying

how much will the dlc cost if i may ask?

are there going to be any more updates?
