i dont know why but i cant play the new version. i download the game i try to extract the folder and then a error orccurs
Any error messages that appear? Try running INeedARoom.exe as administrator
i tried that already and i tried deleting every map from ineedaroom nothing works
Are you playing on PC? or on cell phone? . If you are playing on PC, try deleting the save located in C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\LocalLow\HatsSharkFurryMan\INeedARoom.
i cant find a map called that
try download again or send your error messag
Try using WinRar , are you using winzip?
Or maybe try to download again. Otherwise send message in discord to verify.
IT FINALLY WORKED WOOOHOOOO!!!! took some time but it worked
Could you tell me what the solution was? Maybe it will help someone who has the same problem.