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A member registered Apr 23, 2024

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The high class client is random, but on a 45 minute shift I normally get one. Was lucky a few times and got one right at the start. If you get one, focus on him until he runs out of money.
Fast fill worked very well for me, it balanced it even if I had wine or beer left. Could have been luck, but with older versions of the game I often got 6 wine bottles (or only beer), so I think something has changed. 

Progression percentage is not broken, I managed to get 100% in 0.5 and 0.6 version of the game.
With 0.6 the "fast fill" skill will always give you 3 beers and 3 wine bottles, making this much better!

Three topics down, same question.

You need to download again. Link is right above, the big red "Download Now" button.

It's the last link:

Daily Lives of My Countryside v0.3.0.1 (PC)

Yes, it doesn't really tutor you into it.

Important to understand is that the game is time based, so people show up at certain time of day at certain places.

The schedule is visible in the phone for each person and you can also advance the time there. Needs some getting used to and understanding of the concept, but gives you a lot of freedom on how you want to progress and which storyline you want to pursue.

When you just start, use the weekend to explore a bit and get used to the mechanics. School then starts on Monday and this will first guide you into more content.

You need the v0.3.0.1 bugfix version:

Bug Fixes:

- Corrected the issue where Callum's hand was missing while helping Daisy with the cow

- Fixed a visual bug during the toy testing scene with Callum in the Dream Room

- Resolved the black screen issue during the Outdoor Class and River Picnic

- Addressed the problem where a sprite remained visible during Joyce's first dinner

- Corrected the mislabeling of Lily and Lucy’s names

- Fixed a visual issue with Ava’s face in the Dream Room

- Unblocked Joyce's first visit which was previously hindered by Anna's schedule

Not exactly like this, but with a similar theme is Succum Brewery (also here on itch). It's a bar management game with female main character made with RPG maker. 

There is this big red button on the home screen of the phone. Try pressing that!

No, there is no other way, it's a slow progression. If act too fast you can even loose some affection points, so take it slow.

As far as I know the condoms are only used in some scenes with Mabel. There you get a choice. Haven't found any other use for them.

It is a random event.

The corn needs to be ready for harvesting and you need rain in the evening.

Did you start the Korona/Sadoka (Special Movie) story? If so, that conflicts with the sleep rainy night trigger and has to be completed first. 

Nothing happens if you don't clean it every Friday. You can clean a bit during the week for getting better reputation with the swimming club, but that is not the same as the big cleaning day on Friday.

(1 edit)

I had a look at the code in the latest version, the conditions differ from the notes. The progress trigger would be:
Joyce = 0

Anna >= 9

Daisy >= 38

Douie >= 19

Mae >= 15

Pixie >= 8

The progress for Daisy needs to be higher, so the notes could use an update. You also should use version 3.0 of the game, as there was a bugix in it for Joyce:

Unblocked Joyce's first visit which was previously hindered by Anna's schedule

You have all the other requirements?

Daisy Stage 21, 

Anna Stage 8, 

Douie Stage 10, 

Mae Stage 12, 

Pixie Stage 6

The most expensive one will regrow, the others you need to replant after you harvested them. At least as far as I remember.

There is no combat in the game, you don't really need a weapon. 

There is one Halloween event which is a kind of battle, with a flyswatter as weapon - but it's not one of those RPG battle scenes.

There are several quest lines and relationships/characters that require you to go to school. The school is quite an important part of the game, but you will not get punished if you skip it sometimes.

You can help Mr. Carter in the morning if you get up early and go there directly. Then you can still attend school. I played the game that way that I saw school as the main job and attended it whenever possible. But there are some things that require you to skip school if you want to progress there.

I hate that part that talking to Corona will force you to fail school on that day. How long can a short chat with the post box take?

Assuming you don't want to cheat I would recommend to be able to generate some money early on. That would be to learn cultivating from Daisy as a first thing, as that will unlock Douie and you can then help there (morning and afternoon). This gives you another option to earn money.

It's also good to  learn milking from Anna, as you can sell some milk later to Pixie. The Anna questline is also a very long one, so you might as well give it a little head start,

Getting an Exception when personal training Tomoe (while Leona is the weekly quest):

  File "game/script/interaction screen/assignments/assignments nav.rpy", line 8, in script call

    call screen screen_assignments

  File "game/script/end turn/end turn.rpy", line 32, in script call

    call calc_daily_changes from _call_calc_daily_changes

  File "game/script/stats change/daily calcs.rpy", line 6, in script call

    call calc_security from _call_calc_security

  File "game/script/stats change/daily calcs.rpy", line 178, in script

    $ leo_sec = int(renpy.random.randint(1,3) * _leo_cond_security ) #

  File "game/script/stats change/daily calcs.rpy", line 178, in <module>

    $ leo_sec = int(renpy.random.randint(1,3) * _leo_cond_security ) #

NameError: name '_leo_cond_security' is not defined

You need Swimming Club Points 100 AP, at least  40 AP with Kate and 50 AP with Nina. 

You can do the ocean diving without the swim training. That should already be available to you if you have been on a date with Nina.

The dream room doesn't show everything, mainly images and animation. The sequence with Anna is an interaction, not just a simple animation. I assume that is not easy to include in the dream sequences.

Don't interact with her, you need to hide in the bushes. The area below her on the left.

(1 edit)

When you hear the sounds you should be outside in the corridor, not in the office. From what I remember you shouldn't just enter but try the other options first.

And on which version do you use? There was a patch a while ago, so recent versions should work fine.

Do you go there at the right time? From what I remember it should be the afternoon.

Small bug in the Day Recap.
The statistics are wrong, it switched people and event reports.
Stats say "Kissed 14 people 9 times", it should be "Kissed 9 people 14 times".

Do you already have all the pre-requirements fulfilled?
Adeera After School Secret 2(4)),
Elphaba Evil Force 4(22)),
Pixie I'm Special 13(23),
Maleena The First Meeting 1(4)

All of these need to be done, otherwise you cannot continue with the Anna questline.

(2 edits)

Works fine, even with your savegame. For testing I set the progress for Elphaba to 14 and repeated the scenes. Characters are placed correctly and everything continues as intended. 

But I found a potential issue.

With the start of the scene the characters are placed here:

When looking at the event I noticed that Elphaba and the Owl are placed at the start of the scene. The MC is not! His position depends on the previous scene.

So if you set the progress yourself and set it to anything else than 14 (let's say you set it to 21), then the previous scenes will not be played and the MC is not where he is supposed to be.

Milda could fix it by making sure the MC is placed at the start of these movement scenes. 

But technically this is not really a bug. If you don't use the cheats to set the progress it will work as expected. If you set the progress to 14 instead of any other value it will also not happen (at least from my observations). 

I played that with 2.9.1 and with 3.0.1 and didn't run into any issues. I assume it's the scene where the MC tries to leave. The event in question is EV004 and the Movement Route for the Player is:

- Move Left

- Turn Down

- Move Down

- Move Down

which should bring him to the exit. It's fully automated without user input and continues after that. Don't really see what could go wrong there. 

Maybe a savegame would help to replicate it. 

You need to progress in the Anna storyline and have talked with her at 4 PM on the weekends (Your Vegetable Area) about the club and that you want to help/join.

Joining the club then starts after school lesson at 11 AM on weekdays in the classroom corridor when you leave the class room.

It is always on day 30.

I assume watching the movie on Halloween should do the trick.
From the character hints: Watch the movie in Callum's room on Halloween -> After 7 days, go to sleep with Coffee in inventory (Convenience Store)

(1 edit)

If you bought the Lady Box already, you can just talk to her at hour 21 when she is in her room. If you haven't bought it yet you can use your phone on Halloween morning and call to Leto's Shop with your phone to order the Halloween costume (Lady Box).

School, top floor. Same floor where Mrs. Adeera is one, just on the right side. First door.

Yes, that is a real bummer with the new weather concept in 3.x. You need to start it when the corn is ripe and you need rain in the evening. So two things must come together and you have only 2 or 3 turns when it needs to happen.
Chance is very slim that this will work, especially since you need to go through this three times. Saving the night before and reloading often would be my best bet. 

I hope this will get a re-design, right now this is a horrible quest line.

Town > Shop > Convenience Store

When on PC:  right-click with your mouse.

Not sure if Milda is reading this, but there is a bug (black screen) with the bully event in the Anna storyline in combination with the Sculpting Club when you start it at hour 14 instead of hour 13:

Black screen in Anna David Bully Start 23 End 24

Sculpting Club



If:Hour = 13 

Needs to be 

If:Hour >= 13

File extension is rar. If in doubt, use 7zip, that can handle both.