hey man, do you plan to sell packs with all chars again?
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Im getting this error around 90% on my HMTL5.zip game files:
Please try to delete the ;zip and upload another one
Checksun error: It always a different file that have a checksun erro, no matter how my times I upload the same file. Eventually after several upload attempts(20 or more) the game will upload fine
- It's not a zip error or any error on my part because I can upload and play on Other locations, and after ITCH.IO finally accepts the game it runs fine
- it seem to start getting those erros when my game got too big, (maybe the server fail to verify the uploaded file?)
I've getting complains of my outdated version on itch.io but unfortunately I can't upload the newest version,
Any help is appreciated,
or even the lift of that checksun check on my games
Thanks mate, I offer a download version too, but it's for android and PC only, Most of HTML5 player come from MAC.
In the future I plan to support Mac nativity, but until then most of my Patrons like the online version, Pretty sure I'm one of the only people on this line of games that support mac/html5
I'm new on this site, I came from newground, there I have my games hitting 20k+ views every month, but unfortunately they have a file size limit of 250mb, so I got to move out.
I really liked the tools and control I got here, I uploaded a small test game and worked wonders.
But when I uploaded the final game I got this message : "There was a problem loading your game: Too many files in zip (1189 > 500)" the game is small about 260mb, but since its a novel like every frame is a single .PNG, so it will have a high file count.
The support wont answer my requests for a extent,
Do you guys think they will help me? Or I should start looking somewhere else?