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A member registered Jan 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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The assets look really nice and the debugging settings were cool to see, but probably not best for a release. Were the model/debugging settings all made in house or are they from an asset pack? Hope you all continue with this!

Great job! I love the look of the enemies and all their unique features and customizations; it made me play a handful of times to try and see them all. I also appreciate the warnings you give going into the game. The rat killed me super quick my first play through and my second play through the camera face guy killed me quickly. I would just reduce the speed or limit how they can get you so it isn't as instant. Would love to see you keep working on this!

Love the look and aesthetic of this! I would have preferred it a bit brighter or the flashlight itself to be brighter :) The witch was a great touch; she was spooky and she trapped me haha there was a brief moment we were looking at each other and I wasn't sure if she'd attack or what she'd do. Great job!

I really like the idea that you're a pig in this! I would love to see a bit more though; maybe an objective to make me want to run around? I probably could have stayed in the barn and lived until 6am haha I like the world, but it was quite large and had a lot of empty space. If you reduced the overall size by 25-50% it would make a huge difference. I love the looming mountain in the background and the various things I could go see. Great job!

I really liked what you were going for, but without the enemies moving towards me I didn't really feel any sense of challenge. I liked the overall look of the game, but would love to see more. Adding a hot key to reload would help with the pace as well. 

Great work and concept! I think there's a lot of room for your continued work on this game. I really like the idea of the physics bouncing around and finding the right angle. I also liked the artwork! It may have been my keyboard, but the dash didn't always trigger for me and had to try multiple times. A tutorial or pop up on how to use the dash would really help too; I kept trying it out thinking I directed with the mouse or keyboard then figured it out haha can't wait to see where you take it :D

Amazing work! I loved the atmosphere and the tension of the level itself and also the sound. When I first blinked I knew something would happen at some point. I ended up getting caught by a bunch of the mannequins so I didn't escape. Would love to see this taken further!

Great job! I agree with the other points below, the simplicity of it is great and was fun just destroying all the monsters. I also really like how you included an online leaderboards and mentioned it from the start; made me want to do even better before even starting. 

The white flashing was a bit much though and did feel like I was getting hurt at first. It can get a bit overwhelming. Also remember that constant flashing in a game like that should have an epilepsy warning :)

Great job! I love the look of the store and the ghost. I like all the decorations and the simple style. I found it the spills to be a bit hard to pick up sometimes, a slightly large hit box/collision that you're using to pick them up would really help. You could also maybe have a timer when there's too many spills so after X amount of time if you don't clean them it's game over :) 

I really loved the fog and the overlooking skull. Especially as the sun rose behind it and gave it a terrifying ominous. Still a lot of work that you can add, but can easily make it more replayable/longer. You could add areas or levels to the game that you need to collect X amount of mushrooms to progress and then you try to beat all the levels by the time the sun comes up how you currently have. Great job!

That was pretty funny! I agree with the comments below on ways to add and improve. Lots of different twists you could do too on top of the fish game you were wanting to implement. Maybe didn't mini games or tasks you can do instead of paying attention to the customer so it gives you different dialogue if you're not paying attention. Great work!

Great work! I like the 3D look of the knight. I found getting out of the couple of rooms a bit difficult, I think increasing the speed of your character or removing the immediate attacks when you enter a room would really help. I liked the room with all the pentagrams, I thought I was okay to grab them all since the knight was no where to be seen. Then realized my mistake of being stuck in that room with him haha 

Also love the play on the theme Survive the "Knight" ;)

(1 edit)

only assets that are available to everyone can be used (ex. Marketplace assets). If it’s custom code or assets you have made in the past those are not allowed 

You technically can edit it, but it’s a more “in good faith don’t” so it’s more fair for everyone haha we do encourage that when all voting is finished for people to continue working on their games! 😄

I’m not too sure what could have happened. I looked at our submission report logs and didn’t see anything about why it could have.

If you hear back from them and there was some error on their end just let me know and we can see if we can get it added back in. I’m happy you enjoyed participating and creating the game!! End of the day that’s what it’s all about  

Hello MIGA GAMEZ, it appears that itch most likely removed it themselves, but I am unsure why. You will have to contact them directly and see why it was removed. 

Was the game submitted to multiple jams or did it go against itch rules? You also edited the download file after the jam was finish; which isn’t against game jam rules in general. That may have been why. 

I just finished playing through the game and I really enjoyed it great job! I liked switching between the levels and seeing where I can find faster routes or "speed run" some of the levels. I also love the simplicity to the visuals and the overall movement. Most of the levels I had to go look between the dimensions and plan which route to take so I can ensure I grabbed everything! 

It would be awesome to continue on with this, increasing the difficulty, add in more things to make it harder (for example a ladder to get to a very high platform). 

Some suggestions for going forward:

-Show which level you're currently on in one of the corners

-Either on itch and/or in the game itself give a brief "how to". I know you have the "R" key here, but it took me a while to figure out the axe click :) You could have a couple of "tutorial" levels that very quickly describe how to play the game. 
-I would change the icon for the axe to something prompts the user to use it as an action button
-I feel that the bridge and the sword should have both been walk up to use or both click to use. 


-Once I beat level 11 (or 12) it looped me back to level 3. Then after beating level 3 a second time it sent me to level 6

Keep up the awesome work!

I'm excited to play this since I love the Three Sisters and enjoy visiting the area!

Hey guys! If you haven't already feel free to ask in our Game-Jam-Team-Finder channel in our discord as well :D

If the game is updated AFTER the time is finished then the game will be judged by what is submitted before the time is up (if possible). Other wise it will be disqualified from possibly winning. 

I’m unsure if late submissions can still submitted. 

However ANY late submissions will NOT be considered as an official submission and will not be officially voted/eligible to win. 

Personally, I won't be able to and I'm not sure if any others are able to play VR games. If you'd like to go that route feel free to, but know the audience you'll reach will be quite limited :( 

Thank you so much for trying this out! I can't wait till I can go back and complete/redo parts of the game with all the skills/knowledge I know now :D 

No need to apologize! I’ve felt the grind before and being able to say you submitted a project to a game jam in such short time is great experience 😁 and like you said you enjoyed it which is honestly most important. 

This is a very lovely and peaceful game! I feel like it would be something I would want to site in a cool dark room and relax while playing this. The colourfulness and sound reminds me to some degree of Flow. Few suggestions: 1) The mouse movement was a bit strange for me and would prefer it to feel differently 2) The first "level" was a bit slow, I think you could shorten it up just a little bit and still give lots to the player. Until I got into the cave I wasn't as interested, but became even more interested and found it more enjoyable once I was climbing the mushrooms! 3) A quick description of what the orbs mean. It took me just before the cave to figure it out. 4) Maybe instead of orbs, what if the level elements acted as the orbs themselves. Not exactly sure how, but would help bring even more life to the levels, keeping the following feeling fresh and interact. 

Great job!

This is a very lovely and peaceful game! I feel like it would be something I would want to site in a cool dark room and relax while playing this. The colourfulness and sound reminds me to some degree of Flow.

Few suggestions:
1) The mouse movement was a bit strange for me and would prefer it to feel differently
2) The first "level" was a bit slow, I think you could shorten it up just a little bit and still give lots to the player. Until I got into the cave I wasn't as interested, but became even more interested and found it more enjoyable once I was climbing the mushrooms!
3) A quick description of what the orbs mean. It took me just before the cave to figure it out.
4) Maybe instead of orbs, what if the level elements acted as the orbs themselves. Not exactly sure how, but would help bring even more life to the levels, keeping the following feeling fresh and interact. 

Great job!

I really enjoyed this and I did really want to play longer. I liked the simplicity and peacefulness of the game. A few notes though:

1) Make the days longer and the side scroller faster. I felt I couldn't really move one way or the other without the day ending.

2) Make it a bit easier to get resources. I would either die or be robbed after trying to save up for multiple days so progress felt slow and unsure (which I wanted to really build the things on the right!!)

There were a couple of bugs like the day end menu not going away when the pick how many people I wanted screen showed up. Also I could continue past the map haha

Great work!

I actually really enjoyed this! It was not at all what I was expecting, but it was funny, visually appealing, and kept me interested. 

However, I did lose interest when my options were getting mixed up and the reactions were doing strange things once I got to the bar. I ended up going back to a previous scene and then the options kept getting more and more mixed up. Probably just some logic errors, but other wise great job!

I really loved the look of this game. It was simple yet very detailed! I liked how I was able to explore and see different rooms of the castle. Although repetitive I did like the music and I liked that I said "Did I die??!" at the exact moment the character said it haha

A few suggestions and notes though:

1) I don't really understand the purpose of the spikes. When I first started playing I thought the purpose was to find the spikes and move to the next area.

2) The music is a bit repetitive and drowns out the sound of the comments

3) Be careful of asset placing!! I was worried about getting stuck behind a door when I opened it and that is what eventually happened. I couldn't get out or shut the door

Great work though!

I was actually really excited to play this since the thumbnail looks really cool and the description sounds fun. 

However after downloading your game I see that it was not actually packaged and is a project file with all the assets. I do not want go through the effort to bring that up in my engine and try and play it. Please package it before hand (it's not hard to do, but plenty of tutorials online!)

I really liked the look of the grass and other assets in the game. It was cool seeing the grass spawning as I got closer; it made it so I could see the fruit. However, that was one of my problems; the first time I played I didn't know there was any other fruit because I couldn't see it. I would suggest making it more visible or give some sort of indicator. 

The game also crashed when I hit "play again"

Great job though! 

That worked thank you!

I feel like this could be a pretty cool game by the initial look. I'm not at all sure what it's supposed to be though. The thumbnail you have looks like it has more than what I was getting when I opened the game. When I opened the game only the gun appeared, some text saying that it was for the jam and a button saying start; I had no control though so couldn't start. My suggestion is to always play your game after packaging incase there are any issues with it. What we play in the viewport may not be how the game plays when packaged. This could have just been an issue with that process. 

(1 edit)

I feel like this could be a pretty cool game by the initial look. I'm not at all sure what it's supposed to be though. The thumbnail you have looks like it has more than what I was getting when I opened the game. When I opened the game only the gun appeared, some text saying that it was for the jam and a button saying start; I had no control though so couldn't start.

My suggestion is to always play your game after packaging incase there are any issues with it. What we play in the viewport may not be how the game plays when packaged. This could have just been an issue with that process. 

Edit: After starting the game I do like the look and I like how I can look around to see the stuff I'm shooting at, a score board, and also outside! Made me feel like I was up in the sky. I was unsure what I was supposed to be getting points for: either shooting the chickens or shooting the bread/potato things?

I would have liked to see different building materials and also more time between rounds. By the time I figured out how to play I had already lost twice from the first character. (This may just be due to my large monitor) but the instruction UI had the images moved over so that they were blocking the text. 

However, I did like the overall look of the game and the opening screen really drew me in!

I really like the concept of this game and how cute and colourful it is! I like the idea that the further you get the more you upgrade your character to go further. A few notes though:

1) Don't forget to add a way to exit the game (not a problem I can close it externally, but in game would be great)
2) If you continue on with the project make sure that the jumping distance/height is a bit longer
3) Picking up the boxes weren't as straight forward as they should be. I think it would be better to press F to pick up instead of enabling pickup. Just so that there's more direct/instant feedback for picking up the box.

Great job though!

Love escape room type games. I can usually never actually beat them, but I enjoy them. I really like how well done this is and love when *spoiler* I pick up the razor and it tells me to listen. It was the first time that I turned up the volume and truly listened. It was near the end of me playing so hearing it talk about basically what happened to me was eerie. Well done!

Love escape room type games. I can usually never actually beat them, but I enjoy them. I really like how well done this is and love when *spoiler* I pick up the razor and it tells me to listen. It was the first time that I turned up the volume and truly listened. It was near the end of me playing so hearing it talk about basically what happened to me was eerie. Well done!