When will the next chapter be translated?
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Wotb, don't worry you can always put a kabe-don scene/CG into your game whenever you want.
(like for example the next shoichi update.)
Dear Mr. Wotb,
Would your game include 18+ toys when the MC and one of the date able characters do 18+ stuff?
I was just wondering but I feel like the heart event for Shoichi was just too short. Maybe you should add one more heart to it to make it into 4 hearts instead of 3. This part is the second part that I enjoyed the least cause it feel too non-realistic and it just makes it stand out, because for the majority of you game it gives of a realistic vibe which is a reason why I enjoy your game.
Maybe you can have that heart event day be someone confessing to Shoichi and the MC over heard it and feels jealous and acts awkward around Should for the rest of that day (of course this has to take place before Haruki tells the MC about Sho`s obsession over him).