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A member registered Apr 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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I replied to your original comment but I will say it here too. At least on my xbox controller, braking/reversing works fine and is assigned to the left trigger while going is the right trigger.

I think this is a really good review, but I don't know what type of controller you are using because mine allows me to break and reverse just fine. I have an Xbox series X controller and the left trigger is reverse/stop and the right trigger is go. It also uses the left stick to steer and the B and A buttons to to the menus. Maybe other controllers are different though but the Xbox works fine.

Has nothing to do with the theme really but the art was okay. none of the assets seemed to fit. The music was fine. The controlls were a little stiff but it was fun to play for a few minutes

I kind of get the implementation of the theme but besides that it is amazing!

The controls were broken and I didn't really get the theme. The audio kept cutting out. Besides that, the visuals were nice.

I used click team fusion 2.5 and the HTML5 up loader is locked behind a pay wall. By next year I should be comfortable enough with Unity to use it. Thanks.

The game isn't done yet, they just wanted to get something on the page as quickly as possible.

There are no official rules on teaming. Just make sure you all don't upload the same game.