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Genix Games

A member registered Nov 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks, I know I made the controls too hard. Fun fact - while playtesting, I was struggling at my own game😜

Thank you for playing! yes the controls are hard. I wish I had time to fix it😅


Hello, thanks for playing. Yes, I thought to divide the game into levels but I wasn't able to make the level switching on time so I made a single big level(or world). The movement takes time to get the hang of, even I got frustrated when playtesting.Time is my biggest enemy so I wasn't able to add checkpoints and more narrator dialogues 😅

Absolutely loved the visuals, pretty challenging but fun. Liked the music too! Hard to think this is made for a jam :D

Its because you have only 8 dimension shifts and will reset when you collect the crystal. It is indicated by the 'Dimension Shifts Left' counter on the top right. also thanks!

(2 edits)

I added a downloadable file if the WebGL build doesn't work for some reason (edit)

You can play WebGL now as I fixed it

very fun game, add more music

Hi, I am one of the developer of this game, Please read the description of the game. If you have more doubts, make a post, we will clear it. thanks for playing, enjoy

why are you not making the game

why are you not making the game

pls reply

(2 edits)


Tell discord or friend me and also I have only 6 months of experience

And also I Don't have unity pro

And also this is my first GameJam and a Game in general

hi Alex, I am a kind of  beginner trying to step up my skills in gamedev.

I am also a programmer with some music talent and i use unity

I am pretty late but I hope we can team up :) discord : CrazyGamer@2423 #2339