lol I meant mythology , you see most people (and education systems) are only interested in Greek mythology but forget about historical Greece and yet you dont see that with the other civilizations
like I said snow in Alexandria :
Fair enough, I guess that is the best way to show the passing of time . I actually once saw a video of snow in Egypt Alexandria, so I guess if it gets to Egypt it will get to Greece
You know what I really like about your game is that it's made by a professional historian , the fact that you always try to make it as accurate as possible is really admirable. Your game made me read about historical Greece. Before that I was only interested in the methodology .
BTW thank you for always taking the time to reply
Great game when can we expect the next update
Also I wanted to add same suggest: taking the slaves back to the fortress and make them work to make money
Upgrading the car to move faster
Choice between taking money or slaves from the villages
change the looks of the MC
Ps: I know the game is still new and you probably already thought of tthose but I thought they are worth mentioning
from what I have read it's for the same reason people like femdom, humiliation , bdsm and so on it have to do weakness and not having control over your self and this means that NTR to the ultimate symbol of weakness seeing your wife/gf taken by someone else
Personally I like NTR if I'm the one doing it to someone I hate, it feels like the ultimate power move