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Great game when can we expect the next update 

Also I wanted to add same suggest: taking the slaves back to the fortress and make them work to make money 

Upgrading the car to move faster 

Choice between taking money or slaves from the villages 

change the looks of the MC

Ps: I know the game is still new and you probably already thought of tthose but I thought they are worth mentioning 

Glad to know you enjoyed the game, I'm aiming to release a new update in February.

Thanks for sharing your suggestions, I'll adress them one by one:

-I plan to add brothels for your slaves to make you money in the next updates

-In the future, I plan to expand a lot the movement and entourage system, including the ability to buy new cars and upgrades. First though  I need to focus on the core mechanics and expanding the character system. But movement already got a lot better and faster in V0.0.3, since you can move more than one hex with a click

-I'm really keen on the idea of having the option to receive money instead of a slave, it never occurred to me before. I'll add it in one of the next updates

-Yeah, having a customizable player character is high on my priority list