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Ghost Data Media
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I have no experience with Steam Workshop but I'm close to releasing my first Steam game and was / am worried whether or not Steam features were worth implementing since I have a speedrun timer for each level and a level editor (I use .ini) and have no idea how those would translate over.
Despite not having experience with Steam Workshop I did plan somewhat ahead on not implementing it. Like hosting community made levels to download on our website and having players share screenshots of their speedrun times in the Discussions tab on Steam. Still adding things like Steam Cards and a Leaderboard are enticing features I'd love to have.
Regardless I'm glad Mondrian is going strong and pivoting in a good direction for fans and players, I look forward to the upcoming updates and release on itch!
Howdy Tavian here! Cutting to the chase, I feel that in order for my company Ghost Data Media to withhold its' status as a professional game developer I'm forced to move my more experimental games / projects to another profile including Game Jam games. So a majority of games I've made will be moved here: https://tvb-games.itch.io/
Check them out and follow if you want to play some fun and intriguing games!
I've fixed most of those bugs (except the one unkillable Naruto character, That's a mystery as of now). Enemies are meant to stop in front of Waifus because they're distracted - hence why Waifus are decoys. To keep enemies from the door. But they're meant to be temporary so that they're not abused or game breaking.
As for turrets being OP I'm adding more enemies and a new type of enemy to shake things up. Expect an update in a few hours and thank you so much for playing!
This game was on my list for a while. When I finally bought it I figured I'd play it for 30 minutes to get a feel for the gameplay. I ended up playing it until I beat it! Gotta say the setting and atmosphere was more engaging than what I was expecting and I loved every moment of exploring the game. I'm about to go for a second playthrough right now!
So far I've had a lot of people look at and download my Free version of the 16 bit school asset pack: https://ghostdatamedia.itch.io/free-school-assets-pack which is great but I don't know how well it works for RPG Maker XP, MV, or Ace because I use none of these. I use Clickteam Fusion for game design and making assets.
So for those that have the time to discuss their opinion on how well it works or doesn't work in RPG Maker please let me know!
So I'm selling an asset pack here: https://ghostdataforgers.itch.io/pixel-school-assets-pack I wanted to make a game with the items I made but never got around to it. So instead of scrapping the work I decided to resale it to fund future projects of mine. The thing is I see A LOT of people are interested but not invested enough to buy it despite my best efforts to promote it. I'm stuck wondering if there's something wrong with the presentation or if no one thinks it's worth the price because it's so cheap. Any advice on how to make my product more worthwhile?
P.S. The items in the previews are not all the items available in the asset pack there's plenty more. Maybe I should list them?
I made an asset pack for the first time based off of what you'd find in a typical school. If it peaks your interests for your game or if your looking for cheap placeholders until you can make your own assets you can check it out here: https://ghostdataforgers.itch.io/pixel-school-assets-pack

So I decided to finally check out the forums in itch.io and thought I'd talk about my games. Recently I updated 2 of my games and the demo to my full game Bubble Horde.
Bubble Horde is a game with 4 game modes and an impressive soundtrack provided from my friend. It's left a good impression to those that have played it and I just updated the Graphics, User Interface, and A.I.
(Here's the demo): https://ghostdataforgers.itch.io/bubble-horde-demo-
Also my the Multiplayer Expansion has the same updated graphics and Interface + Xbox 360 controller support (You should totally grab a friend and play it)!
I hope you enjoy the games and what they have to offer leave a comment or reply. Still working on the Android port right now! Moving on to new and fun projects for 2017!
I was planning on having my game Bubble Horde on sale again for the holidays but thought it'd be more interesting to see how it does in a bundle with another developer. I'm looking to team up with another dev with a full game they're looking to sell with my game (A casual game or anything non-horror might do) just send me a link so that I can check its' quality. (It has to be up to standard to my game-no offense).
Here's a link to Bubble Horde's Demo: https://ghostdataforgers.itch.io/bubble-horde-demo-