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Giles Habibula

A member registered Sep 19, 2016

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Yeah, i would love to play these games, but that single thing keeps stopping me.

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Does this game have an invert y-axis option?

EDIT: I took a chance and bought it anyway, and am happy to report that yes, it does have an invert mouse toggle!

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Does this game have an invert y-axis option? EDIT: Nevermind. Yes it does!

Make that two!

Ah, okay. Thank you so much for that clarification!

Interesting. Would buy the superior version if it was sold here. I don't understand why you are only selling on Steam. I'm sure there must be a good reason that's just gone over my head. 

OMG! I watched Majuular's King's Field retrospective video about the series, which I had never heard of, but it looked amazing, especially King's Field II. So I went looking for a version I could play on my PC because I don't own any consoles, but I found nothing. Then I found a 4-year-old post on reddit linking to this page. I downloaded it, and I'm so happy! You even put in an Invert Y-axis option for the mouse!! I need that option to play, but most small devs never include that option, but you did, and I am so thankful to you. The game runs great and looks fantastic, and I am SO HAPPY! THANK YOU!

I love the game, but am wondering if the latest build will some day appear here. 

Does anyone know if this game has a reverse Y-axis option for the mouse?

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Hey thanks for the info! As I only buy on itch and gog these days, certainly good to know!

I'm not understanding what it is about the Steam client that you say is causing your issues. I don't use Steam, so I am totally unfamiliar with this. Is it flashing light, or what exactly? Any other sources of information about this?

Is there any way to reverse the Y-axis for the mouse? The game looks and plays amazing (I'm even running it in 4K), but I've been playing FPS games with reverse Y-axis on my mouse for 30 years now, and so it's baked into my head now. It's my own problem I know, but if there's a setting I could change anywhere, I'd be willing to try it. My mouse software won't do it. :-(

Anyway though, seriously, with a few more basic options like turning the music off and key re-binding etc., this game would be good enough that I'd pay for it. The guns sound great! And the graphics are FAR better than I expected. Keep up the fantastic work. I've been playing FPS games ever since Doom came out, and I love seeing great indie work like this!

I'm guessing that games like this get completely buried under more "popular" stuff on Steam. Here on itch, games like this can flourish and rise to the top much more easily. I buy at itch when I can to better support the dev. 

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does this game allow reverse y-axis of the mouse?

OMG I adore that tentacle "chewing-up-the-ground" effect that you've got in there! Really effective!

I bought this game here about a month ago (7-19-24) based on a gameplay video, and then completely forgot I had it. Finally noticed it when I was balancing my bank statement and installed it tonight, and OMG this is so damn fun! I was playing the entire time with a stupid grin plastered on my face. I'm not very far into it, but it runs perfectly, and I wanted to be sure and thank you for making a game like this available.

The nostalgia is strong with this one. Am I sensing a bit of Nancy Drew's influence? The art is gorgeous.

In that case, I'll be waiting for a long time! Still won't buy it on Steam though. :-)

Yeah, I'm finding myself shopping at itch a lot more the past year or so. Somehow GOG continually approves garbage, and genuinely good games get rejected quite often. I don't understand their thinking, but hopefully more people will discover itch.

The art is amazing. Really captures the atmosphere in each scene, from bright sunshine to gritty diner to nighttime creepy rain and evil subterranean settings. The detail (reflections, lighting, etc.) is superb and not often seen in this kind of artworks.

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Thanks for making a client-free and DRM-free version available here! This kind of game is right up my alley, as I'm a big fan of Algernon Blackwood, M.R. James, and Arthur Machen, along with Conan Doyle, and all those other mystery writers that explored strange occurrences. Can't wait to get into this game.

Best wishes to you man. Also happy that you and Alk3 managed to sort things out. Steam works great for people who like its features, but I'm not one of those people, so I am VERY happy that An English Haunting is available at itch with an actual downloadable installer. Normally I shop at GOG, but lately I've been spending a lot more time here just because the ethics of itch seem better than pretty much anywhere else. All my best to everyone in this thread, and let's try and enjoy this cool-looking game!

Some folks like to go around insulting other people's work. These people are everywhere, and best ignored. They make themselves feel superior by tearing other people down. And then has the balls to say, "I can sense your insecurity." When reading his post, it's clear that AssaultOnGQ is the insecure one. Never anything positive to say.

Thanks for the clarification. I will wait for it to appear here and/or GOG.

"All copies claimed! Limited number of keys Summer Of '58"

??? So I can't buy this game? Or is that just for the exclusive thing? I'm confused.

No drm-free version? I'll wait until it's here or on gog. Looks great, but plenty of other great drm-free games to play in the meantime. I'd easily pay $20 for this game. Wait, is the Steam version drm-free? Will it run without the Steam client?

Does the Invert-Y axis option actually work on this version? It is broken on the Steam version apparently.

Even though I just watched Fooster's gameplay vid on YouTube and thus feel like I've already played it, I just had to come here to buy the game, because it is far too special not to own a copy of. Also, I appreciate that Episode 2 will be mine as well, which is another great reason to buy the Founder's Edition.

I just can't believe you did this by yourself. The detail work is so amazing, it is seriously the quality of Resident Evil 7, which was created by hundreds of people! This must have taken you many years to create. And the story is so compelling that it's literally impossible to stop playing. 

I haven't been so excited by any game in a long, long time, so please keep working on it. And by the way, I much prefer to buy things on itch, so thanks for having it here. Itch is the last sanctuary of true independent game making. I know that it will also be released on Steam and Epic (hopefully GOG too) at some point, which will no doubt send this game into the stratosphere, but I want to thank you for releasing it here first. It means a lot to me, since I have no real fondness for huge companies, even though they are a necessary thing for small creators to survive.

Keep it up, Adam. I can't stress enough how my mind was blown the first time I realized that this was done by one person. You have a great eye for set design and visual beauty, and have a true understanding of what it takes to create atmosphere and the feeling of horror and dread.