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A member registered Jan 20, 2023

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Dev...when will this be finish..I'm planning on waiting for it to finish to play it in one playthrough..but the chances are lowering by the weekly updates..

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Are you sure you're not the femboy in the wed-

Also any plans for the icon? It's nothing big but would be a nice add-on

Are these all hand drawn? Because damn, impressive

They've all gone crazy because of no update...DEVS RETURN PLEASE

Hope y'all best of lucks!

I just came back to this game to check if there's any updates, no new updates yet on the game but certainly quite interesting updates down in the comments...

Quick question, since seeing the apk size I'm guessing the game is not 10% completed yet in terms of currently planned out contents on your side? Like no nsfw scenes at all or is there some but it hasn't reach the sex part yet?

(2 edits)

Damn,you're planning big on this game and I respect it, the art style is really unique and from where you're going with the updates, this game will be both good on arts AND content, prob slow on updates due to where you're aiming at but quality over quantity!

Edit: good thing you didn't plan adding a yandere into this, a yandere and a harem isn't a great pair at all, not for the girls and the guy..

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holy cow, I thought the new update was gonna be short but no, it's long asf and I'm satisfied with both the content, humor, and story telling all of this for a short amount of time! Sure you can nitpick and say the only unrealistic part is Lincoln progression with his sisters, but then again they've know each others for a long time, it's not like they've only met and Lincoln is literally a perfect brother so to speak, hell the brotherly rizz is real.

I have 1 question tho, how long do you estimate the next update will be before chapter 3 is full? Will it be within the next 3 months of summer? With the quality of the game I'd guess it'd take longer but you did pump out chapter two pretty quickly!

Thank you DMF for the amazing game! Cheers!

I waited for both 0.6 and 0.7, 20 more days until it's summertime and I can finally play this game again! For now, school it is

Guys be patient for the sex part, you gotta build up to it you know, do y'all want a quality sex game or a quick fap?

Is chapter 2 almost done yet? Great work btw! Loving it

Finally stepping into the domain of sex now huh, well stepping in not fully in, imma wait, I have the patience, after all I still have 15+ games I haven't played yet because I'm lazy

You may have forgotten me, but I've been lurking since 0.1, so glad to see it developed to this point, I'm still gonna save this up tho, I don't wanna be cliffhanged, I know you'll make a great game! Keep up!

Any difference between explore mode and fast mode? Like any story differences? 

Does this game originally have incest? I'm asking because I may have downloaded this game somewhere else..and well..yeah...

Imma wait for 0.6 to play, because of the rework on the early chapters, and reading one comment that says the early chapters have a few hiccups just makes me want to wait for the rework more, don't rush things tho! Quality over quantity, I haven't play yet but if it's like eternum, it will be a masterpiece

Can't y'all just download Zarchiver and unzip the zip? Heck android have an build in unzip too I'm pretty sure

Hmm how long is the playtime now currently? How many words it have as of now? I want to play but I don't want to be cliffhanged so yeah..

When is chapter 7 comingggg can't wait anymore

When at lori choose give her the charger directly, you'll only get 1 heart with lori tho, me is always better than strangers

Ps: Lincoln you lucky bastard

Man after playing the first chapter, now all I want to do is wait for all of it to be released to play in one go, ehhhh how long would you estimate until the full game is released? A year? Two year? I can at least wait until there's 5 chapters plus

Got it, thank you

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*finger crossed* me poor me wait 6 more days for free release XD, been saving this game up a lot now, uhh perhaps more than 6 updates I've saved up so yeah, sorry for being petty but I don't have money(let's say strict parents)

Anyways nice game! Nice storyline! Can't wait for the free release, hope y'all doing good and this is not much but I wish y'all the best of luck!

(Quick question, does updating the game apk directly work? Like does the save get ruin? I don't really mind if I have to play from the beginning again tho)

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Wooo thank you for the android vers! Just came back after a couple week to check on this game and very happy to find you managed to work on the android!

(May be a little late to the party but summer is over so yeah ty tho!)

I want to ask a couple of things

1st: the price for the full version won't change right?

2: is there any diff between free and full vers?

3: how goddamn big are your team to be making so many games at once

Fast update, good storyline, good character design and traits, fucking universal level of animations AND actually have character development for the mc, man 10/10

Hmmm will there be an dedicated Android version or are you planning on joiplay? Or none at all? This seems interesting but playing it on the PC for not so safe

Whoosh! New updates! But I'm saving this for later tho, hope you finish this game!

...why did this guy get two downvotes

Finally a redemption arc for Noriko( she was a biatch yes but eh, redemption is redemption)

If am being honest I think Micaela can easily beat Thanatos if she have a neural implant xd

I see the order here, so first new update will be 20$ and there will be 4 stages of 7 days before it becomes free, I just have to wait 14 more days until part 5 become free

Gotta say this gotta be at least on par with eternum on a production level, the animations are super good! The story is also good so far, it have tons of potential too! Thank you for making such a great game!

Also some of the bgm is pretty nice!

Holy art (literally)

Just say the name if you're afraid of using pronouns

Bro I don't know why people like ntr so much, lIke I understand if YOU want to ntr other people, but some people just like getting ntr?! Like what the hell? You like watching your girl getting f like sneako? Man.

Aren't there like...already a loli?

The two downvote are probably salty femboy supporters