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A member registered Jun 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

i tried making the stats just good enough so that pedalling feels slightly hard, during the early game.

( well you can cheese peddaling by alternating between S and D key lol )

also you pedal the bicycle to collect the bananas rather than waiting for them to fall to you. Note that runs are lasting much longer when you do put effort into collecting the bananas using the bicycle.

the jam version is slightly harder than intended but it suprisingly made the bicycle mechanic more important.

funily enough i planned to add actuall obstacles for players to jump over only for them to not make it in the jam version.

anyways glad you enjoyed the game!

Level Design could reaally use some work, cuz im only 2 levels in so far and the game already preventing me from playing while holding Space the whole time XD
Jokes aside I was able to make big jumps and skips bunch of sections, i didnt even found the unreadable jump epople was talking about here lol. This game could also really use visual indicators and props to help guide player in making decisions, you dont expect people to die  at least 10 times before clearing a jump, am i right? The game feels very cheesable if it is to be a rage game, in a good way tho, i enjoyed it!

Camera's pretty disorienting, while the paddling mechanic is pretty unique, it could have probably paired better with something else for the controls, idk, you do you. games pretty nice, i was on the wrong lane the whole time, dont tell anyone lmao

try the pc version! the web version is broken atm

Game's very fun and maybe a little too easy, i like that you add a finish line since the player will have too much energy, but i wonder if you would try making an endless track or make the stats tighter to have a good sense of difficulity

overall fun game!

it is not easy to shimmy between the cars XD, simple premise, nice execution, im not sure whats the challenge is or how you lose, but i did hit a ton of cars on my way here, nice game!

fun fact : 

since Pedalling is D and S Key, you can alternately tap to pedal even faster easily! This also counts on shooting as you can use both left and right click to shoot!

ooh magnet bonus? great idea

try clicking the logs, ill look into it just in case

Yo niceee, interesting physics, took a while to realize i have some sort of double jump. but i got thru all the levels, great first game!

i actually have a uncut version if you wanna play the game without think of voting, just check it out in my profile, i dont mind the ratngs for this jam since we have judges so yeah

you are very lucky because the multiplayer was broken when you got multiple people in, this is also an older build because ive been trying to fix it myself for god knows how long

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17 Quadrillion bugs lmao, good thing its a PROTOTYPE update

EDIT : oh thats the one they FIXED :I
i guess theres still more

i think they stated sometime ago that they are not interested in the usual rating system other engines has (Because they are not making this some sort of competitive i guess???), which explain why theres only Score there. and the actual notes count on the result screen

oh yeah i already said in discord but here i simplified my comment to your feedback in case anyone else reads this :

  • The cruiser is INTENTIONALLY clunky to be the main obstacle of the game, to deal with it as you climb the trail
  • Bad Ending Trigger in Speedrun Mode is a lil whack

same lmao, i joined it pretty earlier and only put most of the work on the last 4 days or smth

Can confirm, after 15 levels, i am practicaly invincible, and my laptop is gonna explo-

somewhat decent

  • The game runs suprisingly very poor despite how simple the game looks
  • Also maybe dont put player right next to the enemy when the game starts?
  • Idk why you choose covid-19 out of all diseases lol but hey you do you

Ooh nice submission! 

  • Probably the only submission with decent use of chatbots, the ai npcs run nicely and i guess their replies are immersive enough
  • lacking ambience and very QUIET. Thats very bad, why? The Q word is ALWAYS forbbiden in hospitals. XD
  • You are very lucky your hospital only fits one Person lol (Could have been WAYYY worse of a situation) XD
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Very Fun!

  • I wish the grabbing is a bit easier, its hard on my end at least i only got to wave 3
  • Also you could have added momentum when letting go of fish when the hand is moving fast, would make it even more chaotic and fun to just toss around fish into the water instead of grabbing and putting them down

Nice game! few things :

  • Def need balancing tweaks XD (or whatever causing this) ,  I went about 4 days of easy enemies and a lot of health from the foot drops to suddenly dying one hit on Day 5
  • My suggestion for point above would be make the combat lot faster and you heal a little less from the food and the enemies having low attack that gets stronger each day
  • Almost Topdown angle camera would have been better for this type of gameplay
  • Terrain collisions can be a little jank (going up an edge for the most part)
  • I need an incentive to went out and explore aside from the cool biomes the world generate, maybe an abandoned camp that have a big heal item (plus a way for me to know the closest point of interest in exploring)
  • i would love a text popup saying like "Day 2" since it kinda important if player didnt notice the Day counter on the bottom left

its godot... also you can customize game page Theme to decorate your page on a basic level, aka dis much.

the hitbox works a little weird, you must be dashing AS you enter the hitbox, not when youre already inside the hitbox, try moving back and forth outside the hitbox so that when you dash you enter instead of already being inside, i call this "no-hugging collision" lmfao

the ranks shows how hard the boss is if you play at the minimum money needed to unlock the level.

it gets deeper when you realize how much the canon debt is

lmao imagine putting a game at low resolution, calling it retro, then expect people to call the game bad for low resolution

check the itch page, theres a better visual

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its happens when you enter the hitbox, move out and move back in, you arent supposed to just stay still and jump (the shadows help visualling the hitbox)

Nice game! There's not much depth, especially that is is kinda my first metroidvania, but theres a good amount of content for 3 days dude nice!

Nice game overall, the minigames brings good variety, great job!

lol what can you expect from free copyright music XD, if PlusMusic worked for godot the music would have been a lot different, as for your game ill try my best ro find time to rate it, thx!

nope! i used the original artist's art pack to make this! you can also see this game showcased in the main page of the asset pack, the artist loves it!

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Hello! thanks for checking ny game out! Ive rated yours, i just forgot to leave a feedback at the time, anyways for your questions :

Bugs : All your findings are mostly browser and might be hardware/software related issues (unless you played the pc version which i didnt know any similar or related bugs for that version.)

1. there isnt much optimization, as the game is already setup to run nice on mid-to-low end devices. (noticeable by the low resolution graphics)

2. I used Godot! I made the graphics with Krita and the audio using sfx plugins and a music track on youtube.

3. Wasnt really challenging tbh, the only problem is lacking free time since i was on the middle of college prep and exam. The only thing i didnt manage to do was add random variety of the floor designs of the arena.

4. I kinda like the style of long Anime Names, With the story itself (while absent in this version lol) is just like those fantasy dungeon animes.

5. I had passion of creating things for people to play with from young age, got introduced to gamedev in primary school and self taught myself until now which i just got into college.

basically the idea is usually dungeons goes up in a tower like fashion, but the dungeon-ish design i got here is more like underground tower that decends deep down, the current version kinda acts like what would it feel like, as you keep going, down and down and further, when there actualy variety and randomization to the floors and some aesthetics tweaking it should feel like that soon.

i guess you would call it "descending the abyss, floor by floor filled with unknown monsters"

the game is fun but the ring hitboxes feels pretty unfair,  if you have an easy mode, you can def tone down the ring hitboxes

crazy movement, i flew

cewl little game, very simple!

amazing game, its very fast, the hitboxes are nice, but yh the begining part is alreayd pretty hard

simple game overall, nice!

nah i spend way more time finding myself than the spies XD
fun game