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Absolutely live and learn haha! Thank you for playing our little game though! We wish we could have made it longer as well, everyone we meet up we had to cut things from our original scope. We might come back to it with more experience and building a MegaManX style game with moree variety in magic and a level select!

This had some fun puzzles! I had to reset a couple times because I forgot which button did what. Glad we got our reward from that wizard at the end!

I appreciate the feedback! You are correct, the platform does feel a little smaller. That is due to the capsule shape on the player's hitbox, so he does slide off the side. We originally were using a square hitbox for the character so he could hang on by one pixel. Unfortunately, he kept catching on the edges of the ground, especially in that pool area right before the last cave.  When we made that hitbox change I should have gone back in and shortened the jump+dash platforming to compensate for it. 

Thank you for playing! We learned a lot, and we can't wait to make something better the next go around!