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A member registered Nov 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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Great entry. There were a few things but for the most part, very polished. 

The show stealer for this was the location specific music. Banging job on all the music. The dinner track was probably my favorite.

Over all a real solid entry. 

went back and played again, I see now what you did. Cheeky

good job

(1 edit)

Really well done. 

there were a few things I would have loved. 

The text typing effect for the story is not skippable which is fine but it types slower than I read.  All of that is fine the first time. However, not automatically skipping or having the option on the replay turned me off on taking a second stab at it. I will probably play it later as it was enjoyable.

The music was solid but also a bit repetitive. It did do well to add tension and a sense of urgency. Kudos.

I did spend the first minute trying to understand the gameplay loop clicking on everything until I found the blue button which was the last thing I clicked on. While I don't think a tutorial is required or recommended, I would suggest an arrow? or a small glow to signal "start here".  

I would have also loved to have an onscreen counter for where I was at for energy addition. Am I adding 1000/s? 2000/s?  In the end, the power curve seems to be out of reach. I don't know that the large amount of upgrades and energy is attainable but then again I did lose a minute or so at the start. I also have wrist issues so after a few minutes, I let the passive energy be the only source. 

Rough estimate from memory, but for the available upgrades at 55 upgrades, you'd have 2860 / s. At that rate you'd have to generate energy for 122 seconds or 2 minutes to reach the 350,000 required for the escape pods. 

if you don't have 55 upgrades at 12 minutes left and change you can't get the escape pod.  Is that realistic without killing my wrist? 

TLDR: While there are some quality of life things I would have liked, overall this is an excellent game and one I enjoy seeing in the genre. I do enjoy clicker games. Fantastic job for a 3 person team.  I will likely play it in the future.

Really cute. Love the inclusion of the ferret. The only bug I found was that enemy cones will set off if it catches you behind a door or wall. Other than that, really solid game.

it's missing something. It's fun for the most part. Frustrating but no sense of progression. I got to whatever level introduces the laser / key. There was some frustration with the skill curve. Raising the skill of the enemies but no apparent upgrade in abilities. That's fine but many of the enemies look the same so it takes a few tries to understand the behavior from level to level.

There is also a clear disconnect with the theme. After playing it, I read the document and the enemies spread a trail which then slowly shrinks. That interpretation feels like a huge stretch.

Also, reading the document, 52 LEVELS!!!!!! Sometimes more is just more. It's very long with no save system. Not a game I feel I could push through in one sitting without losing interest. 

Overall, it's very polished, good gameplay, excellent arcade game but it feels like you put a lot of effort into the levels and a lot of them. 

Dude Markiplier lead me here

Got to agree with bacovel, controls leave a bit to be desired. Would also suggest a bit more response on the stopping. The jump also doesn't seem high enough by itself to reach the next level. The double jump is not apparent unless you experiment.
It was also extremely jarring from a player perspective to be instantly teleported to the bottom of the screen for the next level. If the level design remains persistent, recommend not resetting the player position at all. Alternatively, if you do reset it, add a fade out fade in transition effect (make sure to pause the game elements that aren't the fader so the player doesn't take damage until it fades in.

Overall, good effort for a first release game, lots of potential

I love it. The only thing I wish is that I could name the spritesheet on export. But honestly, it's pretty sweet.

I could easily see this being a popular game in the app store on mobile.

Paint Jam 2021 community · Created a new topic discord?

Is there a discord? Will there be one?

I use BFXr - http://www.bfxr.net/

I've heard good things about Musagi for music http://www.drpetter.se/project_musagi.html

I normally use Bosca Ceoil - https://terrycavanagh.itch.io/bosca-ceoil

Good luck! :D

shrug, 1-bit art restriction with a one button theme. But like I said, I did enjoy it.

Sound certainly.  For the most part though, I didn't really know when I was shaking the battery and I wasn't clear where I could put the battery? Granted normally, that would be done with coloration highlighting the node where it goes but with black and white, that is a challenge.  That was the main thing.

So... like the other commenters, I didn't meet any enemies.  Also... not sure how it fits the theme.  Looks ok, could use a lot of polish though.

Interesting concept.  Took a second to really understand what was going on.  I enjoyed feathering the accelerator to make the bomb guys fall off.  That was fun.

Good job. Enjoyable game and the user feedback is great.  the movement mechanics is spot on for the theme and tone of the game.

Great game.  Wonderful graphics, great controls. Took a second for me to get what was going on but didn't take long.  The music/sound was great.  Amazing job.  

so... not sure why it needs internet connection. When it opened, it opened full screen and seemed to already be playing... very strange. No button seemed to affect what I was seeing on screen.

great job.  I liked the way you organized the gameplay.  Re-organizing the buttons at the top sets up a lot of potential for strategy.  Music was well executed. 

Well made.  Very difficult. nice music, good graphics, responsive controls.  Large learning curve.  Still, I appreciate it. Great game.

liked the art.  Game was well made. I enjoyed the endless runner.  It's a bit brutal at parts but I enjoyed it. Way to stay with the theme.

(1 edit)

weird game.  Interesting concept.  Not really my jam but well made.
EDIT: Also, thanks to the user that put a link to an online version.

Great job.  I really liked how this played.  

great job with the graphics.  I enjoyed it.  Reminded me of Dr. Who.

Great concept.  I really enjoyed the game play.  The level changing sound was a bit shrill though.  I also have no idea how this relates to the theme.  Fun game either way.

Great job.  Wonderful idea and execution.  Sound was great.  Would have like to have music.  The controls were spot on and overall really enjoyable.  I don't know how it relates to the theme but great job.

interesting take on a pong style game.  well done!

I enjoyed that.  The screen was a bit busy and controls were a little hard to understand.  I caught on.  however, I had no sound.  Not sure why but that's a thing.  Overall, good game.

that was interesting. I felt like I didn't have any control over the arrows or at least not enough to really be effective at guarding the bridge.  The sound was good, the art work was good.  

... I didn't get game so much as story.  I didn't get through all of it before it crashed and quit. 

Glad I'm not the only one that was confused.  I won't rehash all the other comments here.

Game is neat.  I like the concept.  The controls though feel unresponsive and frustrating.  I realize that is part of the challenge.  I would have liked to have more user feed back. 

I enjoyed it. It was dark!!!! But good game.  True to the theme and art restrictions.  Enjoyable.   

neat. Leon called it an arcade game and I'd agree.  It was fun. A bit fast paced but fun.  The controls were easy and wasn't hard to balance. Even with the speed there was still time to strategize.  The art was well made.  I'm not sure how it works with the theme of one button.  I still enjoyed it.

interesting idea.  I didn't have any sound and forced fullscreen with no options isn't great.  Seemed like you have a good sense of humor.  I didn't get to see too much, the movement combined with the level design was very wonkie.  Also, I had to ctrl-alt-del to kill it cause I couldn't find a menu :(. 

I really like the concept.  Great idea.  I would have liked more user feedback as I was tapping. Or sound? I won so there's that. Good job.

art is pretty cool.  The music is... kind of jarring.  I kept glitching into the wall.  Shrug. Didn't get to play much of it.

interesting idea.  The art style was great, interesting effects.  Controls felt a bit disconnected, little wonky but I figure part of the feel of the game given the theme and execution.  Good music too.

good music, good job, but these things come out of no where.  Pretty fast on the webversion.  Good idea, funny.  

Like downwell meets ikaruga.  Nice job.  Simple mechanic, well executed.  Good job.