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Oh My Waifu Moderator
Recent community posts
Hi, this would be very unrealistic due to the fact that we'd have to draw at least 1 unique position for every character we already have in the game. This would take years. Instead, if a waifu that's already in the game manages to win our Patreon poll a second time, we'll make a second position for this character.
There are countries where it's legal to make pornographic content of fictional minors, and there are countries where this is illegal. Due to our moral standards, we decide to age up minor characters that end up winning our character voting if they are 15 or above this. Anything below this we deem unacceptable and we won't engage in drawing them older, and disband the waifu in question.
I think it's unanimous that we get sick of the sight of a character like Anya, who is a literal toddler in her media, get sexualized this way. The same goes for making her 13 years older, simply as an excuse to make pornographic content out of her.
Also true. People and governments should focus more on real-world problems rather than online problems that have way less priority <3
Don't you think that's a bit too much to suggest at once? Since we're a 3-person team (Programmer, Designer, Socials/Marketing) then we'd be talking about a half-year journey! The creampie/x-ray vision functions wouldn't be too far-fetched, however different positionS for each waifu? That would take YEARS hahah
Hi! We chose to do this on purpose to reduce the file size of the ZIP file. While it wouldn't matter too much for the free version of the game, the paid version goes through Patreon. This is important because most people won't keep their subscription running, only paying once for it only to let it expire at the end of the month. Most people prefer to keep their ZIP file locally in case they are restricted from further access through Patreon, and then it would be convenient to have it compressed. As for the free version though, why it's done is mostly for convenience, to not have it differ too much from the paid version
Yes and no. The characters in question you'd call a minor are minors in their respective media, yes, however we aim to draw these characters slightly older in order for them to be considered the age of consent. If there is a character in our game that would be underage in their own media, you may assume that their character is slightly older in our game :)
For all future commenters: Please keep in mind that requesting a character through these comments won't help. Waifus can get chosen by the community in our #waifu-request channel once we open this up. This usually happens a few days / a week after our last announced waifu finished production. Everyone gets notified in our Discord once the channel opens up again :)
We don't have an official moment where we decide to put a new waifu in our free version. It's usually determined by whether we think it's the right time. As for the paid version, you can count on 1/2 waifus a month. Except in the case of the Quintuplets for example, where we had to work on 5 characters instead of 1