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A member registered Apr 07, 2024

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Anyway, he's Russian and you couldn't know if he's living in Russia at the moment or not

"I understand that not everyone who speaks Russian is Russian, but as far as I know, you yourself wrote that you are from Russia, so that's where this question arose from."

Я спросил его лично, и он ответил, что не живёт в рашке. 

If he lived in Russia, he would support the war without realizing it, since he would pay taxes when buying anything and these taxes would go to the government of Putin's Russia, thereby supporting the war.

"Ukrainians eager to learn more and discuss this situation with me personally can reach out on our Discord server at"

"In any case, this money will be spent in Russia and taxed, so I will support the war by donating to the developer."

"I hope my question doesn't come across as racist because I simply want to know if I'm supporting a country that has attacked mine and is killing my friends. Thank you for your attention." СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

В любом случае, мои деньги пойдут на убийство моих друзей и близких. Я считаю, это не приемлемо.

"As we can see at the moment, we cannot determine whether the game developer remains in Russia or not. Therefore, I would not advise the Ukrainian community to donate to this project because by doing so, you may potentially support the war in Ukraine. I hope that we will find out soon whether the developer lives in Russia or not, and then we can draw conclusions."

"I think the misunderstanding of the question occurred because I translate my text myself using ChatGPT, so I apologize for that. As far as I know, previously it was stated on the website that it's a Russian game, although recently this information has been removed."

"I just wanted to donate to the developer but I'm afraid the money will go towards taxes in Russia."

Are you sure that the developer is from Russia?

"I'm interested specifically in where the developer is from in order to avoid contributing to Russian taxes."

"I noticed that this game has a large Ukrainian community that wants to play it but is afraid of sponsoring the war in Ukraine with donations to the developer. As far as I know, the developer of this game is from Russia. I would like to know if my money from supporting this game will go to sponsor the Russian army, thanks to Russian taxes or in a similar way. Thanks for your understanding."