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A member registered Sep 02, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hang in there! You guys got this! ♥
But be sure to take breaks as needed, there's no need to rush. Good things are worth waiting for.
Feel free to reach out if you need some extra help with something or just someone to vent frustrations on. :)

Most likely not. I honestly haven't been playing HSR lately, so I'm just not motivated to work on it anymore and am planning on focusing on my other projects this year. Hopefully other HSR fans will pick up the torch and give us some more fanmade games in the future. :3

You're welcome! I would definitely love to see more of this! It was super cute and wholesome ♥

Such a beautiful work of art. Very impressive work! I enjoyed playing it a lot ♥

I appreciate it ♥ Hopefully it should fix the issue. If not, we'll just keep tweaking it until we figure it out. Sometimes it just requires a bit of trial and error to get all the kinks out. :3

Ah! Okay I think I figured it out (for real this time). xD I'm assuming you'd already visited all four date locations, right? The issue was that after the confession scene, it takes you back to the choose a location menu. But since you've already chosen all the locations, there was no where to pick, so it just took you to the next section in the code which just happened to be Dan Heng's confession scene.

Version 1.2.2 should fix the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience! Let me know if this wasn't the case and the problem persists or you have any more issues. And check out my walkthrough (it's in the dev logs) if you're having trouble getting that Jing Yuan ending. :3

Thanks for letting me know! Were you using the current version 1.2.1? Or was it 1.2? I know someone else reported a similar issue and I think i might've fixed it, but if it's still happening I'll take another look at it.

This can probably explain a graphics card better than I can: 

I'm honestly not all that tech savvy, I just know whenever I have an issue with graphics, the first thing to check is if the graphics card driver needs an update. Regardless I'm pretty sure it's a compatibility issue with your computer as opposed to a bug or something I can fix on my end. I've tested it both on my computer and my fiance's and they both display the sprites just fine. Sorry I can't be of more help ^_^;

Interesting. Have you tried updating your graphics card driver?

No sorry. I've never done an android port before, so I wouldn't know how. ^^;

Tragic and heartfelt. Completely relatable to anyone who has lost someone they cared about unexpectedly. A lovely dedication ♥ My condolences about your friend.

I uploaded what I suspected might have been causing the problem, so you can try the new version and see if that fixes the issue. If not, just let me know which scene you're getting stuck on and what ending you're trying to get, so I have better idea of what I need to look for. :3

I might have figured out the problem, but I want to playtest it myself before uploading. Would you mind telling me who's confession scene you were getting stuck on? Also were you trying to get the poly relationship or not?

Interesting ... I'll try to look into this and let you know when I've figured out the issue. Thanks for letting me know!

Thank you for the kind words ♥ Glad you're enjoying it. ^_^

Thank you! ♥ I'm probably going to need the good luck. My HSR luck has never been that great and usually have to grind my butt off until I hit pity. xD I still love it anyway though ~ ♥

My pleasure! ♥

Aww thanks ^///^ ♥

Aww, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy them! ^_^ ♥

Oh nice! :D I'd love to see another hsr dating sim! ♥ And thank you! I'm sure yours will be fun as well. :3

This was so cute and wholesome I loved it! Oliver is such a sweetheart, I'm rooting for him! ♥

Fun characters, intriguing mystery elements, with a well balanced blend of comedy and drama. Nicely done ~ ^_^

Aww, thank you so much for the kind words, this comment made my day! ^///^ ♥ You completely nailed the vibes I was going for. I'm glad you enjoyed it and were able to make a connection with Igy. I try my best to make my characters and relationships as authentic as possible in terms of emotion, personality, and identities, so it warms my heart to hear that others are able to relate to them on various levels. I'm hoping I can finish tying up the loose ends of their story by the end of the year. Regardless, I've really been enjoying writing these characters and their love stories. They will always hold a special place in my heart ~ ♥

Charming little story. Such a beautiful character relationship. Sincerely enjoyed the experience and would love to see more like it ~ ♥

I teared up twice: Once while playing and again while editing the video. Loved it ~ ♥

Aww, awesome! I'm glad you enjoyed them. ♥ I'm hoping to finish the next chapter for Dragon Roommates before the end of the year ~ ^_^

I do love my polyships (specifically polyfidelities) and agree 100% there needs to be more representation out there ~ ♥
I am glad you appreciate them hehe ~ ^_^
I'm focusing on other projects atm, but am really looking forward to continuing this series as well!
I'll probably release next chapter sometime in 2025. Hope you'll look forward to it ~ :3

This was amazing! Lovable characters I want to root for. I'm looking forward to seeing the full version in the future and seeing how this story ends ♥

An interesting experience and well executed mystery that got my wheels turning, loved it ~ ♥

I finished playing and here's my honest thoughts ~

Definitely an interesting concept! But it certainly could use some polish.

While I know the second half is probably considered "more important" than the first half, I honestly enjoyed the slice of life aspects more than the second. I enjoyed the relatability of friends going to school, just hanging out, and being kids. It has a very nostalgic appeal. Even if the children did sound older than first graders (I imagined them more as preteens honestly), I still was able to get a good sense of their personalities and I found their relationships to be entertaining. It was a pleasure getting to know them.

However the second half ... It was definitely more "tell" than "show". I found it odd that Misha was just talking to himself the entire time. I might have enjoyed it more had Petya and Kesha been there with him, so he'd have someone to talk to. We'd get more of the character interaction as opposed to just Misha narrating his thoughts/feelings. And then it also started to break the fourth wall and was literally "talking at the player" in the form of lectures and trolling ... which I get what it's trying to do, but I just didn't find it all that interesting and entertaining honestly.

That's more just my personal preference though. Now in regards to my overall thoughts ...

In terms of the positive, I like the unique art style. And especially the composition of the scenery. Like I said I enjoyed the characters, I felt like we got a good grasp of their individual personalities. I enjoyed some of the point and click aspects, I honestly wish there was more of that.

My biggest constructive criticism is that the writing definitely needs more polish. Even ignoring the obvious issue of things getting lost in translation ... The pacing was a little slow even for a slice of life, because there was a lot of "Hmm ..." "Umm ..."s accompanied with short choppy sentences that felt like they were only there to take up space. As a result it became really repetitive and tedious to read. Remember when you're writing that every sentence needs to be done with purpose. Whether it's to present the reader with new information, create a sense of personality and character depth, or move the story forward. I feel all of this was present, but the reader has to manually sift through the useful bits of dialogue/narration from the lines that are just there to fill space and aren't really doing anything on their own.

If you don't polish it, readers (aside from those you ask to play/for their opinions such as myself) may not be immersed and invested enough in the story to get to that surprise twist ending. Which is, I assume, the main goal.

So my advice would be, if you're looking to improve, definitely go over the lines of narration/dialogue and sort out what moves the story forward and what is there to just to fill space: repeating information the reader is already aware of or doesn't really need to know in order to get a grasp of the bigger picture. As one will hook your readers, the others may cause them to lose interest before they can get to the punchline. I don't think think this story needs to be as long and lecture-heavy as it was to get the point across. Had the treasures been sifted out of the clutter, this story could have easily been cut in half without losing any essential storytelling aspects.

Though like I said, from a personal perspective, I would've liked the story more without with the twist ending. I think the slice of life elements were better executed as they were shown to us, not just told in the form of long-winded monologues and lectures.

(1 edit)

An endearing little tale. I enjoyed playing. Definitely gave me a lot to think about! :3

I honestly was going to have them be separate originally, but I loved writing polyamorous relationships from my other vn Dragon Roommates so much, I decided to throw one in here. Because why not? xD These two made the most sense to me and they are fun to write, especially when they're together. I'm glad you appreciate them. hehe ~ ♥

My pleasure ~ ♥ ^_^

Ah, that makes sense! I honestly had no idea this was a side story of another project. Thank you for clarifying that! ^_^
It does sound very interesting though. :3

(1 edit)

Wonderful characters and fascinating story with an impressive amount of depth! I loved it ~ ♥

This was very interesting concept. I enjoyed it. ^_^

(1 edit)

Close! But not quite accurate. I'll make a proper walkthrough in a devlog though it's really quite simple really. I wanted to keep this one straightforward and didn't want people to struggle figuring out how to get the ending they wanted. :3

I will keep that in mind! I'm still newish to the programming aspect of vn making, but I might be able to implement something simple like the three stars (or maybe hearts ♥) idea. Thanks for the input! I'm glad you enjoyed it  ^_^

Some excellent insights! I'm glad to see you're enjoying the game so far ~ ^_^
Thanks for pointing that out! I'll be sure to look into it and fix it for the next update :3

Indeed! I do enjoy some courtly drama ~ ;)
Thank you for the kind words! ♥ I hope you enjoy it. ^_^

Daww ^///^ Thank you for the kind and encouraging words ~ ♥