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Chalo Rivas

A member registered Jul 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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thank you for playing it! 

I'm glad you liked it! :D

Thanks for playing and sharing my game! It was really fun to watch you play :D 

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I'm glad you liked it! thanks for checking it out :D

Thanks! I'm really glad you liked it :D

Thanks! :D

Thanks! I'm gald you enjoyed it! :D

It's ok, a really appreciate the help :) at least the game is a submission again :D 

Thank you!


Hi guys, I just opened Itch to see the voting results and while I was in my submission page instead of clicking  "go to game main page" I clicked  "delete submission" and in a rush continued with the process, now  I have no game here :(. Is there a way to reupload it or revert the process? I don't care about the rating, what makes me sad is that I made the game for this jam and also most likely lost all the comments, suggestions  and feedback from the community  and now I can't see them anymore :(.  

please help

this is my game:

Really nice metroidvania game! That boss is insane jajaja

This was weirdly fun jajajaja nice music and    gameplay!

Really nice game! the little guys made me laugh when they ran away screaming , the graphics are nice, specially the animations, the gameplay is nice as well 👌

Nice game! I like the atack animation, is really cool 👌

Thanks for letting me know, I've been having trouble with the bomb timers for some unknown reason. I'm going to check it out

This game is really cool, music, aesthetics, I love it!

Oh ok ok I gety it now, I'm going to see if I can get to the boss then

I wasn't able, the time I got the farther  was because of a powerup that let me shoot two big bullets for a long period of time, since the other powerups  have a short use time

Nice game! I really liked  the powerups and the enemy variety . The story at the beginning was nice in order to set   the player's purpose in game!

jajaja yeah I think this game jam has been really challenging but really really fun 

Bro, that's AMAZING! you have no idea how happy I am right now jajajaja.

I'm really really glad you liked the art style. Thanks for the tribute! 🔥🔥🔥

Nice take on tetris! the twists  took me by surprise , it was fun   :D

Thanks for playing it! I'm glad you liked it :D

Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed it :D