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A member registered Apr 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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shut the fuck up dude no one cares

both times the leaderboards were cleared were because of an update.

if you update your game to the latest version the leaderboards will still be there!

we'll get there someday!

lol that would be awesome

I'll for sure be updating this game!

thank you so much! :)

Thank you! Maybe next time

If you play the game through here, don't rate it on the game jam! That would be against the rules, just play it if you want for fun

This is outside of the jam tho, I don't want people to rate the game here, I just want them to play it

Game doesn't work on WebGL. If you wanna play it you need to download it here:

(1 edit)

Game doesn't work on WebGL, but if you wanna play it outside of the jam you can do it here:

But if you do don't rate it here! I didn't manage to upload the game in time for the jam and that's okay, that link is just if you want to play it for fun

I'll try that, thanks!

yeah... I don't know what I did wrong :(

I can't believe this isn't working

Thanks for playing!

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Pretty fun! I like the post processing fx, the only problem i think, is that when you touch the other cube it keeps sliding in that direction, but aside from that i really dig it

Actually i've already rated your game! I'll leave a comment too

yeah the difficulty curve is kinda wack, thanks for playing tho!

Thank you!

Thanks a lot!

I'm seeing a lot of people asking for ratings here so i'll do it too
Rate Double Boy by Vinicius Bonifacio

(1 edit)

Wow! Thanks!

Wow! Thanks!

Pretty good! I just wish i could move a lil faster

Very good idea! I just think the movement was a little too floaty


Really good idea! Very good game! My only problem is that the controls feel way too slidey, causing a bunch of deaths because i couldn't stop on time. 

Wow! Thanks a lot for the kind words, you're so nice!
Actually, we are planning on working more on this and releasing it eventually.

Hi, sorry! Should have been more clear about this. The magma cube allows you to jump higher when you step on it as a block. You're supposed to put the dirt cube on top of the spikes, then self destruct as the magma cube on top. Then you can make the jump.

You move with the arrow keys and jump with spacebar
Pressing "A" opens up the character selection menu
Holding "S" self destructs
Holding "D" retrieves the blocks
And once you get to the cloud block, you can hold "W" to move it

The signs in the game were supposed to tell you this, something must have gone wrong with them

Glad you found it pleasant!
You were supposed to put the pink cube in the middle of the hole then jump on it to get to the other side. But the ending was sou rushed we didn't have time for playtesting, so we didn't realise you could just make the jump without it.




I did have a teammate, he made the art! But I (programmer) also focused too much on making the visuals work and not enough on making good gameplay and levels! Oh well... Lesson learned for my next jams tho!

I did! But then the walls were too slide-y so I made the gravity weaker when you're touching a wall, but too much so it feels like everything is glazed in honey

Yeah that's fair. We kinda made the visuals work just right and pushed everything else to the end of the jam, which we shouldn't have done.

Thanks! This was kind of a race against the clock, so I didn't manage to get back and fix a lot of the totally fixable bugs I know were there. I won't make the same mistake on my next jams!